March Newsletter 2017
Registration is now open to the public for the 2017-18school year. In order to be eligible to participate, your child should be able to use the bathroom independently. A nonrefundable registration fee of $35.00 is required at the time of registration.
New this year at Noah’s Ark, 3K Program will be expanded!! Families may now choose the number of days their child may attend. 3K program is offered Monday – Friday 8:30-11:30. If you feel your child is not ready for the 5 days a week 4K program, this would be a good option for you to consider.
Monthly tuition for next year will be as follows: 2 day=$100; 3 day=$135; 4 day=$170 and 5 day= $200. We will again offer extended care before and after school. Extended care starts at 7:00 in the morning and children may stay until 5:00 P.M. Classes are starting to fill up so if you are interested in a particular day or time for your child to attend school, we would encourage you to return your registration form. If you know of someone who has a three to five year old please tell them about our school. Our school number is 767-9095 if they have any questions. Thank you for spreading the word.
March Activities & Learning Themes
We will begin the month celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. We will continue to work on the skill of rhyming. As we look forward to spring, it cannot arrive soon enough. Our theme for March will be “At the Pond.”
March 16 & 17
Last year on St. Patrick’s Day, although we didn’t actually see him, we realized a leprechaun visited our school and left something for the children. We will look for evidence of a visit from a leprechaun this year too. It will put our imaginations to work by problem solving and using our creative thinking skills.
Spring Break is March 27th through March31st. Classes will resume on April 3rd.
Scholastic Book Orders are due by March 20th.
A Look Ahead-Save the Dates
Thursday April 13th- Special Person(s) Brunch 10:45-11:30am. Mrs. Pum’s Monday/Wednesday children are invited to come at 10:30 along with their special people. ALL of Mrs. Dorn’s students are welcome to come on Thursday at 8:30. We will perform a short program and each child and their special person(s) are invited to enjoy a brunch that the teachers will prepare.We must limit each child to only 2 special people.
Wednesday May 31st- a Moving-Up Ceremony will be held for all children who will participate in preschool next year. The ceremony will be held in Luther Hall and will begin at 10:45 a.m. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the program.
A Word from Our Teachers
“Three, Two, One….Blast off!! This month we will finish our transportation unit. We will be talking about rockets and hot air balloons that go in the sky. We will be busy painting and cutting. We will be working on our letters N, W, and X. Our focus will be on the numbers 17 and 18. Add in the color Green for green eggs and ham (Dr. Suess week) and St. Patrick’s Day and it will be a fun month of March!” –Mrs. Pum
“Our room is celebrating Dr. Suess’ Birthday with a cat in the hat art project and listening to many stories. Don’t forget your Wocket in your pocket. We will once again try to catch that sneaky leprechaun on St. Patty’s Day! “Mooncake” by Frank Asch is a favorite story with a scoop of “moon” for snack. –Mrs. Dorn
-Noah’s Ark Teachers