Quarterly Progress Report Template for NJPDES CSO Permits
Permittee: / Date of Progress Report:
NJPDES Number: / Calendar Quarter:
1.  Every NJPDES CSO permittee is required to submit quarterly progress reports on their own letterhead. This requirement applies to all CSO permittees regardless of whether or not they have committed to work together to prepare a single Long Term Control Plan.
2.  Progress Reports are due within 25 days after the end of every calendar quarter beginning on July 1, 2015. Submit Progress Reports to the appropriate Team Leader at: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dwq/cso-contacts.htm.
3.  Delete rows or mark as submitted if the due dates have passed. Feel free to add additional sheets if needed.
4.  The first Progress Report shall include a summary of all CSO control measures implemented to date and the effectiveness of those control measures. The first Progress Report is due on or before October 25, 2015.
5.  Because permittees are required to submit progress reports on a quarterly basis, the requirements to document progress to date for all CSO control measures as per CSM Part IV D.4.b.iii is satisfied so long as quarterly progress reports are submitted.
6.  STPs are required to include a summary of construction related activities in their system which can be included in the relevant section of the progress report above. Notification through the TWA process is sufficient for municipalities/permittees notifying their STPs of construction related activities as per CSM Part IV D.1.d.
Summary of Progress
Abbreviated Description of Requirement and Permit Citation / LTCP
Due Date / Progress in the most recent monitoring quarter including any CSO control measures implemented. / Identify joint and separate responsibilities with other hydraulically connected permittees.
Discharge Monitoring Report – Duration of Discharge (Part III) / 01/01/2016
Submit GPS latitude and longitude for pump stations, CSO regulators and CSO outfalls (Part IV.D.2.a) / 01/01/2016
Submit System Characterization Work Plan (Part IV.D.3.b.i) / 01/01/2016
Submit Compliance Monitoring Program Work Plan (Part IV.D.3.c) / 01/01/2016
Submit a map of combined and separate sewer areas (Part IV.D.2.b) / 07/01/2016
Submit System Characterization Report (Part IV.D.3.b.ii) / 07/01/2017
Summary of Progress
Abbreviated Description of Requirement and Permit Citation / LTCP
Due Date / Progress in the most recent monitoring quarter including any CSO control measures implemented. / Identify joint and separate responsibilities with other hydraulically connected permittees.
Submit Public Participation Process Plan (Part IV.D.3.b.iii) / 07/01/2017
Submit Consideration of Sensitive Areas Plan (Part IV.D.3.b.iv) / 07/01/2017
Submit Compliance Monitoring Program Report (Part IV.D.3.d) / 07/01/2017
Submit Development and Evaluation of Alternatives Report (Part IV.D.3.b.v) / 01/01/2018
Submit Selection and Implementation of Alternatives Report in the Final LTCP (Part IV.D.3.b.vi) / 07/01/2018
Install outfall signs (Part IV.F.8.) / 01/01/2016
Update the characterization of the system’s infrastructure (list of sewer system components and SIUs) using a spreadsheet (Part IV.F.1.f.) / 01/01/2016
Create anticipated schedule to revise Rules/Ordinances/Sewer Use Agreements to reduce I/I (Part IV.F.1.h.) / 01/01/2016
Create and maintain Telephone Hot Line or Website (Part IV.F.8.b.iii) / 07/01/2016
Insert characterization on a GIS Map (Part IV.F.1.g.) / 07/01/2016
Update O&M Manual with SOPs, Asset Management Plan and Emergency Plan (Part IV. D.4.b.iv.) / 07/01/2016
& annually thereafter
Summary of Progress on the Nine Minimum Controls
Abbreviated Description of Requirement and Permit Citation / Progress in the most recent monitoring quarter including any CSO control measures implemented. / Identify joint and separate responsibilities with other hydraulically connected permittees.
Proper operation and regular maintenance programs for the sewer system and the CSOs (Part IV.F.1)
Maximum use of the collection system for storage (Part IV.F.2)
Review and modification of pretreatment requirements to assure CSO impacts are minimized (Part IV.F.3)
Maximization of flow to the publicly owned treatment works for treatment (Part IV.F.4)
Prohibition of CSOs during dry weather (Part IV.F.5)
Control of solid and floatable materials in CSOs (Part IV.F.6)
Pollution prevention (Part IV.F.7)
Public notification to ensure that the public receives adequate notification of CSO occurrences and CSO impacts (Part IV.F.8)
Monitoring to effectively characterize CSO impacts and the efficacy of CSO controls (Part IV.F.9)
Summary of Progress on the Long Term Control Plan (LTCP)
Abbreviated Description of Requirement and Permit Citation / Progress in the most recent monitoring quarter including any CSO control measures implemented. / Identify joint and separate responsibilities with other hydraulically connected permittees.
Characterization, monitoring, and modeling of the combined sewer systems (Part IV.G.1)
Public Participation (Part IV.G.2)
Consideration of Sensitive Areas (Part IV.G.3)
Summary of Progress on the Long Term Control Plan (LTCP)
Abbreviated Description of Requirement and Permit Citation / Progress in the most recent monitoring quarter including any CSO control measures implemented. / Identify joint and separate responsibilities with other hydraulically connected permittees.
Evaluation of Alternatives (Part IV.G.4)
Cost/Performance Considerations (Part IV.G.5)
Operational Plan (Part IV.G.6)
Maximizing treatment at the existing publicly owned treatment plant (Part IV.G.7)
Implementation Schedule (Part IV.G.8)
Compliance Monitoring Program (Part IV.G.9)
Update on the Operations and Maintenance Manual
Date of last revision / Comments
O&M Manual: / ___ /___ /___
SOPs: / ___ /___ /___
Asset Management Plan: / ___ /___ /___
Emergency Plan: / ___ /___ /___
Signature Certification
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for purposely, knowingly, recklessly, or negligently submitting false information".
Date of Signature:


Progress Report Template for 36 month LTCP