Unit 1

1)Did Germany have a legitimate argument against the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? What parts of the treaty might Germany have found most objectionable, and why? Would these objectives have justified German defiance of the Treaty and France in the 1920s and 1930s?

Videos on Weakness of Versailles


Unite 2 After you have completed the mentioned assignments, elaborate on the origins of Anti-Semitism.

1. How did these works encourage anti-Semitism?

  1. The Protocols of Elders and Zionism Maurice July 1863
  1. Jews and their Lies, Martin Luther 1543
  1. Ten responses to Jewish Lackey Kurt Eitzen 1934

d. The Eternal Jew. (1940)

e) contemporary eugenics ideas in America

f) games used in Germany which were eugenic

Unite 3 Elaborate on the origins of the Nazi Party through the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic. The rise of the Nazi Party was due to the failures and flaws of the Weimar Republic and the Versailles Treaty. Create arguments and evidence, which show fundamental weaknesses which were present in the Weimar Republic. State why the Weimar Republic was unable to survive.

Contrast the Weimar Republic’s Constitution and The United States’ Constitution. Compare the Weimar Republic and United States Constitutions to the 25 Articles of the Nazi Party, which did not give rights to its citizens. Compare not only the principles of these governments but also specific examples given throughout this unite.

Unit 4 Examine the Nazi ideology of Hitler and his beliefs of racism. Identify, discuss and critique his political bureaucratic system which created a means of obtaining Reichstag seats in their quest for racism.


In the process of gaining prominence in Germany, how did the Nazi Party and Hitler gain so much popularity and seats in the Reichstag? Include the roles of Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Dr. Hans Volz and ReinhardHeydrich and their system of terror and nurturing racism which was spread throughout the German system?

Discuss Hitler’s unwavering personality towards total dominance of the German Political Arena

Unite 5 a. Position 1: The forces outside the Weimer Republic of the Nazi Party with its propaganda programs of Joseph Goebbels led to the legal seizure of power. The energy and will of Adolf Hitler, especially with the campaign movement of 1930 obtain numerous Reichstag seats. Examine the depression of 1929 of Wall Street and its effect of taking out capital from Germany to the United States.


b. Position 2: The mistakes that were made by the internal personal of the Weimer Republic in trusting Hitler actually make his position easier in rising to power. Include Paul Hindenburg, Franz Von Papen, Kurt Von Schlieffen, the position of Chancellorship and the war games.

Unite 6 1. Nazi Germany espoused a dominant central government, racial purity and military might. Take a position whether the Nazi approach to education or the dissemination of Nazi propaganda had more of influence on the Nazi state.

a. Position 1: The Nazi approach to the educational school system had more influence on the Nazi state. Include Adolf Hitler School, Napoleonic School, DeutschesJungvolk, Wehrmacht and the overall Nazi education.

b. Position 2: The Nazi Gleichshaltang and propaganda as in the arts, media, literature, education, theatre and music had more of an influence on the Nazi state. Include the influence of public funds directed towards cultural education of Nazi Germany

Unit 7

Nazi Control was in the following 3 Categories:

A) Control of law used by the (SS) Nazi Police Force

  • the SS not being heldaccountable to rights of the citizens, SS can break laws for the common good as they would interpret.
  • Gestapo secret police.

B) Control of economics

  • use of the unions
  • control of trade
  • price controls

C) Control of the Jews

  • Nuremberg Laws
  • Media against Jews
  • Kristallnacht

Unite 8 Analyze the factors that contributed to Hitler’s make-up. Include his family background, childhood events, relationships, and medical condition that made him who he was.

The Psychohistory of Hitler must be explained through the primary sources and evidence of this unit. Predict what characterizes would entail the next Adolf Hitler.

Unite 9 Examine the following of Hitler's Nazi Totalitarian state:

  1. Communication Institutions (Greatness of Germany)
  2. Radio
  3. Publishing Companies: EherVerlag
  4. Movies: Triumph of Will
  5. Nazi's Anti-Intellectual Institutions
  6. High Schools
  7. Universities
  • Curriculum
  • Control of Teachers
  1. Control of Women and Control of the Family Structure
  1. The Gestapo and the Terror they used. Contrast local Nazi’s to the federal control of Gestapo

Unite 10 Nazi Germany once in power showed it immense concern for the development of the Nazi Race. Racism was the Nazi’s main paradigm and the Aryans should flourish. Other races and certain groups should devalue and eventually exterminated. Explain through that the Nazi Party did not respect any other race, only the Aryan, is truly a form of racism.

-Wannsee Conference

-Final Solution

-T-4 Program

-Einsatzgruppen Program


-WW II and Nazi Imperialism

Also, Include why Hitler and his followers believe in devaluation of Human Life? Include Hitler’s position of racism and the influences he received from H.S. Chamberlain and Joseph Arthur de Gobineau. Explain their position on why human carnage was acceptable in developing the ideal race. You may include Social Darwinism.

Unite 11 Describe and critique the process of the Final Solution and the attempt to have mass destruction of the Jewish Race. Include: Ghetto’s, Death Marches, Diet, typical day, Work details and the final process of Zyklon B and extermination in the showers.

Examine how certain Jews were able to survive include: Counterfeiting with the Project Bernard

In Search of Meaning Victor Frankl; who does Frankl believe were the ones that had more of a chance at surviving? What does Frankl refer to as Logotherarpy?

Throughout the Holocaust there were forms of resistance against the totalitarian Nazi Regime.

Attempts at Murdering Hitler (Elser, Valkyrie, Operation Foxley) Violence attacks against Nazis: (Partisan Groups, JFO)

Attempts at changing Nazis within (White Rose, Edelweiss Pirates, Swing Kids, Bishop Von Galen, Kreisau Circle)

Answer the two part question:

With the above mention resistance movement against the Nazis , how were these resistors treated different by Hitler and the Nazi Regime. Why were these different groups treated differently?

Eli Wiesel in his book The Enemy I Knew talks about why more Jews did not rebel against Germany. Build from her argument.

Unit 13 The end of WW II places Nuremberg as a center in the negotiation post war process. Nuremberg was a center in the rise of the Nazi Party and with the Nuremberg Trials, the United Nations wanted to put the Nazi Party in its grave.

PART I Explain #3 and #4 with depth from the Nuremberg Trial War Crimes;

Common conspiracy or the use of government power to plan foreign aggression

Crimes against peace or the planning and waging of wars of aggression

War crimes or the murder of civilians and prisoners of war, the conscription of slave labor and the wanton destruction of cities and private property.

Crimes against humanity or the deliberate extermination of people on political, racial or religious grounds.

PART II Also, understand the influence of the Holocaust in contemporary affairs in the Middle East with the United Nations allocating the Zionist policy of granting the creation of the Israeli state. Validate why the Jews have ownership of Israel through the United Nations resolutions.