
Игра “Who Stole the Egg?”

Class: Who stole the egg from the Easter basket?

Teacher: (Ann) stole the egg from the Easter basket?

Ann: Who me?

Class: Yes you!

Ann: Couldn’t be!

Class: Then who?

Ann: (Tommy) stole the egg from the Easter basket?

Tommy: Who me?

Class: Yes you!

Tommy: Couldn’t be!

Class: Then who?

Кукольныйтеатр “A Present for Granny”

Narrator: Many people don’t believe in the Easter Bunny. But I do.

I think he is about the same height as you with long pointed ears. He wears pants as bright as the eggs in his basket. And he’s very brave – in fact, he travels alone all through the countryside.

I’d like to tell you a story about the Easter Bunny, if you don’t mind. Well, Easter was coming soon. And the rabbit wanted an egg for his grandmother.

Rabbit:Hummingbird, do you lay Easter eggs?

Hummingbird:No, little rabbit, I lay white hummingbird eggs.

Rabbit:Robin, do you lay Easter eggs?

Robin: No, little Rabbit. I lay blue robin eggs.

Rabbit:Sparrow, do you lay Easter eggs?

Sparrow:No, little rabbit. I lay spotted sparrow eggs.

Rabbit:Then who lays Easter eggs?

Raven:Not me!”

Swallow: Not me!”

Swan: And not me!”

Narrator: Rabbit didn’t know what to do. So he sat down to think.

Rabbit:Maybe chickens lay Easter eggs. I’ll walk to the barnyard and ask.”

Rabbit:Chickens, do you lay Easter eggs?

Chickens:“We lay lots of eggs but we do not think they are Easter eggs.”

Rabbit:Let me look at them. They are perfectly plain and perfectly white. I like them. Will you give me the biggest, the whitest and the smoothest egg, please?

Chickens:Here you are.

Rabbit:Thanks a lot.

Narrator:Bunny took the egg home and coloured it for his grandmother. He put the egg into his basket and started for his grandmother’s house.

A fox saw him running through the wood.

Fox:I haven’t eaten for a week. A rabbit would make me very happy indeed.

Narrator:But just in time the fox saw it was the Easter Bunny.

Fox:Sorry to have troubled you.

Narrator:Then a watchdog was ready to attack him.

Watchdog:I don’t want anyone to wander onto my farm Grrrrrr!

Narrator:But once he saw it was the Easter Bunny, the dog just wagged his tail.

Watchdog: Morning, Bunny! Remember me to your Granny.


Narrator: At last he is at his grandmother’s house.


Grandma: “Who’s that? Come in.”

Rabbit: Happy Easter, Grandma! Here is a present for you.

Grandma: How perfect the egg is! Thank you, dear. Happy Easter!

Narrator: If you get up early on Easter morning, look out of the window. You just may see him hiding eggs and presents for you. That is if you believe in him. I do.