NT Equity Training Grants 2017 application form
NT Equity Training Grants 2017 application formProvide detailed responses to all the following questions that are applicable to your application. Supporting documentation can be attached.
Important: The NT Equity Training Grants 2017 guidelines should be used as a guide to aid your application process.
Proposed Program Name
Program Proponent Organisation Contact Details
Trading Name
Name of Contact
Phone / Fax
Postal Address
Partner Organisation Contact Details
Name of Organisation
Name of Contact
Phone / RTO No.
Partner Organisation Contact Details (2)
Name of Organisation
Name of Contact
Phone / RTO No.
Partner Organisation Contact Details (3)
Name of Organisation
Name of Contact
Phone / RTO No.
Provide detailed responses to all the following questions that are applicable to your application. Supporting documentation can be attached.
Important: The NT Equity Training Grants 2017 guidelines should be used as a guide to aid your application process.
Target Groups / People with a disability
Parents returning to the workforce after an absence of 5 years or more
Long-term unemployed migrants
Very long-term unemployed people (VLTU) or those at risk of becoming VLTU
Number of Males / Number of Females / Total Numbers
Program Outline
Outline the proposed program, including proposed program delivery method and timetable:
Program Rationale
Provide a rationale for the proposed program design. Include why this program necessary, how it will improve training and employment opportunities for people in the target group. Does it address gaps in services or barriers to employment and training? What does the program aim to achieve for the target group? Provide details of linkages to existing programs:
Provide details of how the proposed program will meet the individual needs of the clients:
Expected Employment Outcomes
What are the main training, or employment, or employment-related skills that the participants will gain?
Outline the work experience component of the program, if applicable.
What support will be provided in the workplace for the employer and the employee? For example, case management, mentoring, workplace adjustments, work trainer.
What transition arrangements will be put in place following the work experience placement? For example, relationships with employers, ongoing support from or placement with Job Services Australia provider or specialist employment agency, further training, enterprise opportunities identified, etc
What are the expected training or employment or employment-related outcomes for participants at the completion of the program? Programs are expected to deliver realistic and sustainable outcomes or pathways for clients.
Provide details of contribution/support from the partners involved in this program. For example, how will each partner contribute to the running of the program – in-kind, financial support, time, resources, etc. Include details of any consultations or collaboration with key stakeholders.
Will this program utilise supplementary funds or resources from other Australian or Northern Territory Government or non-government programs? If yes, please provide relevant details.
Does this program have links to broader community development opportunities? If yes, please provide details. For example, is there potential for this program to be used as a model for delivery to other groups, will it develop resources that can be made available to future clients? Will it create enterprise development opportunities?
Education Support
Details of the Accredited Training Program
Title of Qualification or unit/s of competency
National Code
Will the VET training be supported by additional funds or resources, including non-educational supports?
Proposed Start Date / Proposed End Date
List of competencies (for accredited training)
Unit Code / Unit Name / Nominal Hours
Total Hours
Foundation Skills Support
What foundation skills, including language, literacy and numeracy support will be available to participants?
Who will deliver the foundations skills support?
How will the foundations skills support be delivered to participants?
Evaluate Program
How do you plan to evaluate your program outcomes?
Note: program reports and acquittals will be expected to report outcomes against this evaluation plan.
Details / Costs
Supporting documents attached / Yes No
Number of pages attached
Please give details of supporting documents, if applicable:
Signed (Applicant and Partner Organisation/s)
Should this application be successful, we the undersigned hereby agree that the details relation to the granted program may be publicly released by the Department of Business
Note: If there are additional signatures required, please list tem below.
Organisations / Contact Name / Signature / Date
Department of trade, business and innovationPage 1 of 12
1 February 2017