Middle Phase Planning.
Medium Term Planner: Spring 1st half
Teacher(s): / Year: 2Class:Purple/Yellow / Subject / Unit: Art & Design: Picture this!
Time Allocated:5 hours
Session No: / Learning objective
(what do I want the children to learn?) / Differentiated activities
° to meet learning objective
° Key Questions
° SEN, EAL, G&T / ICT opportunities:
Homework links: / Resources / Presentation: / Cross Curricular Links
Key Vocabulary: / Assessment / Evaluation:
Learning Outcome:
Success Criteria:
1 / Record from imagination and explore ideas. / Look at illustrations and images of the fire of London/people etc- some on the IAW. Discuss why there are no photos of this time. Discuss what children know from the images seen. What has the artist/illustrator tried to show in the composition? What colours have been used? What is happening in the fore/background? How did the artist know what the fire looked like? Are the images seen pretend or real?
Play ‘Jump into the Picture’. How would it have felt, smelt? Show children a section of an image. Role play what is happening outside the image seen (fire fighters, people running, shouting etc.).
In mixed ability groups: Give each group a section of an image to extend from imagination. Whilst children are working take photos of individual children acting out aspects of the image (running etc.) to use in week 4, 5, 6. / ICT opportunities:
Use of camera / Resources:
Illustrations and images of the fire of London/people etc / Cross curricular links: Literacy
Key vocabulary: Composition, imagination, photograph, painting, illustration. / Can children visualise the whole of an image from a given part and make drawings from the visual clues given?
Inclusive teaching checklist:
° culturally relevant and accessible material
° visual support
° drama: role play, etc;
° talk partners (whole class and independent work)
° collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs
° developing vocabulary
° home language
° scaffolding and modelling / TA Role:
TA to aid children with role play. / Notes/Next steps:
Teacher(s): / Year: 2
Class: Purple/Yellow / Subject / Unit: Art & Design: Picture this!
Time Allocated: 6 hours
Session No: / Learning objective
(what do I want the children to learn?) / Differentiated activities
° to meet learning objective
° Key Questions
° SEN, EAL, G&T / ICT opportunities:
Homework links: / Resources / Presentation: / Cross Curricular Links
Key Vocabulary: / Assessment / Evaluation:
Learning Outcome:
Success Criteria:
2 / Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work.
Record from imagination. / Play ‘Guessing Game’- show a small part of an image (use the reveal button on the IAW) - What is it? Is it a photo or a painting? How do you know? Do you think it is an old or new picture? Why? Do you think it is an image from the Fire of London? Why? Discuss brushstrokes seen, colours etc. how can we tell the difference between a painting and a photo? Discuss compositions e.g. to focus attention on a particular idea or person. Introduce the idea of being an eye witness at the scene of the Fire of London. Discuss the Fire of London story.
Teacher describes a scene that children can see of the fire of London and children create quick sketches of scene in sketchbook. / ICT opportunities:
IAW / Resources:
Pencils, sketchbooks, mixture of images of paintings, photographs etc. / Cross curricular links: Literacy
Key vocabulary: Eye witness, composition, imagination, photograph, painting, illustration. / Can children comment on what they can find out by looking at a small part of an image?
Inclusive teaching checklist:
° culturally relevant and accessible material
° visual support
° drama: role play, etc;
° talk partners (whole class and independent work)
° collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs
° developing vocabulary
° home language
° scaffolding and modelling / TA Role: / Notes/Next steps:
Teacher(s): / Year: 2
Class: Purple/Yellow / Subject / Unit: Art & Design: Picture this!
Time Allocated: 6 hours
Session No: / Learning objective
(what do I want the children to learn?) / Differentiated activities
° to meet learning objective
° Key Questions
° SEN, EAL, G&T / ICT opportunities:
Homework links: / Resources / Presentation: / Cross Curricular Links
Key Vocabulary: / Assessment / Evaluation:
Learning Outcome:
Success Criteria:
3 / Try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes. / Look at different ways colour is used in paintings, on the IAW, to create different moods. Has the colour been used in a realistic way or unrealistic? What catches your eye in the painting and why? Introduce the idea of children creating paintings inspired by the fire of London. What colours would an artist use to represent that time? Ask questions about mood in 1666. Focus on colours of fire, building (tall, dark etc).
Explain that children are going to practice colour mixing ready to start their paintings. Model mixing different oranges, reds and browns. How many different shades of each colour can children mix in their sketchbooks?
In mixed ability groups: Children to paint different shades of colours in their sketchbooks. / ICT opportunities:
IAW / Resources:
Paints, sugar paper, brushes, sketchbooks, water, paintings i.e. Turner, Matisse. / Cross curricular links: Literacy
Key vocabulary: Realistic, unrealistic,eye catching, mood, colour, colour mixing, inspiration. / Can children explore different colours that can be created with the palette given?
Inclusive teaching checklist:
° culturally relevant and accessible material
° visual support
° drama: role play, etc;
° talk partners (whole class and independent work)
° collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs
° developing vocabulary
° home language / TA Role:
TA to assist SEN/BA children with mixing paints. / Notes/Next steps:
Teacher(s): / Year: 2
Class: Purple/Yellow / Subject / Unit: Art & Design: Picture this!
Time Allocated: 6 hours
Session No: / Learning objective
(what do I want the children to learn?) / Differentiated activities
° to meet learning objective
° Key Questions
° SEN, EAL, G&T / ICT opportunities:
Homework links: / Resources / Presentation: / Cross Curricular Links
Key Vocabulary: / Assessment / Evaluation:
Learning Outcome:
Success Criteria:
4 / Represent observations, ideas and feelings, and design and make an image.
Review what they and others have done. / Discuss skills learnt so far. Remind children that they are going to pretend to be an eye-witness at the fire of London and create a painting using the skills they have been learning about. Discuss how artists/illustrators use different compositions and scales for effect. Look at photographs, images from magazines and storybooks. Model creating a quick composition with charcoal using drawings of buildings children have done in the previous session. Whilst modelling discuss scale of building compared to photo of child to be collaged onto the painting.
Children to create their own compositions with charcoal.
Children to review their work. What have they done well? What could they improve? How? / ICT opportunities: Images from camera. / Resources: Photographs, images from magazines and storybooks, paper, charcoal. / Cross curricular links: Literacy
Key vocabulary: Composition, eye-witness, scale, success, improvements, inspiration. / Can children create their own composition using a photo of themselves for scale?
Can children suggest success and improvement for their work?
Inclusive teaching checklist:
° culturally relevant and accessible material
° visual support
° drama: role play, etc;
° talk partners (whole class and independent work)
° collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs
° developing vocabulary
° home language
° scaffolding and modelling / TA Role:
TA to assist SEN/BA children with composition. / Notes/Next steps:
Teacher(s): / Year: 2
Class: Purple/Yellow / Subject / Unit: Art & Design: Picture this!
Time Allocated: 6 hours
Session No: / Learning objective
(what do I want the children to learn?) / Differentiated activities
° to meet learning objective
° Key Questions
° SEN, EAL, G&T / ICT opportunities:
Homework links: / Resources / Presentation: / Cross Curricular Links
Key Vocabulary: / Assessment / Evaluation:
Learning Outcome:
Success Criteria:
5 / To identify what they might develop in their work and what materials and processes they might need.
Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it. / Look as a whole class at the compositions from the previous session. Remind children about mixing paint and model adding flat, bold colours. Discuss brushstrokes needed and remind children how to hold and use a paintbrush. Reinforce adding colour to the background before the foreground.
Children to add flat bold colour to painting.
Discuss adding detail and photos of themselves. Model adding detail to paintings and using collage ideas to add effect. Remind children to leave part of their composition for the photo of themselves. Discuss what part of the compositions will catch the eye of the viewer/audience.
Children to add details to paintings.
Review decisions, what they wanted to show, identify successful features and inspiration. What would children add to make their paintings/collage even more successful and what would they do different next time? / ICT opportunities:
Images from camera. / Resources: Paint, mixing palettes, brushes, water, paper, collage materials, photos, glue. / Cross curricular links: Literacy
Key vocabulary: Composition, colour mixing, foreground, background, flat, bold, collage, inspiration, eye catching. / Can children identify what they wanted to show in their work and how they could create effects?
Can children identify what they might change in their current work or what they might develop in future work?
Inclusive teaching checklist:
° culturally relevant and accessible material
° visual support
° drama: role play, etc;
° talk partners (whole class and independent work)
° collaborative and mixed attainment group work/pairs
° developing vocabulary
° home language
° scaffolding and modelling / TA Role: / Notes/Next steps: