CPSC5157 G (Graduate)– Computer NetworksClass Meets: MW 3.00-4.15 PM in CCT 407

Instructor(s): Lydia Ray
Office: CCT 429 Office phone: (706) 565-3615
Department phone: (706) 568-2410 Department FAX: (706) 565-3529
Office Hours: MWTR 9:00 AM-11:30 PM; via e-mail, phone and by appointment
e-mail address:

Catalog Description of Course: CPSC 2108 Data Structures (with a grade of C or better).

Local area networks, wide area networks, and internets. Protocols and the ISO Open Systems Interconnect reference model. Design, analysis, and performance evaluation. Emphasis on data link, network, and transport protocols.

Required textbook(s) :

Computer Networking: A Top–Down Approach
Fourth Edition
James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross
Pearson / Addison–Wesley, © 2008.
ISBN–10 0 – 321 – 49770 – 3
ISBN–13 978 – 0 – 321 – 49770 – 8

Other Required Material: The student will be required to download and use a number
of freeware computer tools, such as Ethereal (Wireshark).

Learning objectives:

The main objective of this course is to answer the basic question "how do computer networks and internets operate?" in the broadest sense. The course will provide a comprehensive, self-contained tour through all of networking from the lowest levels of data transmission and wiring to the highest levels of application software. At each level, we will see how the facilities and services provided by lower levels are used and extended in the next level. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have an understanding of:

  1. The large–scale structure of the global Internet and its associated protocols;
  2. The OSI Reference Model and the Internet Protocol Stack;
  3. The Application Layer: Structure and sample applications;
  4. The Transport Layer: Its function and services;
  5. Reliable data transport and congestion control;
  6. The uses of UDP and TCP; the trade–offs between them;
  7. The Network Layer: Its function and services;
  8. The structure of IP addresses: classful and classless addresses;
  9. The DNS (Domain Name Service): “User friendly” names & IP addresses;
  10. Routing on the Internet;
  11. The Link Layer: Its function and services;
  12. Error detection and correction techniques;
  13. Collision detection and the Ethernet solution to that problem;
  14. Collision avoidance and the Token Ring solution to that problem;
  15. Link–layer switches: forwarding and filtering;
  16. The basics of network security (if time permits).

Course Methods

This class will be taught using the “dual delivery” method. It is taught face–to–face
with an audio recording made of the lecture. The audio recording (depending upon the quality of recording) and the lecture
slides will be placed in webct.

Student Responsibilities

1. Attend class regularly (if so enrolled) and participate in all web discussions.
2. Complete all reading assignments and all homework assignments.
3. Ask the instructor questions.
4. Send the instructor e–mail with both comments and questions.

Instructor Responsibilities

1. Give lectures on the course material.
2. Assign appropriate homework that illustrates the concepts of the course, and
grade and return the homework in a timely manner with adequate explanation.
3. Give tests over the material and grade and return the tests in a timely manner
4. Provide a website that supports the course.
5. Provide at least four hours of office time primarily designated for assistance of
students in this class, at times expected to be convenient for the students. It is
expected that the instructor be available to the students during these hours.
6. Reply promptly (within one business day) to all student e–mail communications.

Methods for Evaluating Students

Homework 35%

Midterm 20%
Discussion/Quiz 15%
Final Exam 30%


·  Midterm examinations will be timed and closed notes. However for online students there will be a 5-7 day period to complete and submit the examination. The face-to-face students will have to take the examination in class at the scheduled times.

·  The final examination will be take-home, open for all students. Final examination will be out in the last week of the class.


·  The online students are required to participate in bi-weekly discussions. This component is designed to remedy the lack of interaction of the online students among themselves and with the instructor.

·  The face-to-face students are NOT required to participate in the discussions. Instead they are required to take quiz bi-weekly.

Assignment of Letter Grades

The method of assigning letter grades based on overall course averages is fairly standard. The basic method for assigning grades is described as follows:

Average Letter Grade
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
55 – 69 D
Below 55 F

Course Assistance

Student assistants in the Computer Center can help you with basic computer–related problems (such as logging on to the network, saving your work, etc.), but they are not trained to help you with your assignments. We have several tutors at the Department of Computer Science who can help you with programming assignments. Their schedule is posted at the department office. You can always contact me during the posted office hours or by appointment.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, activities such as cheating and plagiarism (http://aa.colstate.edu/advising/a.htm#Academic Dishonesty/Academic Misconduct). It is a basis for disciplinary action. Any work turned in for individual credit must be entirely the work of the student submitting the work. All work must be your own. You may share ideas but submitting identical assignments (for example) will be considered cheating. You may discuss the material in the course and help one another with debugging; however, any work you hand in for a grade must be your own. A simple way to avoid inadvertent plagiarism is to talk about the assignments, but don't read each other's work or write solutions together unless otherwise directed. For your own protection, keep scratch paper and old versions of assignments to establish ownership, until after the assignment has been graded and returned to you. If you have any questions about this, please see me immediately. For assignments, access to notes, the course textbooks, books and other publications is allowed. All work that is not your own, MUST be properly cited. This includes any material found on the Internet. Stealing or giving or receiving any code, diagrams, drawings, text or designs from another person (CSU or non-CSU, including the Internet) is not allowed. Having access to another person's work on the computer system or giving access to your work to another person is not allowed. It is your responsibility to keep your work confidential.

No cheating in any form will be tolerated. Penalties for academic dishonesty may include a zero grade on the assignment or exam/quiz, a failing grade for the course, suspension from the Computer Science program, and dismissal from the program. All instances of cheating will be documented in writing with a copy placed in the Department's files. Students will be expected to discuss the academic misconduct with the faculty member and the chairperson. For more details see the Faculty Handbook: http://aa.colstate.edu/faculty/FacHandbook0203/sec100.htm#109.14 and the Student Handbook: http://sa.colstate.edu/handbook/handbook2003.pdf
CSU ADA Statement
If you have a documented disability as described by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 933-112 Section 504) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and would like to request academic and/or physical accommodations please contact Joy Norman at the Office of Disability Services in the Center for Academic Support and Student Retention, Tucker Hall (706) 568-2330, as soon as possible. Course requirements will not be waived but reasonable accommodations may be provided as appropriate.