- State Wise consolidated Plan for Capacity Building (under NCBF) component of RGPSA
Sr.No / Theme / Status / Annual Plan / 3 Years Plan1 / Expanding Outreach
(a) / Clientele/ Stakeholders / ER , Regular functionaries , sectoral functionaries , CBOs , NGO & Gram Sabha members being covered / include secondary school going students about PRS / Shall include the regular target audience will continue and along with academicians, social workers, women activists, and youth leaders
(b) / Numbers of training programs for each category / 1 to 3 times per year / Continue the same with quality
(c) / Time taken to cover first time ERs after election / More than 1 Year / shall be completed within first year after the elections are over
(d) / Cascade Mode / Yes, the institute develop team of trainers from different thematic areas for different levels / Continue the services as per the plan / institute proposes to set up 10 DPRCs and 20 BPRCs
(e) / Decentralised level institutions / 31 centers functioning at different levels better out reach / Institute proposes to enhance the number of trainers from different field of areas including mobile trainers
(f) / SATCOMS / One hub and 16 SITs have been functioning with the support of ISRO / Need to include another 15 SITs for better outreach
(g) / Collaboration with NGO / The institute has collaboration with different academic institutes, universities inside and outside the state. Institute established linkages with training centers of sectorial department and Assam Agricultural university. Collaborate with Unicef / Propose to establish linkages with more specialized institutes & organizations belonging to different thematic areas.
2 / Mode of Training
(a) / Simultaneous training in large numbers / The institute organize training programs for ERs simultaneously at 31 locations. / The institute propose to enhance the number of centers by setting up of 10 DPRCs & 20 BPRCs
(b) / Uniform standard of training at different locations / uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place / Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard
(C) / Use of mass media / There is no proper coordination with mass media. / Proposed to have tie ups with various media
(d) / e-based training / Started generating contents for e based trainings / The SIRD will outsource the technical support for development of e based training modules / SIRD need to have the internal technical competency to develop e based modules and materials
(e) / Exposure visits / SIRD has been organizing exposure visit to within the State and outside the States like Kerala, West Bengal, KarnatakaHaryana as part of the training programs. / Need to enhance the number of more elected representatives on the exposure visits.
(f) / Innovative modes / SIRD is doing Quiz based trainings for functionaries .
3 / Areas of Training
(a) / Foundation courses / SIRD has been organizing foundation course for both ERs and functionaries
5 days for ERs and 3 ~5 days for Functionaries / SIRD will continue the same by ensuring the quality of training
(b) / Refresher courses / For elected representatives it will start from 4th year of the tenure
Subject specific refresher courses for elected representatives and Functionaries / SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training
(c) / Sectoral training for different stakeholders / Develop trainers from different sectoral departments at district and sub district level
They have been organizing different sectoral training programme for different stakeholders / Proposes to establish linkages with the institutes being run by the sectorial departments for these programs / Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programs of other stakeholders
(d) / Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders / Prepared 50 handbooks and guide books on different subjects in local language for ERs / Module and Materials for refresher course and new target groups / Propose to prepare more thematic materials by involving experts
(e) / Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections / Collaboration with Unicef for training programs for women and their developmental issues. Materials and modules are prepared for EWRs
(f) / Training for Resource persons / Trained up a team of RPs both inside and outside the state like KILA, NIRD, IRMA etc.
ToT on subject specific courses / Need to have more RPs on board
(g) / Training of Trainers / SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs / Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses
4 / Quality of Training
(a) / Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) / Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle.
Identify the needs of our target audience,
accordingly prepare the design and
reference materials,
Training of Trainers,
Implementation of actual trainings and
Evaluation of trainings / Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programmes at regular intervals
(b) / Follow up and periodic evaluation / No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power / Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up
(c) / IEC and Campaign / Every year IEC campaigns are organized in the remote villages to mobilize the rural people for meaningful participation in the Gram Sabha
Developed large scale of IEC materials in local language / Involve BNVs in the process
Adopt remote villages for intensive IEC campaign through convergence and coordination of the line department
(d) / Improving quality of resources (persons & material) / selection of RPs through proper screening process
Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance
Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials
Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development
5 / Marginalised Sections
(a) / Training Programs for Women, SC/STs / Gender specific training programme in collaboration with Unicef
(b) / Training on Gender / Gender specific training programme in collaboration with Unicef / Assam planning to scale up their Unicef programme
(c) / Special support for EWRs / Special round of training programs for EWRs on women empowerment
(d) / Empowerment of Gram Sabhas / Sensitization of rural people about Gram Sabha is ongoing and also communicating the importance of Gram Sabha during the sensitization / Planning to have mahila sabha and issue based sabha at ward level
(e) / Training in PESA areas / No such activities
6 / Institutional Structure
(a) / Institutions / Yet to start DPRCs / 10 DPRCs will be set up and 20 BRPCs will be setting up
(b) / CB&T for faculty / Conduct faculty development training programs in association with specialized institute
(c) / Synergy and convergence with other departments / Not too structured way of convergence / Need to have structured way of convergence / Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community
Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level
Sr.No / Theme / Status / Annual Plan / 3 Years Plan1 / Expanding Outreach
(a) / Clientele/ Stakeholders / ERs, Regular functionaries, sectoral functionaries, CBOs and NGOs being covered / Include the Gram Sabha members training / shall include programme Volunteers, academicians, social workers and youth leaders
(b) / Numbers of training programs for each category / 1 to 3 times per year / Continue the same with quality
(c) / time taken to cover first time ERs after election / More than 2 Years / shall be completed within first year after the elections are over
(d) / Cascade Mode / Yes, the institute training the master trainers, they in-turn train the trainers and then implemented at the below block level / Continue the services as per the plan / Need to Strengthen the SPRC and need to establish all the DPRCs
(e) / Decentralised level institutions / 30 DTIs, 175 Capacity building center’s at block level for better outreach trainings / Institute wants to increase the number of trainers along with the monitoring mechanism / Mobile trainer concept of West Bengal will be developed and utilize the services of line department functionaries
(f) / SATCOM / Yes, SATCOM at Mysore & Bangalore. Earth Station is located at Mysore.
175 receiving station across the State / Need to change for two way video along with sophisticated equipment
(g) / Collaboration with NGO / Institute has been collaborated with 35 various NGOs and utilizing their services both in technical expertise and logistical facilities
Tied up with Hampi University to Diploma course in Panchayat Raj System / EOI has been floated to have more collaboration with the renowned organization
2 / Mode of Training
(a) / Simultaneous training in large numbers / SIRD utilize the services of 27 DTIs, 35 NGOs and 175 SamarthyaSoudhas' to carry out its simultaneous training programs / Need to setting up of SPRC & DPRCs for more number of training venues
(b) / Uniform standard of training at different locations / uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place / Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard
(C) / Use of mass media / There is no proper coordination with mass media. / Proposed to have tie ups with various media
(d) / e-based training / SIRD has started working on e based training modules / The SIRD will outsource the technical support for development of e based training modules
(e) / Exposure visits / SIRD has been organizing exposure visit to within the State and outside the States like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil nadu as part of the training programme / Need to include more States like Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam etc. / SIRD need to have the internal technical competency to develop e based modules and materials
(f) / Innovative modes / Conducting quiz based trainings, activity / game oriented trainings.
Workbook concept has been introduced / Need to include the experiential learning modes
3 / Areas of Training
(a) / Foundation courses / SIRD has been organizing foundation course for both ERs and functionaries
5 days for ERs and 12 weeks for PDOs & Secretaries / SIRD will continue the same by ensuring the quality of training
(b) / Refresher courses / For elected representatives the course will start from 3 years onwards of their tenure and for the functionaries of the Panchayat yearly one refresher course will be conducted / SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training
(c) / Sectoral training for different stakeholders / SIRD is being utilizing the services of line departments training institutes for their trainings / Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programs of other stakeholders
(d) / Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders / SIRD has prepared more than 30 varieties of modules and reference materials has been developing for all kinds of training programs. / Propose to prepare more thematic materials by involving experts
(e) / Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections / Taking clue from the UN Women programme, SIRD has developed modules and materials related to Gender but not on the Marginalized sections / Propose to have modules and materials for marginalized target audience
(f) / Training for Resource persons / SIRD has pool of more than 350 RPs comprises of ERs, functionaries, practitioners who have been trained on Panchayat Raj Act, Rules and other development activities along with the subject specific trainings / Need to have more RPs on board
(g) / Training of Trainers / SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs. / Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses
4 / Quality of Training
(a) / Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) / Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle.
Identify the needs of our target audience,
accordingly prepare the design and
reference materials,
Training of Trainers,
Implementation of actual trainings and
Evaluation of trainings / Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programme at regular intervals
(b) / Follow up and periodic evaluation / No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power / Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up
(c) / IEC and Campaign / SIRD has been organizing IEC activities to ensure better participation for gram sabha and other flagship programs like Kala jathas, Street plays.
IEC materials are prepared in local language to improve the involvement of the community / Proposed to have mobile communication van for IEC activities
(d) / Improving quality of resources (persons & material) / selection of RPs through proper screening process
Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance
Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials
Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development
5 / Marginalised Sections
(a) / Training Programs for Women, SC/STs / No such initiatives are been taken up except the UN women programme for women ERs
(b) / Training on Gender / UN women programme for EWRs has been conducted on Gender / Karnataka would like to scale up the UN women programme
(c) / Special support for EWRs / Under UN women project the special focus was emphasized for EWRs / Need to scale up the experience with UN women for effective governance at Panchayat
(d) / Empowerment of Gram Sabhas / Sensitization of rural people about Gram Sabha is ongoing and also communicating the importance of Gram Sabha during the sensitization
(e) / Training in PESA areas / No such activities
6 / Institutional Structure
(a) / Institutions / No DPRCs and weaken SPRC / Need to strengthen the SPRC and establish DPRCs
(b) / CB&T for faculty / Exposure has been provided to the faculties to improve the knowledge and skills related to Panchayat and outside panchayat related issues.
Trainings were also organized for faculties
(c) / Synergy and convergence with other departments / The initiations are made to convergence the line department but not executed as expected level / Need to have structured way of convergence / Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community
Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level
Sr.No / Theme / Status / Annual Plan / 3 Years Plan1 / Expanding Outreach
(a) / Clientele/ Stakeholders / ER , Regular functionaries , sectoral functionaries , CBOs , NGO being covered / include the Gram Sabha and Standing committee members training / shall include programme NSS officers, academicians, social workers, secondary school going students and youth leaders
(b) / Numbers of training programs for each category / 1 to 2 times per year / Continue the same with quality
(c) / time taken to cover first time ERs after election / More than 1 Year / shall be completed within first year after the elections are over
(d) / Cascade Mode / Yes, the institute develop team of trainers they train at the grass root level / the initial discussion will be started with service provider
(e) / Decentralised level Institutions
(f) / SATCOM / No facility is available / Need to identify the centers to conduct trainings at various level / SATCOM will be set up by 2015-16
(g) / Collaboration with NGOs / Need to have partnership with NGOs and CBOs
2 / Mode of Training
(a) / Simultaneous training in large numbers / 33 locations can be utilized for simultaneous trainings / The institute will utilize the DPRCs in later stage
(b) / Uniform standard of training at different locations / uniformity at delivery point has not been ensured because quality of RP , No proper regular physical verification mechanism in place / Proposed to develop specific mechanism to overcome from the uneven standard
(C) / Use of mass media / There is no proper coordination with mass media. / Proposed to have tie ups with various media
(d) / e-based training
(e) / Exposure visits
(f) / Innovative modes
3 / Areas of Training
(a) / Foundation courses / Need to organize courses for ERs and Functionaries
(b) / Refresher courses / For elected representatives the course will start from 3 years onwards of their tenure and for the functionaries of the Panchayat yearly one refresher course will be conducted / SIRD will continue the same as same by ensuring the quality of training
(c) / Sectoral training for different stakeholders / Need to identify the best of the line department personnel to rope in for the training programmes of other stakeholders
(d) / Training materials/Modules for different stakeholders / District and Block level ERs material and module is ready with the SIRD but need to prepare for GP / Proposed to prepare module and materials for GP members training
(e) / Training materials/Modules for gender and Marginalised sections / SIRD has developed modules and materials related to Gender but not on the Marginalized sections / Propose to have modules and materials for marginalized target audience
(f) / Training for Resource persons / PESA trainer team has been trained / Need to train the master trainers
(g) / Training of Trainers / SIRD organize the TOT programme based on the needs of the course like cascading and decentralized training programs / Propose to have more number of TOTs along with the quality of courses
4 / Quality of Training
(a) / Following SAT (TNA,TMD,TOT, Trg, TIA for each category) / Yes, SIRD follow SAT cycle.
Identify the needs of our target audience,
accordingly prepare the design and
reference materials,
Training of Trainers,
Implementation of actual trainings and
Evaluation of trainings / Need to have more number of third party agencies to carry out assessment of impact analysis of all the training programme at regular intervals
(b) / Follow up and periodic evaluation / No periodic evaluation is being done to ascertain the Quality / outcome of training programme due to lack of man power / Periodic evaluation by the third party of the training programme will be taken up from 2015-16. Based on the recommendations the necessary follow-up action will be taken up
(c) / IEC and Campaign / IEC materials are prepared and made available with the trainers and functionaries of Panchayat / Need to have TV & Radio shows. Leaf lets, brochure and slogan, wall paintings and hoardings / Street plays, cultural source, film source, mobile communication van will be adopted
(d) / Improving quality of resources (persons & material) / selection of RPs through proper screening process
Organize regular ToTs and filed exposure for better performance
Involvement of thematic experts for development and improvement of reference materials
Linkages with various sectorial institutes, NGOs for faculty development
5 / Marginalised Sections
(a) / Training Programs for Women, SC/STs / Women training programs were organized under RGPSA but no initiatives related to SC / STs
(b) / Training on Gender / Women programme for EWRs has been conducted on Gender / Proposed to have more number of training programs
(c) / Special support for EWRs / Selected areas EWRs are trained
(d) / Empowerment of Gram Sabhas / Before organizing GS, a orientation programme was conducted.
(e) / Training in PESA areas / PESA training are being done
6 / Institutional Structure
(a) / Institutions / No separate building for SIRD and No DPRCs / Need to establish DPRCs
(b) / CB&T for faculty / No such initiatives / Master training has to be provided along with exposure visits to other states
(c) / Synergy and convergence with other departments / No such initiatives / Need to have convergence among the line department / Line departments shall will have to work in close coordination with PRIs to provide better services to the community
Framework for convergence and coordination has to be drawn at the State level
(4)Tamil Nadu