December Registration and Payment Form
All fields must be completed for a successful booking.
Enrolments Close Friday December 14th 2012
1. Child 1 Details
Child’s Full Name: ______Age: _____ Sex (circle): Male Female
Child’s School: ______Is this their first ECU Kids Holiday Program? YES NO
Child 2 Details
Child’s Full Name: ______Age: _____ Sex (circle): Male Female
Child’s School: ______Is this their first ECU Kids Holiday Program? YES NO
2. Parent / Guardian Details
Parent Full Name:______Address: ______Suburb: ______Postcode: ______Phone: (home)______(mobile)______Email:______@______
3. Emergency Contact Details (Secondary)
Full Name:______(mobile)______(Relationship to Child)______
4. Childs Attendance (mark with an X) Joondalup Mount Lawley
8-12PM 12-5PM
CHILD / 1 2 / 1 2 1 2
MONDAY 17th December / No Kids Holiday Program On Today
18th December / No Kids Holiday Program On Today
19th December
20th December
21st December
5. Prices Number of days TOTAL $
FULL DAY / $40 / ChildHALF DAY / $25 / Child
6. Medical Condition
Medical Conditions :______( please specify)
Should your child suffer from any medical condition, please complete a medical form (download from website), & discuss with Kids Holiday Program supervisor each day you drop your child off.
Custody information
Is there any custodial information or any Family Court orders affecting custody of, or access to the child?
No Yes If yes, please give details and provide a copy of the court order:______
7. Terms and Conditions
A. Edith Cowan University (ECU) and its employees, agents or contractors shall not be liable in negligence for any loss, damage or harm suffered by participants in the ECU Kids Holiday Program (including, without limitation, theft or damage to personal property, personal injury or death).
B. You warrant that ECU has informed you of the activities that make up the ECU Kids Holiday Program and that they are suitable for your child to participate in.
C. In the event of a medical emergency involving your child, ECU will seek all necessary medical assistance. You will indemnify ECU against any costs ECU might incur in seeking such medical assistance.
D. ECU Kids Holiday Program Staff have the right to confiscate any electronic devices which can be collected by the parents at the end of the day.
E. ECU reserves the right to remove any child from the ECU Kids Holiday Program where the child’s behaviour is, in the opinion of ECU, seriously disruptive or inappropriate.
I have completed a medical form (if applicable) in point 6.
I give permission for my child to watch G or PG rated movies.
I give permission for my child to be photographed
I give ECU Sports permission to supply and assist with the application of sunscreen for my child.
Parent / Guardian Signature: ______Date: ____/____/20_____
8. Payment Details - Please fax: Joondalup - 6304 5333 / Mt Lawley - 9370 6722 or deliver to the ECU Sports Centre
Amount Due: $______
Payment Type: Cash EFTPOS Cheque Voucher
Salary Package (Download form from Payroll form attached
Visa/Mastercard *Complete item 9 at the end of this form for Credit Card payment to be processed
Office Use Only
Receipt Number: ______Receipt Date: ____/____/______Staff Rep: ______
Entered In: Database ____/____/______
9. Credit Card Payment – This section will be destroyed once processed
Credit Card Number: CVV Expiry Date
- / - / - /Name on card: ______Signature: ______