21th Solar Keymark Network meeting
2016-09-, jen
Meeting time:
Monday, October17th, 2016, 13:00 - 19:00
Tuesday, October 18th,2016, 09:00– 14:00
Meeting location:
Kiani Beach Resort
Kiani Akti Apokoronou
73003 Chania, Crete
Web conference login - to come(below agenda)
CEN TC 312 and ISO TC 180 meetingsare held same place –
see overview of meetings below agenda
Link to: On-line registration
Registration deadline 26thSeptember
Note: If the above on-line registration form does not work for you,
please e-mail Jan Erik Nielsen at .
Tuesday, October17th, 13:00
/Related to decision
of last meeting
/Time (min)
/Related documents /comments/details
1 / 5 / Opening of the meeting /JFShort welcome and some practical information
2 / 10 / Introduction of participants /All
Excuses from:
- …
3 / x / 5 / Approval of the agenda /All
4 / x / 5 / Comments to the minutes of the 20th SKN meeting /JF, All
… / SKN_N0285R0_20MeetingMinutes pdf
5 / x / 5 / Date and place of next meeting(s) /JF/JEN
- 22ndmeeting:March 7th 13:00 to March 8th14:00, 2017, Madrid, ES / JF AENOR
- 23rd meeting: October October xxth, 13:00 hrs to October xxth, 14:00 hrs, 2017, , / - host, date and place to be decided
- 24ndmeeting:March xxth 13:00 to March xxth14:00, 2018 - hosts, date and place to be proposed/considered
6 / (x) / 5 / Review of Decision listand follow up of action list /JEN
Any need for follow-up?
Make follow-up / check table for each meeting’s decisions like e.g.:
M20 / Implemented / Not implemented
Decisions / 2
16 / 1
Resolutions / 1
/ N0100R17_DecisionList pdf
Action list document
7 / x / D3 / 30 / Update of complaints and proposal for Resolution for a new and complete procedure for complaints, with its own section in the Specific Rules / K. Meyer
Specific resolution text to come
8 / (x) / D7,
D15 / 25 / Report from WG for Action Plan AP2: Improve Marketing and Communication activities / PD (Chair)and update on Solar Keymark Brochure /PD
Other WG members Oscar Mogro, Christian Stadler, Jaime Fernandez, Jan Erik Nielsen, Henry Rosik
Proposal for decision to come ?
9 / (x) / D8 / 20 / Report from WG for Action Plan AP3: Analyze the development of a certification scheme for installers and installations / Katharina Meyer (Chair)
Other WG members: Gerard Van Amerongen, Peter Kovacs, Jan Erik Nielsen, Jaime Fernandez, Vinod Sharma, Malte Kottwitz, Luis González, Alberto Garcia, Pedro Dias, Oscar Mogro and Henry Rosik
Proposal for decision to come ?
10 / (x) / D9 / 20 / Report from WG for Action Plan AP4: Effort to boost the Certification of new Products in Scheme Rules. Members Gerard Van Amerongen, Katharina Meyer (Chair)
Other WG members: Jaime Fernandez, Ulrich Fritzsche, Stephan Fischer, Korbinian Kramer
Proposal for decision to come ?
11 / (x) / D10 / 20 / Report from WG for Action Plan AP6: Prepare a thorough plan for all the new Legal Requirements and future changes in the Market. / Gerard Van Amerongen (Chair)
Other WG members: Ulrich Fritzsche, Pedro Dias, Jaime Fernandez, Oscar Mogro, Christian Stadler, and Korbinian Kramer.
Proposal for decision to come ?
12 / (x) / D13 / 20 / Report from WG to develop a new procedure for solar thermal system long term prediction according to EN 12977-2 / Ulrich Fritzsche (Chair)
Other WG members : Katharina Meyer, Maria Joao Carvalho, Oscar Mogro, Gerard Van Amerongen, Emmanuel Leger, Korbinian Kramer, Alberto Garcia and Stephan Fischer.
Proposal for decision to come ? / Documents to come
13 / (x) / D14 / 20 / Report or Update on “Inter-laboratory Comparison - ILC on Data Analysis”, SCF7 Project / A. Bohren
Proposal for decision to come ? / Document to come
14 / X / D16 / 20 / New Equivalent absorber coatings?
Report from WG for a new absorber coating
Members: Jan Erik Nielsen, Stephan Fischer (chair), Daniel Eggert and Andreas Bohren
15 / 5 / New Equivalent glazing?
x / 10 / Exchange of insulation material in collectors “Equivalent insulation” / A.Bohren
Presentation of SCF report.
Proposal for resolution:
The document “Insulation exchange 2608 Final” is adopted as Annex K of the SK Scheme Rules.
Insulation materials in certified solar thermal collectors can be exchanged without retesting under the conditions defined in clause 9 of Annex K. A database (.xls sheet) of insulation materials is established as described in Clause 10 of Annex K / N0288R0
16 / x / D1 / 15 / Resolution to come from WG composed of Katharina Meyer (leader) and Jaime Fernandez conc. proposal 11 in N0268R1Regarding OEM and OBL Certificates:
Proposal 11: (to be incorporated in the scheme rules):
If the collector models(s) listed on the Solar Keymark data sheet can’t be correlated unambiguously with the collectors mentioned in the test reports, such clear assignment shall be made in the remarks field of the data sheet. / N0268R1
Document to come
17 / X / 10 / Proposal for resolution / JEN
New “dot” in Annex G section 3.1 Rules and requirements to inserted just before the present last dot:
- Updating of OEM/OBL data sheets: Whenever an OEM product is re-tested / re-calculated with new data sheet values, data sheets for all related OBL products shall be updated within one month.
We’ve had an enquire via Intertek, Guangzhou about an OBL/OEM certificate based on SP SC0055-14. This certificate is based on the “old” version of ScenoCalc (v4.06) where all performance parameters are based on aperture area. As this is a family of collector the performance is based on the smallest model, i.e. SHC8. Collector power output @ 1000 W/m2 is then scaled based on the ratio of aperture areas, i.e. the performance of the largest model (SHC24) is Aa_SHC_24/Aa_SHC_8*(Power_SHC8).
In the specific Solar Keymark Scheme Rules sub section 13.7 it’s stated that the CAO shall be made using the latest version of ScenoCalc – in this case it’s v5.01. So, when scaling the performance parameters from aperture to gross area in this case, the conversion is done using the areas (Aa and AG) for the smallest model (SHC8). So far so good. However, when scaling the power output for the new OBL/OEM certificate the area ratios are different (Aa_SHC8/Aa_SHC24 vs. AG_SHC8/AG_SHC24) and thus causes different collector power outputs compared to the original certificate (SP SC0055-14). Please find result comparison attached.
What is the way forward here? On one hand the specific scheme rules says that the latest version of ScenoCalc shall be used and on the other hand an OBL/OEM certificate should reflect (mirror?) the results from the original certificate.
The client is eager to have the same values as the original certificate since subsidies are based on these results in the Netherlands and have shown other valid OBL/OEM certificates from the same original certificate that are based on the old version of ScenoCalc (v4.06).
Have you experience any similar cases?
Best Regards/ Med vänliga hälsningar, Patrik Ollas
x / 20 / Proposal to reduce SKN CO2 Footprint / Andreas Bohren
Proposal for a resolution:
To reduce the CO2 footprint and the financial impact induced by the different actions required for the Solar Keymark, the SKN decides to include the following in the Solar Keymark schem rules and working rules:
1.)To be included in section xx in the scheme rules: Every second factory inspection / Physical inspection can be done as a “remote inspection”, i.e. in the frame of a Video webconference. In this webconference all the documents as required for the factory inspection and physical inspection must be made available to the inspector and must be checked by the inspector. The video session has to be recorded and stored by the inspector. Furthermore a video web tour through the production site is required covering the main production steps. The initial inspection must be a real inspection. The inspection reports have to be filled as usual.
2.)To be included in section xx in the working rules: Every second Solar Keymark Network meeting is organised as Web Meeting only - without physical meeting location. The meeting is organised by the Solar Keymark secretariat. All required participants are obliged to attend the meetings using appropriate technical equipment in a silent environment. The meeting is organised by the Solar Keymark Secretariat and chaired by the Chairman, as usual.
Introduction/background for the proposal, see document N0289 / N0289R0
18 / 15 / Situation of the Market, expectations and work plan of ESTIF/Robin Welling, President of ESTIF
19 / 10 / Solar Certification Fund Projects – General Status Reports / PD
a. …
b. …
20 / (x) / 10 / Information from CEN Keymark Management/ S. Scholz
•New Keymark products underway ?
•Plans for general promotion of Keymark ?
- New Keymark Logo ? (update of logo proposed by HP Keymark group)
21 / x / D7toD10 / 20 / Presentation of Management table and proposal for strategy of SKN/JF (proposal to prioritize strategy items for SCF funding)
22 / x / 20 / SKN fees and budget for 2017 and other financial issues / JEN &PD
Estimated SKN fee income 2017
Proposal for budget for 2017
•Proposal for decision: Approve budget
- Proposal for resolution: No change in fees
23 / x / 20 / Proposal for decision: Priorities for SCF 8th call and election of SCF Chairman/ JEN
Proposals for priorities:
- Develop alternative to In-Situ software for system testing
All: Please send short descriptions of good ideas for next SCF call to
24 / x / 10 / Proposal for resolution (or maybe a proposal for WG to revise rules?) / JEN
To be included in the SCF Working Rules:
“Final payment for finalized SCF projects shall be done at latest 3 months from receipt of all required material from the project. Evaluation of finalized SCF projects shall be done in due time to comply with this”.
25 / x / 15 / Global certification update / JEN (related to SCF6-9)
- Status for Global Solar Certification Network
26 / x / 20 / Proposal to choose a new IBWG leader, maybe prepare exchange of experience of inspectors for 2017 and regarding, SKN_N0106_AnnexA1(b) / JF, S. Fisher
- Establish WG for revising/merging annex A1 and A1b taking into account related GSCN documents and comments from the GSCN WG.
27 / x / 10 / Proposal for resolution with respect to the updating of datasheets / JEN
It is proposed to clarify the SK scheme rules for updating the data base as shown below:
2.1 Requirements for certification, testing and inspection bodies
•Certification bodies shall make test results public available in the harmonised format agreed upon by the Solar Keymark Network – See Annex B. Updated lists of certified products shall be sent to the Solar Keymark Network manager each month.
17. Updating Solar Keymark database
The certification bodies shall inform the Solar Keymark manager withinevery two weeks about the Solar Keymark certificates issued and withdrawn for updating the Solar Keymark database every two weeks. The Solar Keymark database shall be updated within two weeks from notification from certification body.
x / 20 / Proposals concerning solar collectors: “No Solar Keymark requirements for solar collectors exceeding the scope of the solar collector standards EN12975-1 & EN/ISO9806” / Andreas Bohren (& JEN)
Proposal for resolution:
The SKN decides to remove all additional acceptance requirements concerning collectors from the Solar Keymark Scheme rules which are not covered by the EN12975 & EN/ISO9806.
Clause 13.6 of the Solar Keymark Scheme rules is deleted and not applicable anymore, except for the “Special requirement for performance determination of PVT collectors”.
Proposal for decision:
SKN_N0213R0 is declared void.
Proposal for resolution:
Include in the Solar Keymark Scheme Rules (section xx): “In all Solar Keymark collector certificates a disclaimer shall be included, stating that the certificate covers the requirements of the EN12975 & EN/ISO9806 only and that additional requirements emerging from other standards and/or regulations/directives are NOT covered by the Solar Keymark”.
Proposal for decision:
JEN will for the next meeting prepare proposal for similar resolution for the other Solar Keymark products (system, tanks, controllers).
Introduction and explanation
The „Solar Keymark“ certification for collectors shall be limited to solar thermal aspects and shall cover only points listed in the EN12975/ISO9806. Additional requirements emerging from other standards are excluded and shall not be taken into account for the Solar Keymark certification.
One of the main concerns are PVT collectors. Every PVT collector falls under the (national) PV regulations as any PV module and therefore has to fulfil the applicable national requirements anyway. This is independent of whether an IEC certified PV module is modified for PVT OR whether a non-certified PV system is provided with some solar thermal properties. The device is a PV and falls under the PV regulations. It is basically not the duty and not within the scope of accreditation of a the Solar Keymark test labs and certifiers to assess the PV certificates. It is however the duty of the distributor/installer of the PVT to take care that his product fulfils the applicable national PV regulations which is usually the applicable IEC standard certification and/or IEC Retesting Guidelines.
For this reason PVT collectors shall be tested and certified as any other collector without additional requirements emerging from PV relevant regulations. If such regulations apply, it is not the duty and not in the scope of the Solar Keymark test labs and certification bodies to check these regulations.
In the same way the Solar Keymark does assess or certify for example pressure equipment directive relevant results, Solar Keymark does not (and cannot) care about other safety issues such as electrical safety, man safety, toxic materials, glass in buildings, etc. etc. No such requirement shall be included in the Solar Keymark Scheme Rules.
10 / Proposal for a resolution amending 6.1 of the Solar Keymark Scheme Rules / Andreas Bohren
6.1 Complete re-testing (amended)
A complete re-testing of solar thermal products is required if
a) the initial date of Solar Keymark certification or
b) the last complete re-testing or
c) the first measured/tested result for the certified product is dated more than 10 years ago.
By transferring results from one to another collector the 10 years retesting regulation can be bypassed easily.
Example for illustration. A collector X was tested and certified in 2005. In 2013 another collector Y was tested and certified. For any reason, the test lab transferred most of the results from collector X and included these results in the test report / Keymark. For collector Y the test date is then 2013, meaning that in 2023 when the next test is due, most of the results were already measured 18 years ago, which was most probably not the intention of the 10 years regulation.
28 / 10 / Collector data sheet /Patrik Ollas; Ulrich Fritzsche
- Status for ScenoCalc development / PO
- Inconsistences in the evaluation of PVT collectors? / UF
- …
10 / Update on AirCow / Korbinian Kramer
Calculation of aircollectors (for collector data sheet)
29 / 10 / ESTIF LabelPackA+ project / PD
Presentation of project status / Document to come
30 / (x) / 10 / Update on “Fundamental new database that can also be used for the generation of data sheets” / JEN
(related to SCF 4C07 and 5C6.1) / Document to come
31 / (x) / D5 / 10 / Update on use of Keymark logo on Solergy Label / PD, S. Scholz
Has the label been revised?
32 / 10 / Update on Energy labelling / G. v. Amerongen
Status for the implementation / Documents to come?
33 / 10 / Update on other important information (usually presented in more detail at the last meeting):
Update on CE marking of collectors / A. Bohren; Updates from Liaison officers S.Fischer (IEC/TC117), K.Kramer(IEC/TC128), G.v.Amerongen(TC164, TC 228 and TC371); Standing WG (CB S.Scholz and IB J. Fernandez); V. Drosou (TC 312) ;Misuse of Solar Keymark / Document to come
5 / Update on “Solar Keymark for absorber coatings (SCF project xx) / JEN
34 / 10 / Any other business
35 / 5 / End of meeting /JF
Meeting ends Wednesday, October 18th, 14:00
Meeting duration
1st day: 13:00 – 19:00 = 6:00;two coffee break 0:30 effective meeting time 5:00 hours; 2ndday: 09:00 – 14:00 = 5:00;two coffee breaksá 0:30 effective meeting time 4:00 hours
5:00 + 4:00 hours = 9:00 hours = 540 minutes
JF: Jaime Fernandez, AENOR, Chairman Solar Keymark Network,
JEN:Jan Erik Nielsen, Solarkey Int., ESTIF Technical Consultant, Manager of Solar Keymark Network,
PD:Pedro Dias, ESTIF Secretary General, Administrative Secretary of Solar Keymark Network,
Potential subjects for next meeting:
Draft overview for all Crete meetings:
Day / Date / Time / Title of meeting / Agenda from / Meeting room capacity (persons)Monday / 17th October
Morning / 08:00 - 12.00 / CEN TC312 WG1 / Andreas Bohren / 15
Afternoon / 13.00-19.00 / SKN meeting / Jan Erik Nielsen / 45
Tuesday / 18th October
Morning / 09.00-14.00 / SKN meeting / Jan Erik Nielsen / 45
Afternoon / 14.45 - 18.00 / CEN TC312 WG2 & WG3 meeting / Dinah Schönhusen / 15
Afternoon / 16:00 - 20.00 / CEN TC312 WG1 / Andreas Bohren / 15
Wednesday / 19th October
Morning / 09:00-18:00 / CEN TC312 plenary meeting / Vassiliki Drosou / 25
Afternoon / 16:00 - 20.00 / CEN TC312 WG1 / Andreas Bohren / 15
Thursday / 20th October / ISO TC 180
Morning / 09.00-11.00 / Joint CEN TC312 plenary meeting and ISO TC180 / Vassiliki Drosou / 30
Afternoon / 13:00-17:00 / TC 180 SC1 / 25
Afternoon / 13:00-17:00 / TC 180 WG3 / 25
Friday / 21th October
Morning / 09:00-12.30 / TC 180 SC4 / Erandi Chandrasekare / 20
Afternoon / 13.30-17.00 / TC 180 plenary / Erandi Chandrasekare / 30
WEB meeting login
… to come
Recommended hotels
- Kiani Beach Resort (meetings will be here)
Room rate 100euros/room BB – when using code “STANDWeek”
Kiani Akti Apokoronou
73003 Chania, Crete - Greece
Pelagia Kalamiotaki
Front Office Manager
Tel.: +30 28250 32300/ 31055/32350/32353
Fax: +30 28250 32260
- Kalyves Beach Hotel
Room rate 70euros/room BB – when using code “STANDWeek”
Kalyves Beach Hotel
Chania, Kalyves, Apokoronas, Crete, Greece
P.O BOX 73003
tel.: +30 28250 31285, 31881
fax: +30 28250 31134