September 2017
Dear Faculty, Staff and Parents
My name is Janice Laurino and I am with the Par-Troy Council of PTAs. I am the school district’s chair for the National PTA sponsored Reflections Program. Here is an overview of what the program is all about.
What is Reflections? Reflections is an annual theme-based art program sponsored by the National PTA. While in essence a contest, the goal of the program is to encourage students to look at art as a way to express themselves. With six art categories from which to choose, a student may participate in the art area in which he or she is most comfortable and proficient or explore an art form that is new to the student. There is no limit to the number of entries a student may submit, and students in Pre-K thru grade 12 are eligible providing their PTA is in good standing.
The six art categories are literature, music composition, visual arts, photography, film /video production and choreography/dance. I have included a cheat sheet of requirements for each category and a full sheet of requirements for each category. This year’s theme is “Within Reach.” On the local level, I will need all entries by Wednesday, November 15th in order to ensure that all entry forms are filled out completely and correctly. County judging takes place mid-December. State judging is done in February/March and National judging takes place in April. Students may enter the ReflectionsProgram in the appropriate division for their grade. The divisions are as follows:
•Primary (Pre-school – grade 2)
•Intermediate (Grades 3-5)
•Middle School (Grades 6-8)
•Senior (Grades 9-12)
•Special Artist Division (All Grades)
I have included the official entry form for our county here also. You can make as many copies of it as you need. To view the complete Reflections package and to take a look at last year’s winning entries, I encourage you to visit the NJPTA website ( Parsippany has had a number of County winners in the past as well as an Honorable Mention at the National level. I feel that Reflections is a very worthwhile showcase for all of the talent that we have in our district and is in keeping with the curriculum. I’d appreciate it if you would take a few moments to look at the program and introduce it to your children and students.
Please don’t hesitate to email if you have any questions. Thank you.
Reflections Committee, Par-Troy Council of PTAs