Listen 4 Change Parent Participation Forum
Evening Forum 8th July 2015
Haydock CLC
1. Welcome and Introduction
Geoff Rigby (GR) welcomed everyone to the Forum and ran through the programme.
2. Listen 4 Change Presentation and Skills Audit
The attached presentation was made by GR.
GR informed parent of the recent presentation he had done to the SEN Sub-Group, chaired by Cllr Murphy. SD added that she had also attended and the Chair of the group had asked whether not only did we listen to what parents say but do we act on them. A place has been offered to Listen 4 Change to sit on the group. SD will be asking for parents to put them forward for this role when more information is known.
Carolyn Deveney (CD), Parent Carer Participation Advisor – North West region, updated parents on the national parent participation picture and how parents are making a difference. CD informed parents that the Local Authority has a duty to consult with parent carer forums and assured parents that they can give as little or as much time as they can. CD also gave a brief summary on Contact a Family.
Parents were then asked to complete a Skills Audit to identify their areas of expertise and identify any training needed. Parents were also asked to give their details if they wanted to get more involved either as a Parent Rep or Steering Group member.
3. Occupational and Physio Therapy Services Presentation
GR introduced Alison Unsworth (AU) and Pippa Turner (PT) from 5 Boroughs Partnership.
The two informed parents that there is a team of 19 staff working at a variety of clinics across the borough.
AU advised the forum that the team have recently been to an away day and have come away with lots of new ideas on how the service should be developed and are taking these to the Commissioners.
A key area that they want to develop is services around sensory issues as the service is inundated with referrals for issues around autism and SPD.
A parent asked what is the assessment process for SPD? AU and PT advised that SPD is complex and they use a mixture of questions and observations.
A parent asked about OT in Lansbury Bridge. PT will be in Lansbury for 2 days a week from September 2015.
AU advised that demand is far outstripping resources and there is currently a 9 month wait for initial assessment.
The service is currently working on setting up small groups for parents to get together to look at the theory and issues around SPD. The group will take away strategies and then meet again to feedback. This will be developed and the service will aim to deliver a mix of training, information and interventions to parents and schools.
AU did however confirm that there is a demand on the service to deliver training in schools but at the moment they do not have the resources.
AU also advised parents that they need to reduce DNA’s so that they can reduce waiting times. They acknowledge the need to engage with service users. They are looking at the written reports they do around quality and how long it takes to be distributed.
A parent said they had been referred by Com Paed but not heard anything. AU advised they are probably part of the long waiting list but offered to take names away and check.
AU advised that re physiotherapy, they are developing training in school and providing handwriting workshops.
AU circulated a form “What ideas do you have for our service?” and asked parents to complete and return.
AU finished with informing parents that the team have recently won an award for excellence in service delivery.
GR thanked AU and PT for their time.
4. Bridgewater – Speech, Language and Communication Therapy Services
GR introduced Anne Doyle (AD) and Caroline Kurt (CK) from Bridgewater, the new providers of the above service.
AD explained how the NHS is broken down into different providers and how this can be confusing for parents.
AD gave a brief presentation on the service.
Bridgewater took over the service on 1st July and are currently reviewing files.
Their website is
The new service will look at early intervention and there will be a focus on training professionals who work with young children i.e. Heath Visitors, Private and Voluntary Sector, Nurseries, Homestart and Children’s Centres. Children’s Centre staff will also deliver speech focussed groups.
The service will also work on delivering training to all schools so that the standards and expectations are the same at all schools. The focus will be about using language that is appropriate and being able to break learning down into chunks.
The service will be delivered at different clinics and Children’s Centres across the borough.
The service will have a number of Specialist Supporting staff covering key issues such as EHCP’s.
Bridgewater are developing new templates for their paperwork so that the reports are practical and actions are clear.
AD advised the Forum that they want to set up a Strategy Group including parent reps and a task and finish group and will be looking for Listen 4 Change to be involved.
AD informed parents that a key part of the new service is training and this will firstly be aimed at those working with children in the early years i.e. Health Visitor, Children’s Centres, Nurseries, Voluntary sector. The focus will then move to primary then secondary.
A parent raised the issue of a lack of awareness as a child gets older and the different communication problems they have.
A parent asked about training delivered by LASC to school. SD advised that the take up of LASC training by schools is being looked at by the Neuro Development Steering Group. Sheila Henshall said that in her opinion, the take up is not good or consistent across schools. AD assured the forum that they will work closely with LASC and deliver joint training.
AD advised parents that they are reviewing paperwork and want parents to comment.
AD advised parents that they have inherited a huge back-log and are currently working through the files. AD and CK offered to take parents details away and look at their files and get back to them.
GR thanked everyone for attending and closed the Forum.