The purpose of this plan is to record the content and timetable of each individual student’s doctoral project and to agree the responsibilities and duties of the student (supervisee) and the supervisor(s). Both the supervisee and supervisor(s) get a copy of the plan after which it will be archived. The plan will be mutually revised at least once a year and revised versions are stored. See Appendix 2 for instructions for drafting a study and supervisory plan.
NameStudent number
Street address
Mailing address
Main subject and doctoral programme
Target degree
Admission to doctoral studies granted (date)
Preliminary title and a short description (if needed)Dissertation format / Monograph
Article-based dissertation
To be decided
Dissertation language / Finnish
Other language, what?
Studying is / Full-timePart-time
Funding of studies / Funding is secured at least for some time. Specify time and source of funding.
No funding is secured, but intending to apply. Specify source.
No external funding will be applied. Short description of the funding of studies:
Use of School’s premises and equipment. / Office space and equipment are applied from the School.
More information:
The purpose of the timetable below is to help the supervisee and the supervisor(s) to concretely perceive the progress and structure of the degree and its main objectives and to support systematic guidance and supervision. The timetable can also be used to help to identify student’s existing research and working life skills and to help plan his/her career (to answer to the question: Why do I conduct research?). Please, use your doctoral programme curriculum as a reference.
Instructions for filling out the form:
Please fill out in the following form the courses you plan including in your doctoral studies (both planned and already completed courses). In the form, there are ready-made categories available in which you can classify your courses. Please mark the year of completion for every course. There is also a pre-determined column provided for marks on whether you have already completed a certain course. Another column is devoted to the credits awarded for every course you take. In a similar manner, please fill out in the form your timetables for your doctoral dissertation (as well as for a possible licentiate thesis). If need be, you may insert additional rows in different categories in the form. After you have specified the courses you plan on taking, please calculate the total amount of credits for each year and type in this number on the last row in each column. In the lowest cell in the last column, please fill out the grand total of credits you will gather from your doctoral studies. (See the form on the next page.)
1. year / 2. year / 3. year / 4. year / Completed (year) / Credits (ECTS)Research-related Doctoral Studies (40 ECTS credits)
Courses expanding on the Master’s degree
Studies in the field of the dissertation
Research seminar in major subject
Obligatory in DP in Interactive Technology
Other studies
Research ethics (obligatory for students beginning their studies in the autumn 2015 or thereafter)
Studies complementing the Master’s degree
Licentiate Thesis (90 ECTS credits)
Planning on completing:
☐ yes
☐ no
Doctoral Dissertation (200 ECTS credits)
Total amount of credits completed each year (ECTS credits)
Supervisor(s) and potential steering group
1st Supervisor
Contact information
Percentage (%) of supervision
2nd Supervisor
Contact information
Percentage (%) of supervision
3rd Supervisor
Contact information
Percentage (%) of supervision
Steering group (if applicable)
Name, institution, contact informationName, institution, contact information
Name, institution, contact information
Meetings between supervisee and supervisor
Frequency of joint supervising meetings / Joint meetings times per yearMain means of contacting
Revision and updating the plan / Time(s) per year
Steering group tasks and timetable
Steering group role and meeting timetable.Supervisee and supervisor’s responsibilities and duties are documented in Appendix 1.
Instructions for drafting a study and supervisory plan are documented in Appendix 2.
Revisions to this plan are to be made in cooperation with the supervisee and the supervisor(s).
Signature of the supervisee
Signature of the 1st supervisor Signature of the 2nd supervisor
Appendix 1. Supervisee and supervisor responsibilities and duties
The supervisee commits to:
· Keeping to the agreed working timetable and to informing the supervisor about things that may affect the progress of the work
· Sending the supervisor agreed parts of the manuscript to be commented in due time before agreed meetings
· Bringing in the meetings all potential questions and possible worries concerning the work
· Taking notice of the supervisors comments on the doctoral work
· Following the rules of good scientific practice in the supervisory relationship and in conducting research and to discussing these with the supervisor if needed
· Discussing possible research funding and career opportunities with the supervisor
· Discussing both the principles of writing joint publications and the prospective co-authors as well as their role in the doctoral work. The supervisee must be prepared to discuss these issues already in the planning stage of their doctoral work.
· Keeping the supervisor updated about the progress of the studies on a yearly basis
The supervisor commits to:
· Keeping to the agreed working timetable and to informing the supervisee about things that significantly hinder his/her capabilities to supervise. If the supervisor cannot take care of his/her supervisory duty, (s)he must try to find a new supervisor. The change in supervising responsibilities must be claimed by filling the appropriate form provided by the School of Information Sciences Office.
· Reading beforehand the texts delivered for supervisory meetings
· Bringing in the meeting’s agenda questions and possible worries concerning the work
· Complying with the rules of good scientific practice in the supervisory relationship and to discussing issues with the supervisee
· Discussing possible research funding and career opportunities with the supervisee
· Forming a mutual agreement on the principles of writing joint publications and on the co-authors involved in the work well in advance
Possible disagreements are primarily solved through mutual conversation in the doctoral programmes, secondarily the disagreements will be solved by the Dean of the School. In case there are insuperable problems between the supervisor and the supervisee, either party may propose the change in supervising responsibilities.
Appendix 2. Instructions for drafting a study and supervisory plan
In cooperation with his/her supervisor, the supervisee is expected to draft a study and supervisory plan for his/her doctoral studies. The aim of the study and supervisory plan is to record the responsibilities and duties of the supervisee and the supervisor(s); details, timetable and manner of completion of the study modules intended to be completed; as well as the timetable and the publication plans for the research work. These plans are to be documented in the form above.
The depth, studies and the supervision of the doctoral programmes are designed to support the completion of the doctoral degree in four (4) years. The timetable for doctoral studies must therefore be planned accordingly (refer to 4. “Timetable” above). On a yearly basis, the supervisee is expected to provide an account of the progress of his/her studies and research work.
The study and supervisory plan must be drafted when applying for a doctoral study right. Should the applicant be granted the study right, the study and supervisory plan will be entered into the study register when both parties have signed the study and supervisory plan. Therefore, the plan must be returned to the School of Information Sciences Office, where the plan will be archived along with other documents related to the supervisee’s studies. Both the supervisor(s) and the supervisee will receive a copy of the study and supervisory plan.
The study and supervisory plan for doctoral studies must be kept up up-to-date and it must be revised at least once a year. Any revisions to the plan will be recorded and entered into the study register.
Required study attainments
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Research-related Doctoral Studies (40 ECTS credits)
- Courses expanding on the Master’s degree
- Studies in the field of the dissertation
- Research seminar in major subject
- Doctoral Dissertation (200 ECTS credits)
Licentiate of Philosophy (Lic.Phil.)
- Research-related Doctoral Studies (40 ECTS credits; see above)
- Licentiate Thesis (90 ECTS credits)
More information on the required study attainments can be found on the School’s website at:
For more information on drafting a study and supervisory plan, please contact Administrative Secretary or Head of Study Affairs.
Directors of Doctoral Programmes provide more information about doctoral programmes. Please, see also: http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/doctoral_studies/doctoral_programmes.html