Union Catholic High School
EndowedScholarship Application
Union Catholic Endowed Scholarshipapplicants will be judged based on their demonstrated outstanding character, commitment to academic studies and dedication to extracurricular activities, such as fine and performing arts, forensics, community service, or ministry in a faith community. Candidates must be in good standing in academics and behavior. Endowed Scholarship Recipients will be awarded a $4,000 scholarship. This award will be distributed over four years at $1,000 per year.
Any student interested in applying for a Union Catholic Endowed Scholarship MUST submit a completed application and recommendation form no later than December 15, 2017. Applications can be submitted by mail to Union Catholic Admissions Office, 1600 Martine Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 or by fax to 908-889-9386, or visit Union Catholic’s Scholarship Center at click on “Apply Online Now for Endowed Scholarship”.
Endowed Scholarship Application
Home Address: Street ______
City ______Zip ______
Email address:______
Home Phone #______Cell #______
Father’s Name:______Mother’s Name:______
List any/all activities and experiences in which you are involved, which make you a good candidate for this endowed scholarship.
What three words best describe you?
At Union Catholic, we call students to “Become All God Calls You To Be”. How do you see your talents, leadership qualities, community service commitments, or character traits fitting that call?
Union Catholic High School
Endowed Scholarship Application
This completed recommendation form is a REQUIRED part of the Endowed Scholarship Application. Please submit the completed Recommendation Form WITH the completed scholarship application.
This Recommendation Form should be completed by someone who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s outstanding character, commitment to academic studies and dedication to extracurricular activities, such as fine and performing arts, forensics, community service, or ministry in a faith community. This Recommendation Form should NOT be completed by a parent or family member.
This Recommendation Form must be received no later than December 15, 2017. It can be returned to the applicant for submission or can be submitted directly to the Union Catholic Admissions Office by mail at 1600 Martine Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 or by fax to 908-889-9386, or submit an online recommendation on the UC website at
Endowed Scholarship Recommendation Form
Applicant’s Name:______
Applicant’s Current School: ______Town: ______
Name of Person providing Recommendation:______Position: ______
Contact information: Email ______Phone______
May we contact you for additional information, if needed? ___ YES___ NO
For how long have you know the applicant? ______
In what capacity do you know the applicant? ______
Describe your experience(s) with the applicant, which demonstrate his/her outstanding character,
commitment to academic studies, and dedication to extracurricular activities, such as fine and performing arts, forensics, community service, or ministry in a faith community.