GuidelinesforPaper-setter for the M. Pharm/B.Pharmacy sem-II/Dip. Pharmacy(yearly)examination of GujaratTechnologicalUniversity
- Firstly paper setter has to copy sample paper format given in CD by GTU on desktop. Then enter the questions in the format pasted on desktop and on its completion copy complete question paper in CD.
- After CD writing, completely remove question paper from the PC Hard-disk by entering SHIFT+DELETE. It will be the sole responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of work allotted to you.
- The Paper-setter should set paper of total80 marks. There will be no sectionin question paper.
- The question paper will contain total seven questions. Each question will be of 16 marks. Pl. mention marks of sub-part of the question. The students have to attempt any five questions out of seven.
- The question paper should have questions covering the entire syllabus.
- The paper setter should submitsolution of the numerical part of the question paper to the GTU on a separatepage in manuscript cover.
- The question paper has to be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman having letter size 12 point. Do not bold any letter, word or sentence in any part of the question paper.
- The question paper is tobeset in a given format provided to you in CD, in addition to hard-copy of the question paper
- The soft copy inCD(with cover) and hard copy in Manuscript cover, both in sealedcondition has tobe sent in A-4 sizecover (duly sealed) provided to you addressing to Controller of Examination.
- It is desirableto give password to the word document and write password on separatepiece of paper and send to undersign in a sealedmanuscript cover.
- It is essential that utmost care is taken at your endtomaintain the secrecy of the soft copy at all time.
- Write subject code on green cover (Addressed to controller of examination)
-Sd- I/C Controller of Examination