Coppinville Jr. High School
Lesson Plans: January 22-26, 2018
Teacher: Cheryl L. Harper
Course: Adv ELA Block 1,2,3
Monday, January 22
COS: RI7.6, RI7.1, RL7.3
Daily Objective: ( I can)
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text
Bell Ringer: TSW complete the Daily Language Review
Before/Engage: TSW complete vocabulary cards for 3rd 9wks: amiable, malicious, abhorrence, traipse, shroud, echelon, illustrious, hiatus, vehement, ponderous.
During/Explain: Introduce The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. TSW use the chromebooks to research terms related to the novel and share with peers (whole group).
After/Evaluate: TSW discuss the depictions/personifications of the novel’s narrator “Death”.
Tuesday, January 23
COS: RI7.6, RL7.1, RL7.3
Daily Objective: ( I can)
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact.
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.
Bell Ringer: TSW complete the Daily Language Review
Before/Engage: TSW continue vocabulary cards.
During/Explain: TSW read the Prologue of The Book Thief ( whole group)
After/Evaluate: TSW discuss the Prologue and begin reading Part One “The Grave Digger’s Handbook”
Wednesday, January 24
COS: Rl7.1, Rl7.4, L7.6
Daily Objective: ( I can)
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact.
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.
Bell Ringer: TSW complete the Daily Language Review
Before/Engage: TSW finish vocabulary cards.
During/Explain: TSW review the Prologue and Part One
After/Evaluate: Continue reading Part One
Thursday, January 25
COS: RL7.10 RL7.4, L7.6
Daily Objective: ( I can)
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings
Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain- specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the Grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Bell Ringer: TSW complete the Daily Language Review
Before/Engage: Vocabulary Cards will be checked
During/Explain: Review vocabulary terms; Continue reading Part One
After/Evaluate: TSW visit the media center to check out/renew library books
Friday, January 26
COS: RL7.1, RL7.4
Daily Objective: ( I can)
Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings
Bell Ringer: TSW complete/ turn in Daily Language Review for this week
Before/Engage: TSW study briefly for the vocabulary quiz
During/Explain: Complete Vocabulary Quiz
After/Evaluate: Finish reading Part One.