Environmental & Honors Environmental Science Syllabus
Instructor:Mrs. Mary Megan Benton
Office Hours:After school by appointment
Room:Lab: 304
Course Description
Environmental Science is a life science course that emphasizes the study of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, environmental issues, techniques of laboratory and field studies, and sources and control of pollution. The content includes energy flow, ecosystems, biomes, native flora and fauna, pollution, and environmental law. The beauty of ES is that it is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study including all the major branches of science, sociology, anthropology, economics, government, and ethics. In addition to studying issues of past, present and future, this class will also explore tools for effective environmental change and expose you to direct hands-on experience of science in the environment. ES is a college preparatory class focused on readying students for Biology in their sophomore year. The honors class has a requirementfor independent study and research each semester. As such, the grading scale for this class 103 points.All TN StateEnv. Science standards covered in our classes can be viewed at this website:
Required Textbook Holt Environmental Science ©2008
Evaluation and Grading:
Tests/ Projects/ Papers / 30%Classwork/Labs/Quizzes / 50%
((((Semester & Final Exam grades are distributed evenly between the 2 preceding 9 weeks) / 20%
Corrections/Remediation:Any formative assignment that falls under the category (Classwork/Labs/Quizzes) may be corrected to recover credit if the grade is below a 70. Simply write the question and correct answer on NB paper, staple it to the original and resubmit. No correction options are available for tests, projects, papers, and exams.
Lab Fee:There is a Lab Fee for this course of $10 (Upon Board Approval). This needs to be paid no later than the end of Week 3. Checks can be made out to CCRA. Waivers will be available for students eligible for free and reduced lunch and count as a paid lab fee.
Late Work: If you have an excused absence then the assignment is due when you get back to class, as applicable in the Student Handbook. Aside from excused absences, there is no late work accepted.
Absence:MAKE UP WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If you know you will be missing a class, let me know. Email is a good way to reach me and supplies a record of events. Check iNowlocated at for missing assignments and see your MAILBOX in the class room to get your makeup work.
Projects: There will be one project each of the following 9 weeks. 1st 9 weeks: Insect Collection, 2nd 9 Weeks: Biome Presentation, 3rd 9 Weeks: Endangered Species Research Paper, 4th 9 Weeks: Water Pollution Survey
Assistive Technology:All assignments and digital copies of books, worksheets, and presentations can be found online at
Environmental Science Field TripsIn order to participate:
- Students must have a passing grade in all classes at the time of field trips in order to participate- per the CCRA student handbook. All lab fees must have been paid by the date of the field trip. Additional fees for bus transportation may be required for field trips. Field trips are not mandatory.
October: Alleligible ES students will travel to the Chattanooga Aquarium
Renaissance Incentive: The following points may be added to any regular test grade:
Platinum Card (Olweus) +25, Red Card +20, Black Card +15, White Card +10, Silver Card +5
Sign and Return This Contract
To Mrs. Benton Pd.______
I have read, understand, and agree to the rules and requirements of the Environmental & Honors Environmental Science course at CCRA. By signing below I alsogrant permission for CCRA and Mrs. Benton to use my child’s image on the Internet and other social media sites promoting the ES classes.
Suggested Supply List
(1) Ream of White Copy Paper Per Student (I copy notes and graph paper for the class with this)
(1) Pack Colored Pencils - kept with the student
(5) #2 Pencils - kept with the student
1 Highlighter - kept with the student
$10 Lab Fee for expendables such as owl pellets, dissection specimens, chemicals, gloves…
Renaissance Incentive:
The following points may be added to any regular test grade for achievement in the Renaissance Program at CCRA:
Platinum Card (Olweus) +25, Red Card +20, Black Card +15, White Card +10, Silver Card +5
I will stick to the Class Rules listed below:
Every Day I will…
1.Be on time.
2.Get my book, returned work, and mail each day BEFORE class starts.
3.Keep my electronic devices turned off and out of sight unless directed otherwise by the teacher.
4.Have only water in the classroom and NO FOOD.
5.Leave the classroom only 3 times per 9 weeks (this includes emergency restroom breaks).
6.Treat everyone with respect.
7.Stay in my seat until instruction has stopped.
8.Raise my hand to speak or get up and wait to be called on.
Consequences for breaking the rules: 1st offense - teacher warning. 2nd offense - teacher consequence/conference. 3rd offense - parent contact. 4th offense - administrative discipline.
Parent Email:______Parent cell:______
StudentName(Print) :______Date:______