The Annual General Meeting of PLUS (ForthValley) Ltd.
We would like to invite you to the PLUS Annual General Meeting
Venue: PLUS Offices, Broadleys Rd., Springkerse Industrial Estate, Stirling, FK7 7ST
Date: Thursday 14th September 2017
Time: 6:00pm – 7.00pm
PLUS is proud of being a local organisation whose roots are based in the community. This includes commitment from a voluntary Board of Directors. The Board has a maximum membership of 12 and approximately half of these members are parents of young people who use the service.
The PLUS Board meets six times each year. Board members usually join one of three working groups - Finance and Sustainability, Quality Assuranceand Strategy. These groups also meet six times each year – and so the commitment is to an average of one meeting each month. Following the AGM, there will be three vacancies on the board of Trustees. If there are any further notes of interest, please contact PLUS in advance of the AGM.
If you would like to find out more about joining the PLUS Board, or how you can use your skills, knowledge and experience to support the ongoing development and sustainability of PLUS, please contact Lesley-Anne Livesey, at the PLUS office.
RSVP: Please let us know if you will be able to attend the AGM by phone(01786 450086), email(), or by returning the slip below.
I/we (Name(s) ______)
Will/will not attend the PLUS AGM on Thursday 14th September.
AGM Agenda
- Welcome and apologies for absence
- Chair’s introduction
- Minutes of the last A.G.M.
- Treasurer’s Report,adoption of Accounts and Auditors
- Election of Board members – see footnote
- C.E.O.’s Report
- Looking forward
- Any other business
The PLUS Board meets six times each year. Board members usually join one of three working groups - Finance and Sustainability, Quality Assuranceand Strategy. These groups also meet six times each year – and so the commitment is to an average of one meeting each month. Following the AGM, there will be three vacancies on the board of Trustees. If there are any further notes of interest, please contact PLUS in advance of the AGM.
If you would like to find out more about joining the PLUS Board, or how you can use your skills, knowledge and experience to support the ongoing development and sustainability of PLUS, please contact Lesley-Anne Livesey, at the PLUS office
Alasdair Tollemache - Chair / Alan DunnRebecca MacRae - Vice Chair / Bill Miller
Cameron MacVicar - Treasurer / Joanne Davidson
Ann Finlayson / Jen Livingstone
Janet Gill / Rachel Campbell
Paul Traynor / Louise Murray
Jen Livingstone, Janet Gill and Joanne Davidson will stand down at this AGM and do not seek re-election.Rebecca MacRae and Ann Finlayson were re-elected in 2013. Rachel Campbell was elected in 2014. Alasdair Tollemache and Louise Murray were elected in 2015. Cameron MacVicar was elected in 2016. Alan Dunn, Bill Miller and Paul Traynor were co-opted in 2016 and all seek election at this AGM.
PLUS, Broadleys Road, Springkerse Industrial Estate, Stirling, FK7 7ST
E-mail: Phone: 01786 450086