DSHP September 17, 2013 Board Meeting: JMMC: Walnut Creek, CA
Agenda Topic / Presenter / Discussion / Action (s)1. Welcome / Felix Tsui, President / Welcome
Presentation: Colleen Imamora: NovoNordisk / No action needed
2. Review Minutes 7/2013 / Felix Tsui, President / No changes to minutes / Minutes approved from 7/2013
3. President Reports / Felix Tsui, President / 1.Regional Delegate Conference: Sept 28, 2013
8 attendees confirmed: Alfonso, Derrick, Felix, Grace, Kathy, Michael, Jenny and Melissa
Review issues or changes to proposals. Review email from Cat Wood.
2.CSHP Seminar 2013: 10/31/13
a.DSHP sponsorship: co-sponsor Friday coffee with Golden Gate ($750)
b.DSHP shirts: Barbara-needs shirt sizes, must wear when volunteering, receiving awards, delegate, Seminar Planning 2014-2nd HOD session
c.DSHP Delegates and alternate delegates-confirming attendance for Seminar at both HOD sessions / Report accepted
4. President-Elect Report / Johnny Wong /
- Nominating Committee
- Grace, Frank, Johnny and Martin
- Need 2 directors (1 new practitioner), President Elect and Delegates
- CCPhA 2nd Annual Wine Tasting Event: WC library on 9/28 from 6-8pm, DSHP members invited, raffle grand prize: Napa Wine train
Grace, Frank, Johnny and Martin to obtain slate of candidates for DSHP 2014 board positions.
5. Treasurer's Report / Ralph Reamy / Expense $15, 000
Income $32,000
NOWI $21,000 income (budgeted $15,000)
Diabetes exhibitor tables: $2000 (NovaCare, NovoNordisk, Walgreens, Medtronics)
Delegates for Seminar: pay registration: need confirmation letter for reimbursement
See attached financial report. / Report accepted.
Add additional budget line for Diabetes Outreach income.
6. Membership Report / Jeffrey Olson,
Melissa Fung / 1.We had 118 non-renewed members in the beginning of July. Thank you to Barbara, Jeff, and everyone who attended Fall Classic! 59 renewed their memberships, and we were able to recruit 9 new members for a total of 306 active members this month. We still have 78 members who did not renew since 12/2012. If the board members know any of these 78 members, please encourage them to rejoin. Attached is the list of people who need to renew their memberships. / Report accepted
7. Manager's Network Update / Grace Ng / Next meeting: Friday , Sept 19th / No action needed
8. CSHP Board Liaison / Martin Iyoya / No board meeting since last DSHP board meeting.
CSHP membership satisfaction: 503 submitted
Communication and membership services: 95%
Infosource/CJHP: 91%
Best benefit: networking: 97.8%
Strategic Planning Meeting: see handout with goals A-D
4 goals: operationalizing goals
Goal C: SB493-Education and Development: providing membership training for AEP status
Report back to board:
- Membership
- CE
- Activities
- Challenges: expanding volunteer population
- Review email from Cat Wood
- Limit # of HOD to one session
9. New Practitioner Update / Trevor Millington / None
Will need new practitioner director for 2014. / No action needed
10. Educational Program Update / Barbara Uenaka
Natalie Fan
Eunice Lee
Yolanda Dickey
Melissa Fung / 100 programs for 2013. Starting to schedule programs for 2014.
Fall Classic:67 attendees: 31 pharmacists,
under budget $1264.89
Residents’ Lecture series recruitment underway. Dates and rooms booked. 2 programs/month and Residency Round-up. / Report accepted.
11. Community Outreach / Teresa Halperin
Barbara Uenaka /
- Diabetes Community Outreach
- Asked for DSHP support for t-shirts for volunteers (approx. 100).
- Update on events for event: screenings, celebrity chef, Harlem basketball player, physician lectures. Participation of both Touro and Pacific schools of pharmacy: blood glucose and brown bag event.
- Need Spanish translators and pharmacist preceptors for students.
- Exhibitors: Ralph to create separate budget line for Diabetes Outreach paid exhibitors
12. Touro Clinics / Terrill Tang , Edward Yoo / No updates. Limited activity while exams are in process. / Report accepted
13. Government Affairs / Keith Yoshizuka /
- SB493 Update
All Pharm.D. under standardized protocol: immunizations, travel meds, self-administered BCP
Legislation: Provider status: feel good statement-doesn’t let you bill-this has to approved in Washington and difficult financial climate to convince to add another payor
- SB294-Every pharmacy that compounds sterile products requires separate sterile compounding license. 7/2015 to get license. Board to inspect facilities: more teeth to inspect pharmacies, hospitals will lose exemption.
- Controlled substance requirements for retail pharmacies
- Born again bill: using unused doses for indigent population
14. Seminar 2014 Update / Barbara Uenaka,
Judy Lee / Gordon and Tony Nguyen are creating Into to Seminar 2014 for opening session.
Ongoing monthly planning meetings / No action needed.
15. Additional Item: Member Behavior at Events / Felix Tsui / Discussed and resolved.
Treasurer should be contacted for all expenses to be reimbursed or items purchased. Receipts required. / Report accepted
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 from 6-8:30pm
Minutes recorded by Teresa Halperin, Secretary on 9/17/13
Attendees: Felix Tsui, Johnny Wong, Teresa Halperin, Ralph Reamy, Kevin Ng, Barbara Uenaka, Grace Ng, Natalie Fan, Terrill Tang, Michael Gonzales, Martin Iyoya, Keith Yoshizuka, SukhpalCheema, Eunice Lee