Ethan Frome

Chapter Two

  1. Who tries to convince Mattie to allow him to give her a ride home?


When Frome hears their conversation, why doesn’t he come forward out of the blackness to tell her he is there to escort her home?

  1. As they begin their walk home, what do Frome and Mattie agree to do tomorrow evening and on what condition?

What does Mattie tell Frome concerning another couple and their adventure earlier that evening? Who is the couple?

What literary device might this information serve as?

What literary device does the couple serve as? Explain.

  1. What does Mattie mean when she says, “They’re so happy”?

Why does her tone when she makes this comment excite Frome?

  1. Why does Frome bring up the topic of Mattie taking the extra steps to Eady’s ride and then the idea that folk say she should be leaving them (he and Zeena)?

What is her reply?

  1. What does Frome think about when he sees his family’s tombstones?

How has Mattie’s presence changed his outlook?

What does he secretly think/hope about her staying and the dead?

  1. Why is the missing door key significant?
  1. Why does Frome not want to go upstairs to bed at the same time Zeena and Mattie do?

What does it say about his and Zeena’s relationship when he does?

8. How are Mattie and Zeena contrasted physically?

9. Explain the significance of the following quote: “His glance crossed Mattie’s and he fancied

that a fugitive warning gleamed through her lashes.” (p.41)


obscurity p.31

discern p.31
incredulous p.32
irresolute(ly) p.32
indignation p.37
repugnant p.41

Sentence Completion

  1. A person in Ethan Frome’s position probably feels ______as to how to get out of a miserable situation.
  1. The young child’s table manners were ______to the elderly woman sitting across the table.
  1. By watching the victim’s facial expressions, I was able to ______that he was not telling the truth.
  1. For no good reason, a racist person possesses a strong ______for other people’s cultures.
  1. The ______of night often makes it difficult for young children to sleep soundly.
  1. With an ______look on his face, the police officer took the boy’s report that an alien pushed his car in to the car in front of him.

Chapter 2

Extra Vocabulary Practice

Directions: Use each word from the word bank twice to complete the following sentences.



  1. The ______my mother has for my dog is strong enough that she will not even come to my house unless I promise to put him outdoors.
  1. Even though Jess did not tell me anything was bothering her, I was able to ______that something truly was her body language.
  1. The ______of the pathway made it extremely difficult for the lost children to find their way out of the woods.
  1. The coach’s ______attitude and remarks towards the referee during the basketball game was enough to get him dismissed from the court.
  1. Jenny was so frustrated with her boyfriend’s chaotic behavior that she became ______as to how to help him.
  1. With no where left to run, the criminal on the loose became ______and turned himself in.
  1. Although the math problem was difficult, Adam was able to ______a formula to configure a solution.
  1. Most high school students consider the language of William Shakespeare nothing but a(n) ______compared to modern-day English.
  1. The doctors were ______about curing the patient’s illness.
  1. Having been part of an era when table manners were the social norm, my great-grandmother withholds much ______over my younger brother’s rude outbursts and ignorant comments at the dinner table.
  1. The teenager’s ______behavior at the retirement home was extremely offensive to the residents.
  1. Mother was very much ______about my excuse for coming home past curfew.