Instructor / Ms. Carmen Cook / Email / carmen.cookPhone / 334-682-9239 / Planning period / 1st Block
Course Description: This course covers the basic concepts of starting your own business related to agriculture. Students will learn about basic financial planning and analysis, source of funding, how to apply for funding, and setting up and marketing a business. Students will acquire skills applicable in any entrepreneurial venture.
Course Objectives: Students will
- Identify careers in agribusiness management
- Explain the importance of occupational competencies in gaining employment.
- Describe information sources for job opportunities.
- Define agribusiness and explain its effect on our society.
- Identify the success of agribusiness in America.
- Explain the size and importance of production agriculture.
- Explain the size and importance of the agribusiness sectors.
- Understand the resources needed for agricultural businesses.
- Understand the Law of Supply.
- Understand the Law of Demand.
- Understand the relationship between supply and demand.
- Understand the Law of Diminishing Returns.
- Identify the importance of location and facilities
- Describe the cost associated with running a business
- Identify ways to improve customer relations
- Identify methods of pricing goods and services
Required Classroom Materials:
- Notebook of your choice
- Paper
- Pen or Pencil
- 50% ___Classwork A____100% -90%
- 15% ___Presentations B____ 89%- 80%
- 10% ___Homework C____79%- 70%
- 25% ___Quizzes/Tests D____69%- 60%
Classroom rules and Procedures:
- Be on time (in the when the bell rings)
- Be prepared for class (bring the required classroom materials)
- Food or drink is not permitted for any reason in class, unless authorized by the instructor
- Portable electronic devices are not to be used in the classroom.
- Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated
- Profanity is not permitted in class
- Sleeping is not permitted in class
- Show respect for your teacher, your classmates, yourself, and the property of others
- Conduct yourself in a mature and responsible manner
that is not in the classroom will be counted tardy.
Late and Missing work policy: Late work will not be accepted without an excused absence. It is the
student’s responsible to ask for his/her make-up work when returning back to school. Students have 1 week
make-up tests. Any work that was assigned in advance (before the student was absent) is due the day the
student returns to school.
Classroom Consequences:
- Referral to counselor
- Parent/Guardian conference
- Referral to office
- Disciplinary assignments
sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. The following person(s) has been designed to handle inquiries regarding the non-
discrimination policies.
I have read and abide by the requirements of this course. I agree to take part in all class activities, do all
my work, study for tests, and be prepared for quizzes. I agree to keep my notebook organized and up to date.
I also agree to abide by the classroom at all times. I understand the consequences of misbehavior as they
have been stated in the syllabus.
Student’s Name (Print) x______x
Student’s Signature x______x
Parent’s Signature x______x
Parent’s Phone number x______x
Parent’s Email x______x