Eagle Project Requirements for
Scouts of Troop 67
Troop 67 requires Eagle Scout projects to be substantive and demonstrate leadership and service to the community.
Troop requires the following for all projects and the written proposals. The Scout must:
- Meet all BSA guidelines for Eagle Projects as described in the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook published by BSA.
- When submitting a project proposal, use the provided editable PDF documentprovided in the BSA workbook or on our website here. The BSA form is required by the Council, and the troop committee and serves as a handy format for developing your proposal and final report. *
- Complete the proposal fully in such a way as to explain to the average reader what the project will entail in terms of finished product, time and money to be spent, who will do it, for whom and so forth. Completing the troop version of the workbook completely will satisfy this requirement.
- Get approval signatures from:
- The Eagle advisor as to scope, appropriateness, feasibility and so forth before completing proposal and submitting it to the SM or committee.
- The Scoutmasterprior to scheduling meeting with the committee. SM must sign off on proposal prior to scheduling.
- Obtain approval signature of the authorized representative of the community organization prior to committee meeting.
- Email or provide a digital copy on floppy disk of proposal to committee chair and advancement chair 1 week in advance of committee meeting for review. *
- Contact Committee Chair to get on committee agenda at least 1 week prior to the meeting.
- Provide 10 copies(we do not need fancy binders, staple copies sufficient) of proposal for committee review and make an oral presentation to committee and answer questions.
- Obtain signature of Committee Chair or authorized committee member in addition to the SM and community organization representative prior to submitting to council.
The Troop will:
- Provide detailed guidelines on completing the proposal and identifying, planning and completing the eagle project. That will be provided to each scout.
- Provide each Scout with an Eagle advisor (see job description) to counsel and assist the Life scout through the process. The advisor will meet with the scout at regular points in the project process—before, during and after to approve and certify the project is worthy, suitable, doable and meets the description written in the proposal when complete.
- Provide uniform guidance from advisors on project requirements, troop requirements, BSA requirements and other aspects of the Eagle Scout requirements and process.
- Have advancement chairman meet with Life scouts and their parents or guardians after obtaining that rank to review the process and requirements of the Troop, Council and BSA.
* If the computer format proves to be a substantial barrier to the scout due to lack of a computer and no access can be obtained, he may hand write the proposal on a printed copy of the form.
April 19, 2009