Name ______Date______Period_____

Poetry Book

You will be creating a poetry book based on the work we complete during the next few weeks of our poetry unit. Below is a checklist of all the items you will need in your book. Some of these will be completed in class and some will be completed as homework. You will present your book to the class, reading one poem from the book (300 points). Due May 24.

Components of Your Poetry Book

 / Title / Topic / Must Haves
(30 points) / Introduces your book / An original, creative title (10 pts)
An illustration/decoration that reflects the content of your book (15)
Your name (5)
Title Page
(10 points) / Introduces your book / The title of your book
Your name
The date
(10 points) / Dedicates your book to someone who has been influential in your life, who inspires you to grow, mature, and be your best. / The name of the person or persons to whom you are dedicating the book
A paragraph explaining the reasons for your dedication
Table of Contents
(10 points) / Introduces your poetry / A list of every item in your book (poems should be listed by their titles)
The page number where the item can be found
Final Words
(10 points) / How this project affected you / At least three paragraphs that reflect on your experience with this poetry book
(10 points) / Includes a list of poetic literary terms and their definitions / Must include all of the poetry terms given in class
Must include a complete definition for each term.
About the Author
(10 points) / A short paragraph that tells your reader about you, the author. / Describes your interests, talents, family details, etc.
Is written in the 3rd person point of view (no “I”)
May include a photograph of yourself

Poems (in class)

 / Title / Topic / Structure / Rhyme Scheme
(40 points) / This poem will tell the tale of a hero. It may be humorous or very serious. / 50 lines minimum (may be a work in progress) / Follow Epic format
Lyric Poem (handout)
(10 points) “Poetry is…” / This poem answers the question: What is poetry? / See format given in class / None/Optional
(10 points) / This poem praises something ordinary using elevated language. You may choose your own subject. / 20 lines minimum / None/Optional
(20 points) / This poem is on the topic of your choice. / 14 lines, made up of 3 quatrains and a final couplet; 10 syllables per line / abab
Alliteration Poem
(10 points) / Any / 15 lines minimum, alliteration must be used in every line; must have plot; verbs used / Follows alliteration format
(20 points) / This poem will deal with a social question that concerns you. / 40 lines minimum, made up of at least 10 quatrains
Must include a refrain / Each quatrain is: aabb
(10 points) / This poem will be about someone or something you cared deeply about, but lost. / 20 lines minimum / None/Optional

DIY Poems (Handout)

 / Title / Topic / Structure / Rhyme Scheme
3 Cinquains
(10 points) / One cinquain each on the following topics:
A person you admire
Your favorite book/song / 5 lines each
Uses the format given / None/Optional
As a Child Poem
(10 points) / As a child… / 20 lines minimum / None/Optional
Free Verse I
(10 points) / This poem is on a topic of your own choice / Written in any form you choose, 8 lines minimum / None/Optional
I Meant To… Poem
(10 points) / This poem is about something you meant to do / 16 lines, made up of 4 quatrains
Uses the format given / None/Optional
Free Verse II
(10 points) / This poem is on a topic of your own choice / Written in any form you choose, 8 lines minimum / None/Optional
Favorite Poem
(10 points) / This poem is your favorite poem written by another person (possibly your presentation poem) / The poem must be copied exactly and include the title and author / None/Optional
I Don’t Understand… Poem
(10 points) / This poem is based on the things you don’t understand about people or the world / 12 lines
Uses the format given / None/Optional
I Believe… Poem
(10 points) / Any / Uses the format given / None/Optional
Just Because… Poem
(10 points) / This poem is about you / Uses the format given / None/Optional