Gledhow Primary School
SIP and Post Ofsted Action Plan
Moving forwards towards outstanding
September 2017
Mark Trudgill/Lisa Seton/SLT/School Team
Gledhow 2020 Vision……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
School Improvement Priorities 2017/18…………………………………..………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………..………………………4-5
Ofsted Priorities for Improvement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….6-7
Post Ofsted Action Plan : Detailed Measures ……….…………………………………...... 10-20
Wider School Improvement Plan : Detailed Measures……………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….21-31
Leadership Roles and Lines of Accountability…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32-33
To improve attainment results and maintain and extend pupil progress across all phases of the school. / To support all teaching staff to reach their full potential across all areas of the curriculum and to meet their career aspirations and development needs. / To develop a leadership team that supports and develops all staff to enable them to carry out their role to a high standard within a 3FE school. / To review and adapt the pupil support arrangements across the school to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by 3FE. / To ensure administrative procedures and policies are in place and are followed in a robust and consistent way to seamlessly support the effective running of the school. / To clearly communicate all procedures and policies to appropriate parties in a timely professional way. / To improve the physical environment across the school and implement new ways of working that seamlessly support the effective running of the school.
Our Mission is to create the conditions where outstanding teaching can flourish in a friendly, welcoming, well-organised and caring environment. Our aim is to ensure that ALL children are able to maximise their learning potential and together to explore a world of learning opportunities. / Action all external audit recommendations (eg : Ofsted, SEND, T and L Review etc) as follows :
- To improve provision and raise attainment and progress for SEND/disadvantaged pupils
- To implement robust assessment and data systems to impact achievement of all groups
- To improve teaching in order to raise attainment of children, especially across KS1
- To develop a broader curriculum led effectively by empowered subject leaders
- To extend effective lines of communication with all stakeholders
- To ensure sustainable financial processes underpin school improvement strategies
- To develop the outdoor learning environment of the school and sports participation
- To embed a culture of success and high expectations across the school
Gledhow is a caring and inclusive school community with love, learning, kindness, fun and teamwork at its core. Our school will nurture ALL children to become responsible citizens, strong in hope and character, always seeking totreat others as we ourselves would like to be treated.
School Improvement Priorities 2017/18
School Improvement Priorities 2017/18
Ofsted Priorities for Improvement
Ofsted inspected Gledhow Primary School as part of its exempt ‘short inspections’ which was then converted into a full Section 5 inspection on 14 and 15 June 2017. The Ofsted inspection made the following judgements:
Overall effectiveness Requires improvement
Effectiveness of leadership and management Requires improvement
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Requires improvement
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good
Outcomes for pupils Requires improvement
Early years provision Good
The Ofsted report stated that the school had the following strengths :
- The school is improving after a period of leadership and staffing changes. The headteacher provides effective leadership and is well-supported by the deputy headteacher.
- The governing body are highly committed and provide more effective challenge and support.
- Leaders have now successfully forged links with a range of schools to share good practice and improve outcomes.
- Pupils have a good understanding of British Values and celebrate the diversity of cultures and faiths in their school and the community.
- Attendance is above average. Pupils are punctual and persistent absence is below the national average.
- The vast majority of pupils have positive attitudes, are polite and well-mannered.
The inspection identified the school as requiring improvement to be good for the following reasons:
- Leadership of provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is at an early stage of development. Planned improvements are not fully embedded the impact on pupils’ progress is not yet good.
- Leaders are not rigorous enough in evaluating the impact of actions to improve the progress of disadvantaged pupils.
- Some subject leaders are new to the role and have not had time to evaluate provision in their subject and improve outcomes for pupils.
- Progress for pupils is not sufficiently strong across all subjects, especially in classes in key stage 1. Pupils do not always respond to teachers’ feedback.
- Teaching is often variable between classes within the same year group and is not consistently good. Too many pupils, especially the most able, do not receive the challenge and support they need. Expectations of presentation are too low.
- The curriculum is not well balanced. Pupils do not progressively develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across a wide range of subjects.
- The teaching of phonics 1 is improving well, but is not yet fully embedded.
- Teachers in early years do not assess children’s attainment on entry accurately enough and judge too highly the progress children make.
What does the school need to do to improve further?
1. Improve the effectiveness of leadership, management and governance by ensuring that:
1.1 – systematic procedures for analysing and evaluating the progress of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who are disadvantaged are implemented to provide leaders with better information to inform their actions
1.2 – support for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is more precisely checked and evaluated to measure the impact on their progress
1.3 – monitoring and evaluating the spending of additional funds for disadvantaged pupils, those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who need to catch up so that spending is precisely targeted and improves outcomes for these pupils
1.4 – the developments in the teaching of phonics continue and the improvement in pupils’ phonic skills is maintained
1.5 – all subject leaders develop the skills to contribute more significantly to improving the quality of teaching and learning in their areas of responsibility
2. Secure consistency in the quality of teaching so that pupils, especially those in key stage 1, make at least good progress over time by ensuring that:
2.1 – learning is sufficiently challenging to enable more pupils to achieve higher standards, especially the most able pupils
2.2 – pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and those entitled to pupil premium are supported to make more rapid progress
2.3 – pupils understand and respond to high expectations of their work and attitudes to learning by producing neat, well-presented work and responding to teachers’ feedback
2.4 – making sure that lessons engage, challenge and interest pupils so that the same school-wide expectations are set for behaviour in all classes and by all members of staff
2.5 – ensuring that teachers use information accurately to assess children’s attainment on entry to the Nursery and Reception classes to enable them to build on children’s skills and extend their learning even further.
An external review of the school’s use of pupil premium funding should be undertaken to assess how this aspect of leadership may be improved.
1 / SIP and Post Ofsted Action Plan September 2017GLEDHOW PRIMARY SCHOOL
Ofsted Foci : Key Issues for Improvement1. Improve the effectiveness of leadership, management and governance
2. Secure consistency in the quality of teaching so that pupils, especially those in key stage 1, make at least good progress over time
Key PFIs : AttainmentSuccess Criteria
* Highlight = above 2016 National; Highlight = above 2017 National / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 Target / 2019 Target
Good level of Development in the EYFS / 75% / 80% / 85% / 87%
Year 1 Phonic Screen – expected level / 65% / 85% / 90% / 92%
End of KS1 Reading Expected / 79% / 77% / 85% / 87%
End of KS1 Reading Higher / 39% / 34% / 40% / 42%
End of KS1 Writing Expected / 58% / 60% / 75% / 80%
End of KS1 Writing Higher / 0 / 9% / 20% / 25%
End of KS1 Maths Expected / 74% / 74% / 80% / 82%
End of KS1 Maths Higher / 10% / 13% / 25% / 30%
End of KS2 Reading Expected / 69% / 87% / 90% / 90%
End of KS2 Reading Higher / 31% / 44% / 50% / 50%
End of KS2 Writing Expected / 70% / 75% / 80% / 80%
End of KS2 Writing Higher / 0 / 28% / 35% / 35%
End of KS2 Maths Expected / 62% / 82% / 90% / 90%
End of KS2 Maths Higher / 23% / 39% / 45% / 45%
Combined KS2 Reading, Writing and Maths / 49% / 64% / 70% / 70%
Ofsted Foci : Key Issues for Improvement
1. Improve the effectiveness of leadership, management and governance
2. Secure consistency in the quality of teaching so that pupils, especially those in key stage 1, make at least good progress over time
Key PFI’s : Progress Success Criteria
2016 / 2017 / 2018 Target / 2019 Target
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Reading / 67% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Writing / 67% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Maths / 67% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Reading / 53% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Writing / 47% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Maths / 47% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress whole school Reading / 57% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress whole school Writing / 52% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of SEND pupils making at least expected progress whole school Maths / 52% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Reading / 33% / 60% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Writing / 7% / 60% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS1 Maths / 27% / 60% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Reading / 63% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Writing / 60% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress across KS2 Maths / 70% / 75% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress whole school Reading / 55% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress whole school Writing / 45% / 70% / 85%
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils making at least expected progress whole school Maths / 58% / 70% / 85%
End of KS2 SEND Progress Score Reading / -3.46 / > National / > National
End of KS2 SEND Progress Score Writing / -4.75 / > National / > National
End of KS2 SEND Progress Score Maths / -3.99 / > National / > National
End of KS2 disadvantaged Progress Score Reading / +1.89 / > National / > National
End of KS2 disadvantaged Progress Score Writing / -5.36 / > National / > National
End of KS2 disadvantaged Progress Score Maths / -4.41 / > National / > National
Post Ofsted Action Plan Detailed Measures
June 2016 to July 2017
A. Ofsted Focus 1.1 :Ensure systematic procedures for analysing and evaluating the progress of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who are disadvantaged are implemented to provide leaders with better information to inform their actionsActions / Lead / Timescale / Monitoring
(Pupil Support) / Resources / Impact
Start / Finish / Time / Cost
Personalise OTrack for Gledhow / LSE / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / Via 1st data capture / LSE time
Create a cohort profile for each class (including EYFS) which clearly identifies PP and SEN children with accompanying case studies of underachievers / LSE / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / Profiles completed for transition meeting in July 2017 / Directed time / Teachers have a good understanding of vulnerable groups in their classroom
Create aspirational targets for PP and SEN children (and others), based on prior attainment / LSE / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / Targets created in time for INSET Day at start of academic year / Directed time / SEN and PP children’s progress is accelerated
Use cohort profile and OTrack/B squared to identify starting points for PP and SEN pupils to inform pitch / Class Teachers / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / Communicated via transition / Directed time / SEN and PP children’s progress is accelerated
Capture and analyse data for PP and SEN pupils (and others) at three points in the academic year; track progress in each window and use to inform termly pupil progress meetings. Report to Governors. / MTR LSE / Sept 2017 / July 2018 / Data submitted at set calendarised dates / Directed time / SLT aware of progress of vulnerable groups to inform strategic decisions
Monitor English and maths books for PP and SEN pupils (and others) at three points in the academic year to inform progress judgements / Subject Leads / Oct 2017 / July 2018
Oct 2017
Nov 2017
Jan 2018
May 2018
July 2018 / Recorded on work scrutiny proforma / SLT/Lead time / SLT aware of progress of vulnerable groups to inform strategic decisions
Observeprovision for PP and SEN children via regular classroom drop-ins / LSE SENCO / Sept 2017 / July 2018
Sept 2017
Oct 2017 / Recorded on drop-in monitoring form / SLT time / SLT aware of vulnerable groups progress
A. Ofsted Focus 1.2 :Ensure that support for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is more precisely checked and evaluated to measure the impact on their progress
Actions / Lead / Timescale / Monitoring
(Pupil Support) / Resources / Impact
Start / Finish / Time / Cost
Update and complete SEN Policy with focus on measuring impact / SENCO / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / To be presented for ratification at first full Governors of 2017/18 / SENCO time / Policy consistently directs practice in classroom
Observe provision for SEND children via regular short monthly classroom drop-ins and work scrutiny / SENCO / Sept 2017
Oct 2017 / July 2018 / Recorded on drop-in and work scrutiny monitoring forms / SENCO time / SLT aware of progress of SEND pupils to inform strategic decisions
Build training on differentiation and challenge for SEND children into 2017/18 CPD Programme / SENCO
LJE / Sept 2017
13.11.17 / Ongoing / Built into programme and delivered / SENCO time / Teaching are trained in delivering differentiation for SEN children
Conduct half-termly planning scrutiny in maths and English with focus on differentiation and provision for SEN children. Report to Governors. / SENCO
Maths and English Leads / Oct 2017
w/b 13.11.17 / July 2018 / Recorded on planning proforma / SENCO and Lead time / Planning provision caters for SEND pupils to accelerate progress
Build into Lesson Observation form standard section on provision for SEN and feed into staff meetings and staff feedback / MTR / Sept 2017 / Ongoing / New lesson observation form ready for use September 2017 / SLT time / Teachers plan lessons with the needs of SEN children as a priority to accelerate their progress
F. Ofsted Focus 1.3 :Ensure that monitoring and evaluating of the spending of additional funds for disadvantaged pupils, those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who need to catch up so that spending is precisely targeted and improves outcomes for these pupils
Actions / Lead / Timescale / Monitoring
(Resources) / Resources / Impact
Start / Finish / Time / Cost
Review 2016/17 PP strategy via an external review (Pakeman Primary) and write new PP strategy based on audit recommendations / LSE / Sept 2017 / Review findings implemented / SLT time / PP Course £280
Cost of PP review / Pupil premium children are prioritised in local and strategic decision making
C. Ofsted Focus 1.4 :Ensure that the developments in the teaching of phonics continue and the improvement in pupils’ phonic skills is maintained
Actions / Lead / Timescale / Monitoring
(T and L) / Resources / Impact
Start / Finish / Time / Cost
Create baseline phonic assessment for Year 1 pupils for start of academic year to inform interventions / KS1 Lead / July 2017 / Sept 2017 / Baseline created for 1/9/17 and children assessed by 22/9/17 / KS1 Lead time / Children’s progress will be measured accurately
Review tracking system for phonics across EYFS and Year 1, amend and action improvements / EYFS lead/
KS1 lead / Sept 2017 / Oct 2017 / New system in place and disseminated to EYFS/Y1 staff by October half-term / EYFS Lead and KS1 Lead time / Underachieving children will be identified and targeted
Provide continuing professional development in phonics across EYFS/KS1 / KGR
EYFS Lead / Sept 2017 / Ongoing 2017/18 / Phonic training built into Gledhow CPD Programme / Reading Lead time and EYFS Lead time / Phonic teaching will continue to improve
Review and update systematic phonic programme in EYFS and KS1 / KGR
SENCO / Sept 2017 / Oct 2017 / Revised programme implemented from October half-term onwards / EYFS Lead and KS1 Lead time / Phonic teaching will continue to improve
Conduct regular phonic drop-ins to evaluate improvements in practice / EYFS Lead / Sept 2017
L Walk 3.10.17 / Ongoing 2017/18 / Results fed back to SLT and training programme amended accordingly / Reading Lead time and EYFS Lead time / Phonic teaching will continue to improve as staff receive feedback about their practice
D. Ofsted Focus 1.5 :Ensure that all subject leaders develop the skills to contribute more significantly to improving the quality of teaching and learning in their areas of responsibility
Actions / Lead / Timescale / Monitoring
(T and L) / Resources / Impact
Start / Finish / Time / Cost
Appoint subject leaders to all outstanding positions : Science, History, Geography, PSHCE and Art / MTR / June 2017 / Sept 2017 / All leadership positions assigned and recorded in SIP / MTR time / Every curriculum area will be expertly led to improve classroom delivery
Support Science lead in reviewing and improving Science curriculum and developing appropriate assessment / LSE / June 2017 / Ongoing 2017/18 / Science curriculum reviewed to start 2017/18 / LSE time / Quality of teaching and learning in Science is progressive and at least good across the school
Provide all subject leaders with CPD surrounding their role (how to raise standards, enrich curriculum, audit provision) / LSE / July 2017
28.9.17 with SIA
9.10.17 with LSE / Ongoing
2017/18 / Training delivered before end of Summer Term 2017 by LSE / LSE time
Directed time / Every curriculum area will be expertly led and monitored to improve classroom delivery
Create a subject development plan and subject leader file for each subject area for 2017/18, monitored by SLT / Subject Leads / Sept 2017 / Ongoing 2017/18 / Files purchased and set up to start Sept 2017 / Directed time / Files / All subject leaders will have a positive impact on their curriculum area
Review and revise whole school curriculum to ensure breadth, balance and continuity / LSE