Judging Criteria for Whole crop and maize silage competition

(Guidance only)

Silage Inspection
Chop Length / (5)
Freedom from contamination / (5)
Aerobic deterioration / (5)
Silage production utilisation / (20)
Cover method / (5)
Sheeting and Holding method / (5)
Bird control / (5)
Shoulder sealing / (5)
Face Management
Width / (5)
Face / (5)
Loose crop on the ground / (5)
Vermin Control / (5)
Silage analysis / (25)
TOTAL / (100)

The Ulster Grassland Society, Maize and Alternative Forages Group, is pleased to be inviting entries from all UGS members for the annual Maize silage competition and Whole Crop Cereal Silage competition, kindly been sponsored by the Northern Bank. Prize money of £100 is available to the winner in each section, with a further £50 prize for highly commended. The competitions were well supported last year, and we hope that we will receive a good number of entries for this year.

The first round of the competition will be completed on the analysis of the crop, and those who are successful at reaching the secondround will be notified prior to a visit by our judges. A copy of the judging criteria for the second round is on the reserve of the entry form and should give some guidance. It is hoped to commence the second round of judging in mid December and so pits should be open for inspection by this time. Participants wishing to enter either competition should return the entry form enclosed, and a full photocopy of their analysis (including average values from the lab which carried out the analysis) by Friday 3rd December 2010 to Gordon Campbell, the group secretary. Last years winners are unable to enter this year.

We are very alert to the continuing need for animal and health precautions in the Province regarding Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. All judges will be taking measures to disinfect boots etc before coming on farms. Anyone who is restricted in any way by animal disease will not be able to be visited by our judges.

If you have any further queries regarding the competitions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (Tel: 028 276 69419 or (M) 07764492338).

Thanking you in anticipation and good luck to all who enter.

Yours faithfully,


Maize & Alternative Forages Group Secretary

Ulster Grassland Society, Maize & Alternative Forages Group

Northern Bank Maize & Whole Crop Cereal Silage Competitions 2010/2011





I wish to enter:Maize silage competition (please tick) Whole crop cereal comp. (please tick)

(Note: Whole crop cereal is considered to be a cereal crop harvested with a forage harvester and ensiled)

Please forward your entry, along with a full copy of your silage analysis to:

Gordon Campbell

38 Burnquarter Road


Co. Antrim

BT53 7DL

To arrive not later than Friday 3rd December 2010