Announcements – FridaySeptember 09, 2016
Pep rally forms at lunch from aps
Today is the last day for you to pay your iPad fee, submit your forms on Skyward, and complete the iPad Validation Process. I emailed out to all students how to complete this. If your iPad screen has turned yellow, you need to validate your information by opening the WebClip app on your home screen and putting in your username and password. If you are then able to change the home screen to a new picture, you are set. Please make sure you have updated to the latest version of iOS as well.
Students who fail to do this by Friday will find their iPad screens have turned red. This means your iPad has been disabled and you will not be able to use it until you have it unlocked by our campus technician, which could take a few days. Please get this taken care of today or tomorrow to avoid having your iPad disabled or taken up for not paying the fee. Visit the library during block lunch if you have questions or need help.
PSAT Announcement—Sept 2-12
PSAT test is Wednesday, October 19 during 1st and 2nd period.
All 10th grade students are already preregistered. There is nothing you need to do at this point.
9th grade students we will have a Google Form sent out on Monday, Sept. 5 for you to register. You must register BEFORE Sept. 13.
- The first 200 students to register will be able to take this practice test.
- When you register you need the following pieces of information—all of these are required items
- Name
- ID
- Email address
- First Period Teacher Name
- Second Period Teacher Name
College Board will be sending us Study Guides soon. We will have these available for you as soon as they arrive.
AVID Fundraiser Announcement –
Purchase your In-N-Out burger ticket for $5 next week during advisory Monday or during Block Lunch all week. All tickets must be purchased by Friday, September 16th.
iPad Compliance Reminder
Beginning TODAY, Sept. 9, iPad devices that have not met the district’s new compliance and verification process will have a red background appear and the device will go into a lockdown status restricting some iPad functions.
As a reminder, all iPad repair needs may be handled on our Campus.
For questions, please contact LISD’s Technology Department Help Desk .
Picture Day Reminder
Teachers, we have distributed Picture Day forms in your boxes. Please pass these out to your 2nd period students. If you need extra forms for some reason, please let me know! Picture day will take place on Monday, September 19.
Gym Announcement
Please join us in the gym today for 6v6 volleyball during block lunch today. Come to the gym with your team or form one when you get there. Let one of the coaches on duty know that you want to play and they will make sure you get to play. No spectators in the gym at this time. The only students who should be in the gym during this time are those who are participating or waiting to participate. Please remember that there is no food or drink in the gym at any time. See you this afternoon!
School of Rock Announcement
“Attention Farmers,School of Rock officially kicks off today during B-Block in the School of Rock room. Where is the School of Rock room you ask? It is located in the Art hallway across from the Learning Lounge. Stop by as sort you into groups to begin practicing as a band and rocking out.”
AVID Announcement
Are you interested in how to get free money for going to college or attending community service events around Lewisville? If so, come join AVID club on Tuesday during A block in room 222. You don’t have to be in AVID to be in AVID club, but by joining, you will learn several strategies to help you be successful in class as well as be apart of many events to build your high school resume.
September 9th: Texas First Responders Day and September 11th: 9/11
Today marks a dark day in our nation’s history. Today we not only remember the victims of the terrorist attacks around our country but we also celebrate those brave individuals known as the first responders; those men and women who ran into the chaos to try and save lives. Many lives were lost on 9/11 due to the horrible attack against our country. Many lives were also saved that day due to the heroic efforts of first responders. Today we honor both the victims and the first responders of 9/11
SAIL Announcement
Student Ambassadors in Lewisville, or SAIL, is open to new members. Interested students can pick up an application in room 106. SAIL meetings are on Thursday during A block. Come join the fun!
NHS Announcement
The National Honor Society advisors will hold an informational meeting for sophomores on Friday September 16th in room 116. Information about application, service hours, and induction for the 2016 school year will be given during this meeting.
StuCo Announcements
-Reminder that all donations for Clothes for wishes of clothes, towels or sheets are appreciated. Drop off your donations in the office or room 226. Last day to bring stuff is September 23rd.
-Today Volleyball plays Hebron at LHS, First game starts at 5:00!
-Varsity football plays McKinney Boyd today at Goldsmith at 7:30, Get Rowdy for your teamin the Rowdy Crowd!
-Reminder that Freshmen officer applications are due today by 3:45!
- Homecoming T-shirt day is October 19th! You can preorder your T-shirt today. Pick up a form in the cafeteria. Cost is $10 and money is due to Main by September 22nd. Shirts will be delivered the week before HC.
NorTex 2016 College Fair
Golden Triangle Mall
2201 Interstate 35 East @ Loop 288/Lillian Miller Denton, TX 76205
Monday, September 12, 2016: 6:30—8:30 PM
Over 100+ Colleges and Universities!!!
1. Register at:2. Select the first option: TACRA fair 9/12-9/17—check “Attending” box
3. Select Register Now
4. Complete Form
5. Print Out Confirmation
6. Bring your print out to Golden Triangle Mall
7. Get scanned and get information from numerous colleges and
To view list of universities/colleges, please visit