Coach Collier Pre-AP Chemistry 2015-2016
TEACHER: Coach Collier
ROOM: B202
Coach Collier’s SchedulePeriod / Class / Room / Time
1st / Chemistry Pre-AP / B202 / 7:45 – 8:30
2nd / Chemistry Pre-AP / B202 / 8:35 – 9:30
3rd / Chemistry Pre-AP / B202 / 9:35 – 10:20
4th / Chemistry Pre-AP / B202 / 10:25 – 11:10
5th / HR/Lunch / B202/Tiger Gym / 11:15 – 12:00
6th / Chemistry AP / B202 / 12:05 – 12:50
7th / Chemistry Pre-AP / B202 / 12:55 – 1:40
8th / Conference / Tiger Gym/Outside / 1:45 – 2:30
9th / Softball / Tiger Gym/Outside / 2:35 – 3:20
Chemistry Syllabus
Unit 1 / Laboratory Management / Ch. 1 & 2
Unit 2 / Matter / Ch. 3 & 14
Unit 3 / Atomic Structure & Periodic Table / Ch.4 & 5
Unit 4 / Chemical Bonding / Ch. 8
Unit 5 / Chemical Formulas / Ch. 7
Unit 6 / Mole Concept / Ch. 10
Unit 7 / Chemical Equations & Reactions (Part I) / Ch. 9
Unit 8 / Stoichiometry / Ch. 11
Unit 9 / Gases / Ch. 12 & 13
Unit 10 / Solutions / Ch. 16 & 17
Unit 11 / Acids, Bases & Reactions (Part II) / Ch. 18
Unit 12 / Thermochemistry / Ch. 15
Unit 13 / Nuclear Chemistry / Ch. 24
Unit 14 / Chemistry Connections
Grading Policy and Material List
Grading Policy:
60% Tests
30% Labs
10% Daily (quizzes; classwork; homework)
Re-teach/Reevaluate Policy:
Students are encouraged to request a re-teach and reevaluation on a major test that they have failed. For a chemistry class, a grade change is allowed and the maximum grade on a retest is 70. The student must request a retest within two days from receiving their original grade. The student must attend at least one tutorial prior to taking the retest and take the retest within a week from receiving their grade.
Progress Reports:
Progress Reports will be given out every three weeks. There will be a Midterm Exam in December and a Final Exam at the end of the year. The exam will count a 20% of your semester grade. Benchmarks will be given every 9 weeks and will count as a major test grade. Report cards will be given out every nine weeks.
It is the student’s responsibility to arrange an appropriate time for tutorials. The Science department offers morning and afternoon tutorials every day. The morning tutorials will be in the library every morning and afterschool tutorials will be in assigned teacher’s classroom.
Materials needed for Pre-AP Chemistry:
- All students should bring all supplies to class each day.
Coach Collier Pre-AP Chemistry 2015-2016
- 3 ring binder (2 inch in width)
- 1 subject spiral: will be your Laboratory Manual
- Tab Dividers – set of 5
- Expo Markers – 4 pack
- Glue sticks – 4 pack
- Scientific/Graphing Calculator(optional)
- Pens and pencils with erasers
- Willingness to ask questions and participate in class.
- Alert and active human brain.
Coach Collier Pre-AP Chemistry 2015-2016
Course Expectations:
- ALL students are expected to actively take notes during teacher presentations. Although a textbook will be given to students, much material will not be found in the book. It is important to pay attention in class and ask questions when you do not understand.
- Bring materials to class that are needed.
- Be prepared to work at the beginning of the class period.
- Keep your binders in order…..stay organized!
- When homework is due it must be placed in your class basket.
- All tests are closed book and notes. As Chemistry is a course that builds upon itself, tests are cumulative.
- Students are expected to take notes, be attentive, and contribute to the class.
- Labs are very serious and each student is expected to follow the laboratory safety contract. Failure to do so will result in the removal of the student from the lab and alternative written work will be assigned for the remained of the semester for each laboratory investigation.
- Calculator use is a privilege, not a right. Using calculator to cheat will result in loss of calculator privilege. Students will not be allowed to use their own programmable graphing calculator on ANY test or quiz.
- Please see the sheet entitled “Collier’s Code of Conduct” for list of procedures and rules for my classroom.
Collier’s Code of Conduct
- We are respectful!
- We say yes ma’am and no ma’am, yes sir and no sir.
- We show respect to all adults and peers.
- We make eye contact.
- We do not stare at someone who is being corrected.
- We are grateful for the things we receive.
We say “Thank You” within 3 seconds of receiving something
Or the item will be taken back by the adult who gave it to us.
- We trust the importance of classwork and homework and complete our assignments accordingly.
- We are organized, efficient, and on task.
- Be cooperative.
Lab Safety Contract
Please read these rules carefully and sign only with a complete understanding of them.
I WILL: 1. not conduct a lab without my teacher present.
- always work at my assigned station.
- always wear safety goggles and apron when working in the lab.
- never wear contact lenses in lab.
- tie back my long hair (if applicable).
- clear my lab table of personal belongings.
- never perform an experiment without permission from my teacher.
- avoid distracting and disruptive behavior.
- never eat, drink, or chew gum in the lab.
- not taste chemicals.
- keep chemicals away from eyes and face. If a chemical comes in contact with my skin, I will wash it off under cool, running water and report the accident to my teacher.
- always wash my hands after lab is completed.
- check all glassware for cracks and chips. If any glassware has chips or cracks, I will not add heat to this lab equipment.
- heat a test tube using a test tube holder, making sure that the open end is not pointing toward someone.
- not pour chemicals back into their bottles. I will properly dispose of them.
- not throw solids into the sink.
- clean up spills immediately or notify the teacher immediately.
- never leave a heating container unsupervised.
- report all accidents to my teacher.
- not wear jewelry while completing lab work.
- not have long sleeves or any part of my clothing getting into fire or chemicals. I will avoid wearing open-toed shoes while completing labs.
- know how to perform the lab prior to entering the lab.
- clean my lab station and put away all equipment and materials at the end of each lab period.
- learn special safety precautions that are taught prior to each lab.
- follow the teacher's instructions and precautions.
**All Safety Rules must be followed while in the laboratory.**