Hidden Point Homeowners Association
May 9, 2016
In Attendance: Kirk Smith, Jennifer Botsko, Mike Shelton, Forest Pate, Jackie Mewbourne, Steve Tanner, Jean Moore
Meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m. by Jennifer Botsko.
Jackie will send a letter to the homeowners at 135 Ashland point about parking on the common area outside the main entrance.
Mike moved to approve minutes of the April meeting. Forest seconded and the motion passed.
Treasure’s report: Steve Tanner reported a balance of $50,252.87. Bills for lights and some tree work have been paid. We are in the second month of our new landscaping contract with Puryear. We are waiting for Sunshine’s invoice ($1,275). Outstanding dues on 7 lots are $3,818.36. Steve will send additional notices to the property owners.
Landscaping: Kirk reports the new contract is $2,880 per month. Begonias are to be planted at the entrances. Kirk expressed concern about mowing on islands with a ZTR instead of a hand mower. Two trees in the common area near the playground were removed, and the canopy was raised on some of the older oak trees. Need to aerate and seed this fall. Discussion about designating one parking place near each common area as a community brush pile to keep limbs from piling up on common areas. Growing grass on common areas would require irrigation, which would be very expensive to install. Kirk will ask Puryear for a recommendation on common areas and discuss other concerns regarding mowing. Forest plans to cut roots on trees that are messing up sidewalks. Duane’s concrete contractor will repour when working on his new home.
Architecture: Forest reports the Abbotts have a new roof. The Sheltons’ request to install an arbor over the garage doors was approved.
Repairs: Mike says the city has competed patch paving. Playground has been repaired and can be stained in October. Light #2 by the Connors needs repairs.
Compliance: DeMoss boat still in driveway, despite conversation with Jennifer. They say it will be gone soon. Also had Relay for Life sign in yard. Martin gutters need to be cleaned. 110 Hidden Point has overgrown landscaping and general maintenance issues.
New Business: Need to set dates for annual Homeowners meeting (September?) and fall garage sale. Will be addressed at next meeting. Kirk has drafted a 5-year plan to address concerns about aging infrastructure, including tennis courts, basketball court, plantings, irrigation, playground, sidewalks. Consider converting basketball court to a grassy play area? Jackie will draw from his proposal in creating a survey for homeowners. Need to amend covenants to prohibit “short-term rentals,” i.e., AirB&B, to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood. Need to add restriction on removing trees with trunks larger than 6” in diameter or changing more than 25% of landscaping without prior approval of the HOA.
The next meeting scheduled for July 11 at Jackie’s.
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.