Framework Contract – JLS/2008/A5/001 Lot 2 “Websites, web content management systems and other computer services”
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Natura 2000 SDF Manager Tool
Installation Guide and User Manual
European Environment Agency
This document includes a guide for the usage of the Nature 2000 SDF Manager Tool.
Ver / Date / Author / Description /
0.1 / 21/11/2011 / Alberto Telletxea
/ First version
1.1 / 14/12/2011 / Alberto Telletxea
/ Version revised after the Work Shop held in Copenhaguen
1.2 / 27/02/2012 / Alberto Telletxea
/ Extended for the upgrade of the software version 2.0
2.0 / 19/03/2012 / Alberto Telletxea

Jérôme Bailly Maitre
/ Version revised for the final release

Date 16/05/2012 SDF Manager Tool Installation Guide and User Manual_2.0.doc

Version 2.0 Page 2 of 19

Natura 2000 SDF Manager Tool Manual

1 Introduction 3


2.1 Prerequisites 4

2.1.1 Java Version 4

2.1.2 .NET Framework 4

2.1.3 MYSQL database 4


2.2 Run the Manager Tool 7

3 SOFTWARE requirements 9

3.1 Access versions 9

3.2 Specifications for the directory name of the tool 9

4 User Manual 9

4.1 Manage SDFs: 9

4.1.1 Filter: 10

4.1.2 Edit a site: 11

4.1.3 Delete or duplicate site: 14

4.2 Import SDFs: 15

4.3 Export SDFs: 17

4.4 Perform checks QA/QC: 19

1  Introduction

The present manual describes the functionality of the Natura 2000 Manager Tool. This tool is meant to report Natura 2000 site descriptive data to the European Commission.

The tool will support the following main functionality:

·  Manage SDFs (Standard Data Form): Allow users to edit already imported sites and create new sites based on the new SDFschema published at:

·  Import SDFs: Allow users to import in the application SDFs for future editing from the following formats:

o  Old Access Database schema

o  New Database Schema

o  New XML schema

·  Export SDFs: Allow users to export one or many SDFs edited inside the tool to the following formats:

o  Old Access Database schema

o  New Database Schema

o  New XML schema

·  Perform Checks: Allow users to perform a quality assurance on the content of the sites imported in the tool (e.g. Use of unknown species name).


These are the steps to follow for the installation of the new SDF Manager Tool. Basically, these steps refer to the prerequisites to be installed previous the execution of the tool. Once all these prerequisites have been accomplished and the tool is launched properly; these mentioned prerequisites will not need to be installed again.

These prerequisites are three software products:

·  JAVA SDK (it has to be downloaded from the ORACLE official web site)

·  .Net Framework 4.0 (it has to be downloaded from the Microsoft official web site)

·  MySQL (this software can be downloaded from the Natura 2000 Reference Portal -, folder

All these steps are for users using computers which do not have MySQL and Java installed. If you do not have these tools installed, please follow the complete set of instructions below.

2.1  Prerequisites

2.1.1  Java Version

As we are dealing with a Java application, in order to make it work, it is necessary to install the Java SDK.

The JDK includes tools useful for execution of tools written in the Java programming language and running on the JavaTM platform as the case of the Natura 2000 Manager Tool.

The Java version to be installed is the jdk 1.6.0 or higher, it can be downloaded from the Oracle Sun homepage: The user only has to select the Windows version and follow the available deployment instructions.

Windows x86 Offline / 16.12 MB / jre-6u29-windows-i586.exe

Note: Users already using this version of Java SDK, please skip this step.

2.1.2  .NET Framework

The relational database in which the information will be stored is MySQL. Previous to the deployment of this Database, it is mandatory to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4, available at:

2.1.3  MYSQL database

MySQL is an open source relational database used for the SDF Manager Tool.

The installation package for MySQL is made available in the Natura 2000 Reference Portal (folder In addition, a MySQL user manual (How_to_MySQL.doc) details steps to install/update/delete MySQL.

The steps to follow are:

·  Open the file, availables in the Reference Portal

·  Double click mysql-installer-;

·  Follow the given installation instructions (a detailed explanations is given in How_to_MySQL.doc);

·  The root user will be asked for a password in order to be able to start the Import Tool.

Note: Users already using this version of MySQL can skip the installation process.


The SDF Import Tool allows to be run against a MySQL database installed locally in the same machine where the tool is executed or against a MySQL database installed remotely in another database server.  Local database set up:

Once the MySQL database has been installed locally, the user must inform the SDF Manager Tool application of the user and password used for the DataBase. In order to do so:

·  Go to SDF_Manager_Tool_19_03_2012(v2)/database directory of the tool.

·  Edit the file “”.

·  This file has two sections:



·  By removing the symbol #, uncomment the parameters for “LOCAL MYSQL” section and keep commented (keeping the symbol #) the parameters for the “REMOTE MYSQL” section, and edit the parameters as you have set for the local installation:

o  host: localhost

o  port: 3306 (this is the default port used by MySQL)

o  user=XXXX

o  password=XXX

See the capture below.  Remote database set up:

In case you have in your organization a dedicated database server with MySQL, you can use it also for the SDF Manager Tool. In order to do so:

·  Go to SDF_Manager_Tool_19_03_2012(v2)/database directory of the tool.

·  Edit the file “”.

·  This file has two sections:



·  Uncomment the parameters for “REMOTE MYSQL” section and keep commented the parameters for the “LOCAL MYSQL” section, and edit the parameters as your database administrator have set for the remote installation:

o  host: XXXX

o  port: 3306 (this is the default port used by MySQL)

o  user=XXXX

o  password=XXX

See the capture below.

E.g. for Windows: the host adress (IP adress) can be found as following:

o  on the server, go to Start, then click on Run

o  write: cmd

o  write: ipconfig /all

See the captures below, the last one showing the host adress (IP adress)

2.2  Run the Manager Tool

If you have already installed the tool you will need to DROP the SCHEMA from MySQL for the Natura2000 DB. A screen shot with this operation is shown below.

Please NOTE, that this will delete all data from the mySQL database. It is recommended to export the data before droping the SCHEMA from MySQL (see the section 4.2 page 17)

There are two ways to drop down the schema

o  remote version: from a SQL queryby writting: drop database `natura2000`, then execute the query

o  local version: from MySQL Workbench, see the capture below

Enter your password

Once having followed the previous steps, simply double clicking SDF_Manager.jar will start the Import Tool.

3  SOFTWARE requirements

3.1  Access versions

The software only supports the following Microsoft Access versions:

·  2003

·  2007

·  2010

3.2  Specifications for the directory name of the tool

There cannot be any spaces in the name of the directory of the tool.

4  User Manual

4.1  Manage SDFs:

The user will use this area of the application to create new SDFs or modify already imported SDFs.

4.1.1  Filter:

This capability allows users to search by different filter types inside the different sites that have been already imported in the application. These are the filters that can be used in the application:

  1. General:

·  By SiteType

·  By SiteCode

·  By SiteName

  1. Geography:

·  By Region

·  By Bioregion

·  By Area by Hectares

·  By Marine Area by Hectares

  1. Dates:

·  By Date Site Classified as SPA

·  By Date Site Proposed as SCI

·  By Date Site Confirmed as SCI

·  By Date Site Designated as SAC

  1. Species:

·  By Species Name

·  By Species Group

·  By Other Species Name

·  By Other Species Group

·  By Sensitive Species (YES or NO)

  1. Habitats:

·  By Habitats Name

·  By Habitats Class

This capture shows the window to apply filters for the searching of sites.

Keep in mind that you have to “Reset Filter” to go back to the original situation where all of the sites imported were shown in the list.

4.1.2  Edit a site:

The editor will allow user to create a new site and fullfil all the data associated for that site through the different forms and also modify an existing one.

The different forms for the completion of the data are aligned with the new Natura 2000 SDF XML schema. All this ancillary information is documented at the Natura 2000 Reference Portal:

The capture below shows the buttons to create a new SDF or for editing an existing one.

When user click on “New”, a window will appear to assign a Sitecode (9 characters code).

Afterwords, the user will go through the different sections that the SDF proposes:

·  Site identification

·  Location

·  Ecological info

·  Description

·  Protection status

·  Management

·  Maps

The user will be able to do certain operations during the edition process:

  1. View the site in the SDF Print form (by clicking in “View”) or generate a PDF. The print form will be shown in a web browser:

The tool supports the following browsers:

·  Chrome (any version)

·  Internet Explorer 7 or higher

·  FireFox 3.6 or higher

  1. Validate the site being edited against the schema (by clicking in “Edit”). The users will be informed through a log of the different errors of the data edited against the schema.
  2. Save (by clicking in “Save”). This will save the data edited in the local database. The user can go back to the site later if the action save has been executed.
  3. Export (by clicking in “Export”). The user can export a single site to the new SDF XML format in the hard drive of the computer used.

4.1.3  Delete or duplicate site:

The user will be allowed to:

·  delete a single site or multiple sites

·  duplicate a site

This functionality allows the user to manage better the list of sites that she/he wants finally to export.

4.2  Import SDFs:

The user will be able to import in the tool existing SDFs in other formats. The import process will store the data in the local database of the application, allowing the user to edit the imported data inside the tool.

The import formats that the tool allows are:

·  XML (following New SDF schema)

·  MS Access DB (old template)

·  MS Access DB (new template)

The user will be allowed to browse in her/his local directories and select the file to import. Besides, the user will set up the encoding system for the import.

Note: We recommend the use of “ISO-8859-1” for MS Access DB and “UTF-8” for XMLs. For MS with linguistic characters (e.g. SK, HU, etc), they should try with “ISO-8859-2” and “UTF-8”.

During the import process, system informs at every moment about the site processing.

An information message is displayed when import process finishes successfully.

See the capture below with these settings.

4.3  Export SDFs:

The user will be able to export from the tool the imported/edited SDFs. The export process will create a file and store it in the local hard drive of the computer.

The export formats that the tool allows are:

·  XML (following New SDF schema)

·  MS Access DB (new template)

See the capture with interface of the export functionality.

The tool will validate first the different SDFs to be exported against the XML schema. All the errors encountered will be notified to the user through a log file.

4.4  Perform checks QA/QC:

The user will be able to check the consistency of the conten of the data by checking the data edited in the tool based on several statements (e.g. unknown species name used). The user can fix the issues encountered later with the tool editor.

See the capture below:

Date 16/05/2012 SDF Manager Tool Installation Guide and User Manual_2.0.doc

Version 2.0 Page 2 of 19