Spring 2015

Department: / Undergraduate
Course Prefix and Number / NRSG 3990 - Sweden
NRSG 3440
Prerequisites / NRSG 3340, NRSG 3140, NRSG 3240
Course Title / Adult Health I
Lecture Hours / 45 / Lab Hours: / 90 / Contact Hours: / 3 / Credit Hours: / 6
Faculty /
Sallie Coke, PhD, APRN, CPNP, CFNP
Associate Professor and International Coordinator

Required Text / Smeltzer, S. & Bare, B. (2009). Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing (12th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. ISBN – 978-0781785891
Recommended Text(s) / Hesi NCLEX-RN review manual, order at cost is $59.95
Lippincott – NCLEX-RN ISBN# 0-7817-3069-4
All books required for NRSG 3240 and NRSG 3140 last semester.
Catalog Description: / This course emphasizes theory and practice with adults and families. The focus is on the use of therapeutic nursing interventions in providing holistic care for clients who are experiencing prevalent and complex health problems. This course allows the student to provide care in a variety of health care settings.
Program Objectives: / 1.  Communication - Use effective situational communication.
2.  Evidence-based practice - Incorporate best current evidence with clinical expertise and client/family preferences and values to maximize health outcomes.
3.  Leadership - Apply principles of leadership, quality improvement, and client safety to monitor and improve outcomes of nursing care.
4.  Ethics - Demonstrate professional nursing values of altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity and social justice.
5.  Cultural/Spiritual diversity - Provide culturally and spiritually sensitive care to maximize health outcomes.
6.  Health promotion & disease prevention - Apply principles of health promotion, disease and injury prevention to maximize health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities
7.  Advocacy - Recognize the need for advocacy in financial and regulatory, legislative, and public policy changes that influence the health care system.
8.  Collaboration - Collaborate with the client/designee and health care team in providing compassionate and coordinated care across the lifespan
9.  Health informatics - Demonstrate competent use of informatics to support decision making, mitigate error, and improve outcomes.
10. Professionalism - Apply concepts from liberal arts, social, and natural sciences, clinical reasoning, and nursing science to form the basis for professional practice.
Course Objectives / Upon completion of this course, the student will:
Program Objectives / Course Objectives
1,2, 6, 10 / 1. Apply knowledge and skills from the liberal arts, sciences, humanities and nursing in the provision of competent care for adult clients with prevalent and complex health needs and their families.
1, 2, 8 / 2. Utilize the nursing process and critical thinking skills to structure an approach to caring for an adult medical – surgical client.
1,5, 6 / 3. Apply concepts and principles of community-based care to show concern for individual healthcare needs.
5, 6, 7, 8, 10 / 4. Explore concern for societal healthcare needs related to cultural, socioeconomic, political and global issues.
9 / 5. Incorporate research findings related to adult health into clinical practice.
4, 5 / 6. Integrate legal, ethical, and professional standards into nursing practice.
3, 4,5 / 7. Provide nursing care that reflect an appreciation for the inherent worth and dignity of others and show commitment and caring.
6 / 8. Apply knowledge of drug calculations and pharmacological agents to the care of specific adult clients.
Topic Outline / Clinical Goals to be accomplished in Sweden:
1.  Calculate IV drip rate. Prepare primary and secondary IV fluids and tubing for medication administration and set IV rate at correct rate of infusion.
2.  Demonstrate correct technique with IV insertion.
3.  Demonstrate correct technique with NG tube insertion.
4.  Complete two passing (greater than or equal to 75) care plans/concept maps that are specific to assigned client and synthesizes patient information.
5.  Present an acceptable case study that is specific to assigned client and synthesizes patient information.
6.  Demonstrate ability to care for at least two clients for entire shift.
7.  Complete weekly journal entries that are specific to assigned
client and synthesizes patient information.
Unit I – Perioperative
Unit II – Alterations in the Musculoskeletal System
Unit III – Alterations in the Hematologic System
Unit IV – Alterations in the Endocrine System
Unit V – Alterations in the Sensor neural System
Unit VI – Alterations in the Respiratory System
Unit VII – Alterations in the Circulatory System
Teaching/Learning Methods / Lecture, discussion, Evolve case studies, video, audiovisuals, learning modules, clinical learning, assigned readings.
Evaluation Methods / Student achievement of the course objectives will be evaluated by the use of module exams, case studies, and Hesi examination.
Grading Scale / A = 91-100
B = 83-90
C = 75-82
D = 66-74
F = < 65
The course grade for the theory component of the course will be based on individual module examinations, Evolve Case Studies and a comprehensive HESI final examination, weighed as follows:
Individual Module Quiz Average – 33%
Evolve Case Studies – 33%
Comprehensive Hesi Final – 34%
Students can elect to have their Hesi grade count as their final grade, if they score 900 or above on the med/surg Hesi.
Course Policies / All policies in the current Georgia College & State University Undergraduate Catalog and the Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook are applicable. Please consult web site for handbook at the following sites: and In addition to these University and School policies, students are expected to comply with the following course policies:
Ø  The clinical component will be completed entirely in Sweden and evaluated by their clinical faculty.
Ø  As in all nursing courses, a grade of “C” or higher is required for progression to the next course in the nursing program.

Ø  HESI EXAM: A standardized HESI test will be administered at the end of the semester. This is a course requirement. Students are encouraged to perform at their highest level of ability on this exam. A minimum grade of 900 is expected of all students.

Ø  Code of Conduct The University Honor Code is in effect in this course. Any student who violates this code should expect to receive an “F” in the course and to be dropped from the nursing program. The Appeals Process is detailed in the University catalog.
All clinical requirements of Linnaeus University must be completed prior to departure. Linnaeus requires CPR-AHA Healthcare Provider Course, International health insurance (through the International Education Office), up-to-date immunizations, current TST skin test, and a MRSA nasal culture.) These must be current and provided to Dr. Coke when requested.
Request for Disability Modifications: / Any student requiring instructional modifications due to a documented disability should give Dr. Coke the information from disability services within in the first week of classes. An official letter from GC&SU documenting the disability is expected in order to receive accommodations.
Assistance for Student Needs Related to Disability
If you have a disability as described by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, you may be eligible to receive accommodations to assist in programmatic and physical accessibility.
Disability Services of the GCSU Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity can assist you in formulating a reasonable accommodation plan and in providing support in developing appropriate accommodations needed to ensure equal access to all GCSU programs and facilities. Course requirements will not be waived but accommodations may assist you in meeting the requirements.
For documentation requirements and for additional information, we recommend that you contact Disability Services located in Maxwell Student Union at 478-445-5931 or 478-445-4233.
Interlibrary Loan / Students are encouraged to use the GC&SU Library and the interlibrary loan services ( to obtain journal articles relevant to this course.