Lesson Plan COGS Child Protection Education 5th May 2009
Unit Topic:Child protection / Curriculum Link:
PSS3.5 / Yr Level: 5/6
Lesson Number: 1 / Lesson Topic:
Protection / Learning Area(s):
Unit Aim or Outcome:
Students will be able to define ‘care’ and ‘protection’ for children.
Lesson Outcome:
Students will be able to define the above and identify organisations/ people who are responsible for the care of children.
· Bike helmet, eye shield, sunscreen, umbrella, oven mit
· Strips of paper
· Blue tac
· Chart
· White board markers/ butchers paper
Lesson Outline:
Introduce the ‘Child Protection’.
Introduce my previous role as a child protection worker for children who have no family/ home.
Field any questions from the class about my work- with the aim of identifying what protection of children means.
· Present the protective devices and ask:
What do these things have in common?
What might happen if you didn’t use …?
· Discuss how each of the items may protect people from harm.
Can you think of another protective items and their uses?
· Write the sentence stem on the board: Protection is ……
· Divide students into small groups, give each group a strip of paper
· In groups discuss and agree on a definition of protection. Record the definition on their piece of paper.
· Groups to present their definition to the class and attach to the board under the sentence stem
· Highlight common words and phrases
· Create a shared definition for the term protection and record on a chart
· What are some things people can do to protect each other, that objects such as helmets, signs and rules can’t do?
People can care for eachother. They can comfort each other. They can comfort people by listening, talking, touching them. People can love and care about others and show this in ways that bring happiness to them. People can learn skills and carry out special caring and protective jobs such as being doctors, nurses, police and firefighters.
· what are some things that people have done to care and protect for you this week?
Looking after you if you were sick, listening to you if you had a problem, making sure you had enough clothes, providing food
· What are some things you have done to show care for others this week?
· Discuss and agree on a definition for the word care.
Care is having a liking or fondness for someone or something, showing attention to or looking after someone or something. Care is being concerned about or providing for the well-being and safety of someone or something.
Children have the right to be safe and the responsibility of all adults is to protect children. Some adults have a responsibility to care for as well as protect children they look after.
· Brainstorm on chart adults and organisations who have the responsibility to care for children under the heading
People and Places with a responsibility to always care for protection and the children they look after.
Caregivers: Parents, foster parents, grandparents, step parents.
Community: child care teachers, sports coaches, vacation care, after school care teachers
Organisations with children in their care: teachers, nurses.
Discuss the ways children may be harmed if care is not provided, and the name of each form of harm.
· Their bodies may be harmed- physical harm
· Their feelings may be harmed- emotional harm
· Their thinking may be harmed- mental/ psychological harm
Hand out the worksheet Physical, emotional and mental harm.
In small groups, or individually, students classify each statement as true or false. Share responses to clarify any uncertainty.
Students will …… / Teacher will…
· A mixture of group and independent work
· Brainstorming, devising a definition, creating a chart / Lead brainstorming sessions, divide groups, board and floor work.
Concluding strategy:
Students to record the chart and definitions in their books/ journals.
Anecdotal through class participation.
Any special considerations or contingency plans:
The topic is very controversial, as such a great deal of sensitivity and care must be employed when teaching the class. Teacher to be aware if the topic is too uncomfortable for any student/ students and will need another activity planned in order to reassess where to from here.
Conducted first half of lesson:
· Went over time/ keep an eye on time.
· Was ill prepared for the questions they asked.
· Students were engaged/ I felt confident with the subject content.
· Quite a dry and sensitive topice/ need to keep redirecting to bring it back on track