Appendix 1. Data shown in Figures 1-4. Body mass (grams wet), temperature (oC), frequency (f) in kHz, power (p) in mWatts, call rate (r) in calls per second, and call duration (d) in seconds. (T) indicates a trilling species.

Class / Order / Family / Genus species / body mass / temp. / f / p / r / d / Ref.
Porichthys notatus (T) / 70.10 / 19.9 / 0.130 / 125.000 / 1
Porichthys notatus / 9.20 / 14.3 / 0.093 / 1
Cyprinodon variegatus / 2.00 / 25.0 / 1.171 / 0.520 / 2, 3
Melanogrammus aeglefinus / 371.37 / 10.0 / 0.220 / 3.500 / 4, 5
Melanogrammus aeglefinus / 371.37 / 10.0 / 0.180 / 8.300 / 4, 5
Synodontis eupterus / 11.55 / 27.0 / 2.180 / 0.500 / 6
Micropterus coosae / 68.78 / 21.0 / 0.170 / 1.250 / 7, 5
Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum / 8.29 / 26.3 / 0.480 / 8
Hemichromis bimaculatus / 15.27 / 26.3 / 0.442 / 9, 10
Oreochromis mossambicus / 44.00 / 26.0 / 0.754 / 11
Pseudotropheus callainos / 32.42 / 25.0 / 0.517 / 0.476 / 11
Pseudotropheus zebra ‘gold' / 42.06 / 25.0 / 0.436 / 0.668 / 12
Pseudotropheus zebra / 39.21 / 25.0 / 0.460 / 0.532 / 11
Tramitichromis intermedius / 87.25 / 25.0 / 0.323 / 0.171 / 1
Trichopsis pumilus / 0.37 / 28.0 / 2.463 / 9.86 x10-04 / 7
Trichopsis schalleri / 0.90 / 28.0 / 1.984 / 1.49 x10-04 / 13
Trichopsis vittata / 1.91 / 28.0 / 1.330 / 1.13 x10-04 / 0.305 / 7
Trichopsis vittata / 1.27 / 28.0 / 1.406 / 7.86 x10-05 / 0.045 / 7
Abudefduf luridus / 42.82 / 19.3 / 0.393 / 7, 14
Dascyllus albisella / 38.31 / 26.1 / 0.368 / 15
Dascyllus aruanus / 6.65 / 26.0 / 3.859 / 6, 5
Dascyllus aruanus / 6.65 / 26.0 / 1.026 / 16, 5
Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus / 10.32 / 26.0 / 0.328 / 17, 5
Cynoscion regalis / 242.14 / 12.0 / 0.500 / 6.28 x10-04 / 18, 5
Eutrigla gurnardus / 109.00 / 9.5 / 0.495 / 0.08 / 1.250 / 19
Prionotus carolinus / 151.00 / 16.3 / 0.500 / 2.18 x10-03 / 0.50 / 9, 20
Corydoras paleatus / 9.00 / 25.0 / 1.700 / 21
Corydoras paleatus / 0.20 / 25.0 / 4.050 / 21
Hippocampus zosterae / 0.12 / 25.0 / 3.054 / 22
Syngnathus floridae, m. / 1.60 / 25.0 / 1.450 / 23
Syngnathus fuscus, m. / 2.15 / 25.0 / 1.300 / 23
Zeus faber / 140.94 / 12.0 / 0.500 / 24, 5
Alytes cisternasii / 5.02 / 18.0 / 1.406 / 0.29 / 0.144 / 25
Alytes muletensis / 2.31 / 22.0 / 1.850 / 3.28 x10-02 / 0.52 / 26
Alytes obstetricans / 6.40 / 12.0 / 1.100 / 27
Bufo alvarius / 324.76 / 25.0 / 1.083 / 0.670 / 28
Bufo americanus (T) / 31.00 / 16.8 / 1.788 / 0.02 / 7.300 / 29
Bufo americanus (T) / 31.00 / 11.5 / 1.400 / 12.000 / 30
Bufo americanus (T) / 31.00 / 27.0 / 1.900 / 5.000 / 30
Bufo blombergi / 1135.00 / 26.0 / 0.670 / 31, 32
Bufo coniferus (T) / 22.16 / 24.0 / 1.000 / 23.650 / 33
Bufo fustiger (T) / 371.00 / 24.5 / 0.712 / 24.510 / 34, 35
Bufo garmani / 83.87 / 18.2 / 36
Bufo gutturalis / 51.63 / 15.1 / 36
Bufo marmoreus (T) / 25.82 / 26.3 / 1.825 / 5.600 / 33
Bufo peltocephalus (T) / 232.00 / 23.6 / 0.694 / 14.570 / 34, 35
Bufo perplexus (T) / 13.88 / 21.3 / 1.620 / 2.900 / 33
Bufo taladai (T) / 296.00 / 24.2 / 0.768 / 11.910 / 34, 35
Bufo viridis (T) / 35.56 / 15.7 / 1.350 / 37
Bufo viridis (T) / 20.40 / 24.0 / 4.000 / 37
Bufo viridis (T) / 50.70 / 7.0 / 7.000 / 37
Bufo woodhousei australis (T) / 56.72 / 25.0 / 1.509 / 1.357 / 38
Bufo woodhousii fowleri (T) / 18.61 / 14.0 / 1.800 / 2.500 / 30
Bufo woodhousii fowleri (T) / 18.61 / 24.0 / 2.100 / 1.300 / 30
Dendrobates pumilio / 0.97 / 24.0 / 4.000 / 6.50 / 39
Acris crepitans (T) / 1.09 / 20.0 / 3.561 / 1.900 / 40
Hyla arborea kretensis (T) / 6.00 / 7.0 / 41, 42
Hyla arborea kretensis (T) / 6.00 / 23.5 / 41, 42
Hyla arborea molleri (T) / 6.00 / 8.0 / 41, 42
Hyla arborea molleri (T) / 6.00 / 18.5 / 41, 42
Hyla arborea sarda (T) / 6.00 / 8.0 / 41, 42
Hyla arborea sarda (T) / 6.00 / 17.0 / 41, 42
Hyla cinerea (T) / 5.10 / 27.0 / 43
Hyla ebracata / 0.90 / 25.0 / 3.256 / 0.160 / 44
Hyla elianiae (T) / 1.00 / 21.0 / 3.250 / 5.820 / 45
Hyla gratiosa (T) / 12.50 / 29.3 / 43
Hyla japonica (T) / 2.10 / 13.0 / 46
Hyla japonica (T) / 2.10 / 22.5 / 46
Hyla jimi (T) / 0.48 / 20.0 / 3.950 / 2.920 / 45
Hyla labialis / 12.76 / 6.0 / 0.300 / 47
Hyla labialis / 3.98 / 30.0 / 0.100 / 47
Hyla microcephala / 0.60 / 27.5 / 43
Hyla nana (T) / 0.83 / 21.0 / 4.850 / 3.810 / 48
Hyla sp. / 2.35 / 25.0 / 0.37 / 0.570 / 49
Hyla sanborni (T) / 0.40 / 20.0 / 5.100 / 4.460 / 48
Hyla squirella (T) / 2.20 / 27.8 / 43
Hyla versicolor (T) / 8.60 / 19.0 / 43
Hypsiboas albomarginatus / 5.94 / 17.5 / 2.464 / 0.47 / 50
Pseudacris crucifer / 1.20 / 23.0 / 43
Pseudacris ornate / 1.97 / 16.5 / 2.790 / 51
Pseudacris streckeri / 2.58 / 20.1 / 2.326 / 51
Afrixalus fornasinii / 3.47 / 22.3 / 36
Hyperolius marmoratus / 2.00 / 25.0 / 43
Hyperolius tuberilinguis / 2.11 / 20.1 / 36
Hyperolius viridiflavus / 2.00 / 25.0 / 43
Eleutherodactylus adelus / 0.09 / 25.0 / 4.800 / 0.78 / 0.188 / 52
Eleutherodactylus antillensis / 2.06 / 24.0 / 2.900 / 53
Eleutherodactylus cruralis / 1.20 / 22.2 / 3.203 / 0.13 / 54
Eleutherodactylus discoidalis / 1.67 / 17.4 / 2.262 / 0.23 / 54
Eleutherodactylus madidi / 1.81 / 21.0 / 2.436 / 0.07 / 54
Eleutherodactylus manezinho / 1.22 / 23.0 / 2.675 / 0.885 / 55
Eleutherodactylus sambaqui sp. nov. / 4.12 / 17.0 / 1.925 / 0.592 / 55
Hylodes heyeri (T) / 3.81 / 22.6 / 4.220 / 1.110 / 56
Hylodes heyeri sp. nov. (T) / 5.06 / 22.0 / 4.000 / 1.050 / 57
Physalaemus nanus / 0.46 / 22.0 / 2.300 / 0.180 / 58
Physalaemus pustulosus / 1.33 / 25.0 / 2.550 / 59
Physalaemus springer / 0.46 / 21.0 / 2.100 / 0.250 / 58
Mantidactylus granulatus / 6.23 / 24.5 / 3.038 / 60
Mantidactylus zavona sp. nov. / 4.46 / 24.0 / 3.400 / 0.63 / 0.486 / 60
Geocrinia Victoriana / 1.07 / 12.8 / 2.740 / 61
Phrynomerus bifasciatus / 11.04 / 22.8 / 36
Plethodontohyla coronata / 0.77 / 23.5 / 3.975 / 3.16 / 62
Plethodontohyla mihanika sp. nov. / 1.79 / 24.5 / 2.050 / 63
Pelobates cultripes / 38.45 / 18.0 / 0.830 / 64
Pelobates cultripes / 38.45 / 18.0 / 0.830 / 64
Scaphiopus bombifrons / 10.16 / 20.0 / 1.780 / 65
Scaphiopus couchi / 33.93 / 21.0 / 1.590 / 65
Scaphiopus multiplicatus (T) / 10.20 / 22.0 / 1.380 / 65
Pelodytes punctatus / 3.03 / 13.3 / 2.225 / 66
Cacosternum boettgeri / 0.44 / 23.0 / 36
Phrynobatrachus mababiensis / 25.4 / 36
Phrynobatrachus natalensis / 2.87 / 22.8 / 36
Platymantis paengi sp. nov. / 2.35 / 26.2 / 3.600 / 67
Ptychadena anchietae / 6.27 / 22.8 / 36
Ptychadena mossambica / 3.47 / 20.5 / 36
Rana catesbeiana / 675.32 / 20.8 / 0.650 / 68
Rana clamitans / 44.71 / 25.6 / 1.696 / 69
Tomopterna cryptotis / 5.36 / 20.6 / 36
Tomopterna krugerensis / 11.04 / 20.5 / 36
Philautus hoffmanni / 0.94 / 19.0 / 2.393 / 0.665 / 70
Philautus stuarti / 1.21 / 18.0 / 2.530 / 1.755 / 70
Aix sponsa / 687.00 / 40.0 / 1.400 / 71, 72
Anas platyrhynchos / 1082.00 / 40.0 / 1.159 / 73
Elanus scriptus / 283.83 / 40.0 / 4.920 / 0.135 / 74, 75
Uria lomvia / 980.00 / 40.0 / 0.920 / 1.000 / 76, 77
Charadrius melodus / 53.00 / 40.0 / 2.260 / 0.165 / 78, 79
Pagodroma nivea / 268.00 / 40.0 / 3.605 / 80
Falco berigora / 444.25 / 40.0 / 4.160 / 0.143 / 74, 75
Falco cenchroides / 155.50 / 40.0 / 4.943 / 0.385 / 74, 75
Falco longipennis / 219.33 / 40.0 / 4.900 / 0.453 / 74, 75
Falco peregrinus / 687.75 / 40.0 / 4.700 / 0.536 / 74, 81
Falco subniger / 629.43 / 40.0 / 3.867 / 0.170 / 74, 75
Perdix perdix / 397.48 / 40.0 / 3.507 / 0.295 / 82, 83
Gallus domesticus / 3500.00 / 40.0 / 1.67 x10-01 / 84
Gavia immer / 4532.89 / 40.0 / 1.814 / 85
Aegithalos caudatus (T) / 8.16 / 40.0 / 6.325 / 0.237 / 86, 87
Corvus brachyrhynchos (T) / 538.00 / 40.0 / 1.050 / 0.310 / 88, 89
Corvus caurinus (T) / 414.20 / 40.0 / 1.640 / 0.480 / 88, 90
Corvus corax (T) / 1078.00 / 40.0 / 1.030 / 0.170 / 88, 91
Corvus frugilegus (T) / 479.36 / 40.0 / 1.320 / 1.500 / 88, 92
Corvus rhipidurus (T) / 524.25 / 40.0 / 1.280 / 0.340 / 88, 92
Corvus ruficollis (T) / 686.67 / 40.0 / 1.030 / 0.640 / 88, 92
Nucifraga caryocatactes (T) / 157.86 / 40.0 / 2.170 / 1.350 / 88, 92
Emberiza citrinella / 28.00 / 40.0 / 6.42 x10-03 / 84
Emberiza schoeniclus / 20.00 / 40.0 / 2.05 x10-03 / 84
Spizella passerina (T) / 0.28 / 1.400 / 93, 94
Zonotrichia capensis (T) / 20.00 / 40.0 / 4.158 / 1.640 / 95, 96
Acanthus cannabina / 19.00 / 40.0 / 1.26 x10-03 / 84
Fringilla coelebs / 22.00 / 40.0 / 7.55 x10-03 / 84
Agelaius phoeniceus (T) / 70.50 / 40.0 / 3.590 / 1.17 / 0.19 / 97, 98, 99
Erithacus rubecula (T) / 20.00 / 40.0 / 1.45 x10-02 / 0.23 / 84, 100
Parus ater / 9.00 / 40.0 / 2.05 x10-03 / 84
Parus atricapillus (T) / 10.80 / 40.0 / 7.200 / 101
Parus montanus (T) / 11.00 / 40.0 / 0.27 / 102
Dendroica petechia (T) / 10.00 / 40.0 / 0.18 / 103, 104
Icteria virens (T) / 25.51 / 40.0 / 0.30 / 105, 106
Wilsonia citrina (T) / 10.61 / 40.0 / 0.09 / 107, 108
Phylloscopus collybita / 9.00 / 40.0 / 2.84 x10-03 / 84
Phylloscopus trochilus / 8.00 / 40.0 / 1.75 x10-03 / 84
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (T) / 215.80 / 40.0 / 1.529 / 0.396 / 109, 110
Regulus regulus / 6.00 / 40.0 / 1.26 x10-03 / 84
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus / 11.00 / 40.0 / 2.84 x10-03 / 84
Locustella naevia / 12.00 / 40.0 / 6.42 x10-03 / 84
Sylvia atricapilla / 18.00 / 40.0 / 1.05 x10-02 / 84
Sylvia communis / 15.00 / 40.0 / 1.07 x10-03 / 84
Sylvia curruca / 12.00 / 40.0 / 2.84 x10-03 / 84
Troglodytes troglodytes / 10.00 / 40.0 / 1.45 x10-02 / 84
Turdus merula / 96.00 / 40.0 / 8.89 x10-03 / 84
Turdus philomelos / 69.00 / 40.0 / 7.38 x10-02 / 84
Mionectes rufiventris (T) / 14.00 / 40.0 / 0.05 / 111
Tyrannus tyrannus (T) / 39.93 / 40.0 / 0.24 / 112, 113
Vireolanius melitophrys (T) / 33.00 / 40.0 / 0.38 / 0.800 / 114
Unknown European Passerine / 5.36 / 40.0 / 5.883 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 5.87 / 40.0 / 6.139 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.74 / 40.0 / 5.631 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 12.65 / 40.0 / 5.709 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.04 / 40.0 / 5.175 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.79 / 40.0 / 5.153 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 8.32 / 40.0 / 4.669 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.16 / 40.0 / 4.832 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.03 / 40.0 / 4.815 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.03 / 40.0 / 4.985 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.19 / 40.0 / 5.130 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 24.07 / 40.0 / 5.038 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 46.33 / 40.0 / 4.927 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 25.41 / 40.0 / 4.430 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.82 / 40.0 / 4.336 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.94 / 40.0 / 4.167 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.66 / 40.0 / 4.454 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.92 / 40.0 / 4.555 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 18.01 / 40.0 / 4.456 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.37 / 40.0 / 4.325 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 15.79 / 40.0 / 4.202 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.82 / 40.0 / 4.018 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 13.14 / 40.0 / 3.968 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.24 / 40.0 / 3.956 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.62 / 40.0 / 4.041 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 18.87 / 40.0 / 3.836 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 19.15 / 40.0 / 3.572 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 24.87 / 40.0 / 3.692 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 26.88 / 40.0 / 3.275 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 27.62 / 40.0 / 3.308 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 33.40 / 40.0 / 3.515 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 37.05 / 40.0 / 3.724 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 55.09 / 40.0 / 3.981 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 36.29 / 40.0 / 3.355 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 50.70 / 40.0 / 3.481 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 53.32 / 40.0 / 3.348 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 64.46 / 40.0 / 3.219 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 72.81 / 40.0 / 3.006 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 96.46 / 40.0 / 2.810 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 101.83 / 40.0 / 2.532 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 1358.47 / 40.0 / 1.046 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 418.94 / 40.0 / 1.279 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 395.56 / 40.0 / 1.392 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 204.69 / 40.0 / 1.952 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 213.90 / 40.0 / 1.832 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 157.42 / 40.0 / 1.765 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 68.43 / 40.0 / 1.913 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 68.36 / 40.0 / 2.190 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 90.65 / 40.0 / 2.363 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 93.13 / 40.0 / 2.382 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 29.05 / 40.0 / 2.206 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 29.98 / 40.0 / 2.449 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 23.70 / 40.0 / 2.315 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 23.96 / 40.0 / 2.519 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 24.91 / 40.0 / 2.795 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 24.15 / 40.0 / 2.915 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 25.03 / 40.0 / 3.039 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 28.44 / 40.0 / 3.109 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 23.47 / 40.0 / 3.139 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 23.53 / 40.0 / 3.258 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 21.30 / 40.0 / 3.253 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 21.64 / 40.0 / 3.372 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 21.50 / 40.0 / 3.391 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 19.36 / 40.0 / 3.459 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 18.95 / 40.0 / 2.721 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 12.95 / 40.0 / 2.926 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 13.32 / 40.0 / 3.025 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.44 / 40.0 / 3.049 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.68 / 40.0 / 3.073 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 12.74 / 40.0 / 3.098 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.26 / 40.0 / 3.212 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.74 / 40.0 / 3.072 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 16.86 / 40.0 / 3.185 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 15.91 / 40.0 / 3.252 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.02 / 40.0 / 3.254 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 13.14 / 40.0 / 3.328 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 17.30 / 40.0 / 3.461 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.85 / 40.0 / 3.458 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 14.68 / 40.0 / 3.563 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 13.03 / 40.0 / 3.546 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 15.02 / 40.0 / 3.688 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 12.34 / 40.0 / 3.837 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 12.35 / 40.0 / 3.857 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 11.24 / 40.0 / 3.812 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 8.84 / 40.0 / 3.738 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.21 / 40.0 / 3.796 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 8.70 / 40.0 / 3.949 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.38 / 40.0 / 4.020 / 115
Unknown European Passerine / 9.21 / 40.0 / 4.146 / 115
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 196.52 / 40.0 / 4.724 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 100.62 / 40.0 / 3.093 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 96.52 / 40.0 / 3.690 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 76.08 / 40.0 / 2.382 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 72.34 / 40.0 / 2.915 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 64.77 / 40.0 / 3.028 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 64.00 / 40.0 / 3.674 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 61.02 / 40.0 / 3.303 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 60.31 / 40.0 / 4.966 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 46.54 / 40.0 / 2.220 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 45.55 / 40.0 / 2.495 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 45.07 / 40.0 / 3.416 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 44.59 / 40.0 / 2.237 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 43.20 / 40.0 / 2.124 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 39.76 / 40.0 / 4.110 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 37.41 / 40.0 / 3.513 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 35.59 / 40.0 / 4.595 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 32.93 / 40.0 / 2.592 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 31.10 / 40.0 / 4.207 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 31.10 / 40.0 / 3.513 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 30.52 / 40.0 / 2.220 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 29.95 / 40.0 / 3.626 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 29.40 / 40.0 / 2.689 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 28.86 / 40.0 / 2.802 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 28.08 / 40.0 / 4.320 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 28.08 / 40.0 / 3.190 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 27.83 / 40.0 / 3.787 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 27.83 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 27.33 / 40.0 / 4.708 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 26.60 / 40.0 / 3.771 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 25.00 / 40.0 / 4.013 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 24.78 / 40.0 / 5.790 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 24.35 / 40.0 / 2.915 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 24.35 / 40.0 / 4.918 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 23.93 / 40.0 / 3.399 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 23.12 / 40.0 / 4.013 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 22.54 / 40.0 / 4.013 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 20.91 / 40.0 / 3.076 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 20.23 / 40.0 / 3.028 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 20.23 / 40.0 / 4.611 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 20.07 / 40.0 / 3.997 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 19.43 / 40.0 / 4.304 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 19.27 / 40.0 / 4.982 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 19.12 / 40.0 / 3.852 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 18.96 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 18.66 / 40.0 / 4.352 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 18.37 / 40.0 / 4.110 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 17.52 / 40.0 / 3.319 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 17.39 / 40.0 / 3.157 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 16.99 / 40.0 / 4.207 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 16.73 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 16.73 / 40.0 / 4.498 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 16.47 / 40.0 / 5.063 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 16.35 / 40.0 / 7.389 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 15.86 / 40.0 / 4.578 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 15.39 / 40.0 / 3.076 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 14.51 / 40.0 / 5.628 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 14.30 / 40.0 / 4.595 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 13.89 / 40.0 / 3.884 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 13.50 / 40.0 / 3.028 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.94 / 40.0 / 7.033 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.75 / 40.0 / 4.352 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.67 / 40.0 / 4.110 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.58 / 40.0 / 4.708 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.58 / 40.0 / 3.626 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.49 / 40.0 / 7.389 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.49 / 40.0 / 8.697 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.49 / 40.0 / 6.484 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.49 / 40.0 / 4.369 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 12.15 / 40.0 / 3.286 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 11.82 / 40.0 / 4.094 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 11.58 / 40.0 / 3.626 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 11.50 / 40.0 / 4.966 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 11.35 / 40.0 / 5.612 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.62 / 40.0 / 3.642 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.55 / 40.0 / 6.807 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.55 / 40.0 / 5.774 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.55 / 40.0 / 7.195 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.55 / 40.0 / 3.367 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.41 / 40.0 / 4.595 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.27 / 40.0 / 4.191 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.21 / 40.0 / 3.755 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.08 / 40.0 / 4.369 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 10.01 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.88 / 40.0 / 5.402 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.69 / 40.0 / 6.387 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.63 / 40.0 / 3.997 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.57 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.57 / 40.0 / 5.903 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.21 / 40.0 / 4.482 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 9.21 / 40.0 / 5.677 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.82 / 40.0 / 4.934 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.71 / 40.0 / 4.708 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.71 / 40.0 / 5.499 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.66 / 40.0 / 4.611 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.60 / 40.0 / 4.901 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.45 / 40.0 / 6.323 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.35 / 40.0 / 3.658 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.30 / 40.0 / 6.920 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.30 / 40.0 / 5.386 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 8.20 / 40.0 / 6.323 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 7.76 / 40.0 / 4.692 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 7.45 / 40.0 / 5.402 / 116
Unknown Territorial, Eastern North American Oscine / 6.76 / 40.0 / 3.076 / 116
Diomedea exulans / 8463.60 / 40.0 / 2.835 / 1.578 / 117, 118
Diomedea sanfordi / 9671.00 / 40.0 / 2.860 / 1.105 / 117, 118
Oceanites oceanicus / 37.85 / 40.0 / 1.615 / 0.105 / 119, 118
Eudyptula minor / 1159.42 / 40.0 / 1.745 / 120, 118
Aptenodytes forsteri / 38000.00 / 40.0 / 0.441 / 121
Strix aluco / 400.15 / 40.0 / 0.820 / 122, 123
Crypturellus atrocapillus / 453.00 / 40.0 / 1.127 / 124
Crypturellus bartletti / 241.00 / 40.0 / 1.530 / 124
Crypturellus berlepschi / 478.00 / 40.0 / 1.409 / 124
Crypturellus boucardi / 418.00 / 40.0 / 0.779 / 124
Crypturellus cinereus / 450.00 / 40.0 / 1.762 / 124
Crypturellus cinnamomeus / 419.00 / 40.0 / 1.315 / 124
Crypturellus erythropus / 485.00 / 40.0 / 1.121 / 124
Crypturellus noctivagus / 800.00 / 40.0 / 1.188 / 124
Crypturellus obsoletus / 482.00 / 40.0 / 2.033 / 124
Crypturellus parvirostris / 212.00 / 40.0 / 2.069 / 124
Crypturellus soui / 198.00 / 40.0 / 2.016 / 124
Crypturellus strigulosus / 390.00 / 40.0 / 1.348 / 124
Crypturellus tataupa / 264.00 / 40.0 / 2.234 / 124
Crypturellus transfasciatus / 283.00 / 40.0 / 1.252 / 124
Crypturellus undulatus / 540.00 / 40.0 / 1.248 / 124
Crypturellus variegatus / 384.00 / 40.0 / 1.503 / 124
Eudromia elegans / 660.00 / 40.0 / 1.591 / 124
Eudromia formosa / 640.00 / 40.0 / 1.657 / 124
Nothocercus bonapartei / 763.00 / 40.0 / 1.468 / 124
Nothoprocta cinerascens / 475.00 / 40.0 / 2.507 / 124
Nothoprocta ornata / 572.00 / 40.0 / 3.515 / 124
Nothoprocta pentlandii / 293.00 / 40.0 / 2.610 / 124
Nothoprocta perdicaria / 458.00 / 40.0 / 2.659 / 124
Nothura darwinii / 245.00 / 40.0 / 2.289 / 124
Nothura maculosa / 300.00 / 40.0 / 2.373 / 124
Nothura minor / 166.00 / 40.0 / 3.374 / 124
Rhynchotus rufescens maculicollis / 890.00 / 40.0 / 2.144 / 124
Rhynchotus rufescens rufescens / 900.00 / 40.0 / 2.287 / 124
Tinamotis ingoufi / 730.00 / 40.0 / 1.718 / 124
Tinamotis pentlandii / 895.00 / 40.0 / 1.306 / 124
Tinamus guttatus / 600.00 / 40.0 / 1.061 / 124
Tinamus major / 1052.00 / 40.0 / 1.315 / 124
Tinamus osgoodi / 1285.00 / 40.0 / 1.033 / 124
Tinamus solitarius / 125.00 / 40.0 / 1.342 / 124
Tinamus tao / 2000.00 / 40.0 / 1.248 / 124
Homarus americanus / 394.00 / 12.5 / 0.178 / 125, 126
Cicadetta cantilatrix / 0.14 / 28.0 / 13.240 / 127
Diceroprocta aurantiaca / 0.39 / 36.3 / 11.744 / 1.09 x10-02 / 128
Diceroprocta delicata / 0.28 / 34.6 / 10.111 / 6.89 x10-03 / 128
Diceroprocta olympusa / 0.31 / 38.3 / 10.437 / 1.21 x10-02 / 129
Magicicada cassini / 0.52 / 31.8 / 6.000 / 130
Okanagana striatipes / 0.43 / 35.9 / 9.740 / 3.39 x10-03 / 131
Okanagana utahensis / 0.59 / 38.6 / 8.990 / 1.74 x10-03 / 131
Okanagana vanduzeei / 0.12 / 42.5 / 10.500 / 132
Tibicen auletes / 2.52 / 24.9 / 3.058 / 133
Tibicen chloromera / 1.21 / 24.9 / 3.974 / 133
Tibicen hieroglyphica / 0.21 / 24.9 / 4.827 / 133
Tibicina haematodes / 0.07 / 24.5 / 7.384 / 1.57 x10-09 / 134
Tibicina haematodes / 0.07 / 32.0 / 7.889 / 134
Tibicen winnemanna / 1.82 / 32.5 / 1.29 x10-02 / 135, 128
Micronecta griseola / 2.30 x10-03 / 20.5 / 10.500 / 136
Micronecta minutissima / 2.30 x10-03 / 20.5 / 10.500 / 136
Micronecta poweri / 2.30 x10-03 / 19.5 / 136
Micronecta tasmanica / 2.30 x10-03 / 17.0 / 9.000 / 136
Palmaeorixa nana / 4.00 x10-03 / 18.5 / 6.300 / 0.065 / 137, 138
Cycloptiloides canariensis (T) / 0.01 / 27.0 / 5.900 / 2.100 / 139
Anurogryllus arboreus / 0.40 / 23.9 / 5.051 / 140
Anurogryllus muticus / 0.40 / 25.0 / 3.750 / 141
Gryllus bimaculatus / 0.79 / 25.0 / 4.598 / 4.17 / 0.121 / 142
Gryllus campestris / 1.14 / 26.0 / 4.810 / 3.28 / 0.106 / 143
Gryllus firmus / 0.75 / 28.0 / 0.154 / 144
Gryllus fultoni / 0.11 / 23.0 / 4.240 / 4.60 / 145
Gryllus fultoni / 0.11 / 19.0 / 3.07 / 145
Gryllus fultoni / 0.11 / 27.0 / 5.10 / 145
Gryllus integer / 0.37 / 25.4 / 5.463 / 146
Gryllus integer / 0.37 / 19.0 / 1.18 / 0.600 / 146
Gryllus integer / 0.37 / 31.0 / 2.86 / 0.200 / 146
Gryllus rubens (T) / 0.14 / 26.0 / 5.100 / 147, 148
Gryllus rubens (T) / 0.14 / 25.0 / 4.480 / 1.03 x10-05 / 148
Gryllus texensis (T) / 1.25 / 25.0 / 5.220 / 2.75 x10-05 / 148
Gryllus texensis (T) / 1.25 / 26.0 / 0.940 / 147, 148
Gryllus vernalis / 0.14 / 23.0 / 4.441 / 4.00 / 145
Laupala makaio / 0.02 / 20.3 / 5.143 / 149
Laupala melewiki / 0.03 / 20.2 / 4.554 / 149
Oecanthus celerinictus (T) / 0.06 / 23.7 / 3.768 / 150
Oecanthus quadripunctatus (T) / 0.06 / 22.9 / 3.576 / 150
Gryllotalpa major / 2.44 / 20.0 / 1.970 / 151
Oecanthus nigricornis / 0.12 / 24.0 / 3.700 / 150, 152
Dectics albifrons / 2.48 / 24.0 / 153
Dectics verrucivorus / 1.79 / 24.0 / 5.50 / 153
Ephippiger discoidalis / 0.77 / 24.0 / 0.50 / 0.663 / 153
Ephippiger ephippiger / 1.62 / 24.0 / 1.00 / 0.300 / 153
Neoconocephalus robustus / 0.45 / 37.5 / 7.000 / 154
Psorodonotus illyricus / 2.50 / 24.0 / 0.50 / 153
Sciarasaga quadrata / 0.003 / 20.0 / 4.900 / 2.22 / 0.061 / 155
Tettigonia cantans / 1.49 / 24.0 / 153
Tettigonia viridssima / 2.00 / 24.0 / 153
Bison bison / 498951.61 / 37.0 / 0.230 / 0.18 / 2.050 / 156, 157
Ovibos moschatus / 305000.00 / 37.0 / 0.092 / 2.600 / 158
Cervus elaphus / 125000.00 / 37.0 / 0.112 / 159
Dama dama / 48500.00 / 37.0 / 0.88 / 160, 161
Odocoileus virginianus / 86033.00 / 37.0 / 0.820 / 162
Rangifer tarandus, m / 86000.00 / 37.0 / 158, 161
Vulpes lagopus / 3450.00 / 37.0 / 1.250 / 1.105 / 163
Odobenus rosmarus / 825000.00 / 37.0 / 0.800 / 164, 161
Arctocephalus forsteri / 200000.00 / 37.0 / 2.353 / 165, 166
Arctocephalus gazella / 133300.00 / 37.0 / 3.200 / 165, 166
Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus / 278600.00 / 37.0 / 1.403 / 165, 166
Otaria flavescens / 232833.33 / 37.0 / 2.000 / 167
Cystophora christata / 201667.00 / 37.0 / 0.650 / 164, 161
Erignathus barbatus (T) / 280000.00 / 37.0 / 1.500 / 2228.23 / 60.000 / 164, 161
Halichoerus grypus / 157667.00 / 37.0 / 1.550 / 0.10 / 168, 161
Leptonychotes weddellii (T) / 400000.00 / 37.0 / 14.670 / 169
Phoca groenlandica / 120000.00 / 37.0 / 1.550 / 0.20 / 164, 161
Phoca vitulina / 100000.00 / 37.0 / 2.000 / 3.490 / 164, 161
Balaena mysticetus / 100000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.126 / 2196.75 / 3.750 / 170, 161
Eubalaena australis / 23000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.140 / 3147.46 / 164, 161
Eubaleaena gracialis / 80000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.930 / 3.15 / 0.17 / 171
Balaenoptera acutorostrata / 10000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.250 / 111.68 / 0.03 / 172, 161
Balaenoptera borealis / 20000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.433 / 4.99 / 2.800 / 173
Balaenoptera edeni / 20000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.124 / 887.07 / 0.08 / 174
Balaenoptera musculus / 190000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.106 / 22282.28 / 36.500 / 175, 176
Megaptera novaeangliae / 30000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.235 / 1769.94 / 0.04 / 0.800 / 177
Balaenoptera physalus / 70000000.00 / 37.0 / 0.510 / 0.04 / 3.100 / 174
Eschrichtius robustus / 28500000.00 / 37.0 / 0.110 / 4.68 / 178, 161
Cebus capuchinus / 2733.32 / 37.0 / 1.665 / 0.200 / 179, 161
Macaca fuscata / 10400.00 / 37.0 / 180, 161
Macaca siberu / 6093.00 / 37.0 / 1.058 / 4.600 / 181, 161
Presbytis potenziani (T) / 6450.00 / 37.0 / 1.481 / 20.000 / 41, 161
Microcebus murinus / 69.00 / 37.0 / 0.128 / 182, 161
Microcebus rufus / 42.50 / 37.0 / 0.084 / 182, 161
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii / 46000.00 / 37.0 / 1.234 / 0.732 / 183, 161
Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii / 37000.00 / 37.0 / 0.341 / 0.807 / 184, 161
Hylobates klossii (T) / 5800.00 / 37.0 / 1.010 / 26.000 / 181, 161
Hylobates moloch (T) / 6500.00 / 37.0 / 11.575 / 185, 161
Elephas maximus / 3178000.00 / 37.0 / 0.065 / 186, 161
Loxodonta Africana / 3507000.00 / 37.0 / 0.68 / 0.00 / 187, 161, 188
Apodemus agrarius / 28.00 / 37.0 / 4.400 / 189
Callosciurus caniceps / 323.50 / 37.0 / 1.950 / 3.20 / 190
Callosciurus notatus / 277.50 / 37.0 / 1.300 / 3.08 / 190
Spermophilus richardsonii / 406.00 / 37.0 / 0.330 / 191
Tamias palmeri / 53.00 / 37.0 / 4.820 / 192
Trichechus manatus (T) / 433333.00 / 37.0 / 5.260 / 1.41 / 193, 161
Dasypeltis scabra / 206.33 / 30.5 / 1.002 / 194
Heterodon platyrhinos / 98.60 / 28.5 / 3.516 / 2.300 / 195
Pituophis melanoleucus / 1507.25 / 27.0 / 0.500 / 196
Hemidactylus turcicus / 4.46 / 25.0 / 3.039 / 197
Pristidactylus volcanensis / 22.35 / 26.5 / 2.786 / 0.430 / 198
Anolis grahami / 1.89 / 25.0 / 1.566 / 199
Bitis caudalis / 26.62 / 30.5 / 2.065 / 194
Cerastes cerastes / 112.56 / 30.5 / 0.563 / 194
Cerastes gasperetti / 102.39 / 30.5 / 0.788 / 194
Cerastes vipera / 20.05 / 30.5 / 1.088 / 194
Echis carinatus / 13.88 / 30.5 / 1.728 / 194
Echis coloratus / 220.82 / 30.5 / 2.729 / 194
Echis pyramidium / 25.44 / 30.5 / 1.628 / 194
Alligator mississippiensis / 128272.73 / 22.0 / 0.167 / 1.483 / 200
Caiman crocodilus / 42.40 / 27.0 / 0.850 / 201

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