CULTURE– the word is used to speak about music, art, literature that are apart of our lives.
Culture and cultural lifeis represented by fine arts, art exhibitions and museum exhibits, as well as going the cinema, the theatre and concerts of classical and pop music.
ART - a way of communicating feelings. Artists
- add aesthetic value to our lives-pridať estetickú hodnotu do nášho života
- enrich our mind- obohatiť naše myslenie, myseľ
- please our senses-potešiť naše zmysly
- works of art-umelecké diela
1 PAINTINGS: landscapes (krajinky), life size portraits (portréty vživotnej veľkosti ),still lifes (zátišia), sketches, miniatures, engravings (rytiny), etchings (ečinz lepty),graphic art (prints)
- art galleries display sculptures and paintings – galérie umenia vystavujú sochy a maľby
- to look with pleasure (pležr) at paintings– sradosťou / potešením sa pozerať na
- to have ahigh regard for paintings = to admire the paintings
- paint in watercolours / oil – maľovať vodovými farbami / olejovými farbami
- draw in pencil / pen – kresliť ceruzkou / perom
2 SCULPTURE: statues and sculptural groups (sochy asúsošia)
- cut in sandstone / granite / marble – vytesať zpieskovca, žuly, mramoru
- carved in wood – vyrezať zdreva
- mould in clay / plaster / mould in bronze – modelovať zhliny, sadry, odlievať zbronzu
landscape architecture (green outdoor spaces-parks, gardens)
town planning
urban design(buildings)
interior design (furniture)
B:PERFORMING ARTS (umenie vo forme predstavení)
classical-serious (opera, operetta, choir, chamber- komorná, ...)
pop music,
other genres: rock, punk, funky, hip-hop, jazz, brass, folklore, alternative, underground, indie, church-religious, ...
- to listen to music
- to come into contact / to get in touch with – prísť do kontaktu s
- to have musical talent / to be talented in sth –
- to take music lessons – chodiť do hudobnej školy
- to play the piano/the recorder /the flute/ the bass /the guitar /the drums/the pipe/ the clarinet / the bassoon /the accordion /the violin /the viola /the violonchello ...
- concert-goer – návštevník koncertov
- to enjoy performances – užívať si predstavenia
- Large towns often invite renowned (slávny, renomovaný) symphonic orchestras with outstanding conductors (vynikajúci dirigenti) and hold (uskutočňujú)music festivals.
- composers of all styles and periods – skladatelia všetkých štýlov a období
- to have in the repertoire
- tunes – melodies
- to tune (tju:n) the musical instruments – ladiť hudobné nástroje
- musicians at concerts give encores – hudobníci na koncertov hrajú prídavky
classical-ballet (´bälei )
ballroom dances (spoločenské tance): standard (e.g. Waltz, Viennese waltz, jive, foxtrot, tango, ...)
Latin-American (e.g. samba, rumba, salsa, cha cha, ...)
oriental dances (e.g. belly dance...)
- to take dancing lessons – chodiť do tanečnej školy
- to develop aliking for dances – rozvíjať záľubu v tancoch
plays, comedies, tragedies, historical plays,
puppet shows (papit šouz) – bábkové predstavenia
- theatre-goers – návšteníci divadla
- dramatic art - divadelné umenie
- to give a performance – uviesť predstavenie
- to be performed at e.g. the New Scene Theatre... – uvádzaný na Novej scéne
- to act on the stage of the cultural house –hrať na pódiu kulturného domu
- to go to the theatre/the opera or to aballet
- to be on the programme – mať na programe
- to be dressed up – vyobliekať sa
- to take their coats in the cloakroom – odložiť si kabáty všatni
- acloakroom attendant – šatniarka
- an attendant/ an usher shows us to our seat – uvádzačka nás uvedie na naše miesto
- to get tickets to the stalls, to sit in the box/in the dress circle-1st balcony/in the upper circle=2nd balcony, to stand in the gods = dostať lístky na prízemie, sedieť vlóži/na prvom balkóne/na druhom balkóne, stáť na najvyššom balkóne
- to know asynopsis of the opera, e.g. The programme gives a brief synopsis of the plot.
- to know who designed the stage scenery and costumes- kto navrhol scénu akostýmy/who rehearsed (rihrzd) the programme – kto naštudoval program shercami
- to see the cast – vidieť obsadenie/to see who stars –zistiť, kto hrá hlavnú úlohu/who plays the supporting roles-kto hrá vedľajšie úlohy/ who is aconductor – kto diriguje
- during intermissions (cez prestávku medzi dvoma dejstvami): to get refreshements in the theatre bar (občerstviť sa vbare), to share opinions with friends about the performance,
- the audience applauds - diváci tlieskajú/ the cast even get astanding ovation - herci sú odmenení potleskom vstoji
- there were many curtain calls („kláňačky“)
- children love pupet shows –deti milujú bábkové divadlo
Cinema enjoys great popularity. - Kino sa teší veľkej popularite.
- first-run films – premiérové filmy/films have along run-sú dlho na programe;/be on the programme for along time
- cinema-goers- návštevníci kina
- the repertory of cinemas is focused on commercial films, e.g. action films, comedies -repertoár kín sa zameriava na komerčné filmy, napr. akčné filmy, komédie
- action-packed star-studded Hollywood blockbusters –akčný hollywoodský trhák shviezdnym obsadením
- all-action blockbuster movies – akčné trháky
- films are shown with subtitles or are dubbed- filmy sa uvádzajú stitulkami alebo sú dabované
- screenplay-filmový scenár/screenplay writer - scenárista
- large multi-screen air-conditioned complexes in shopping centres – klimatizované kiná sveľkými premietacími plátnami vnákupných centrách
- to go to the open-air cinema – ísť do kina vprírode, amfiteáter
- three-dimensional (3D) films
- film makers, film making, directed by
- playwright – autor hier
- afilm shows the tiny details of our daily lives – film detailne zobrazuje náš život
music and films recorded (zaznamenané, nahrané) on media such as DVDs, CDs
- to download and burn afilm/music
- illegal, cheap, convenient (pohodlné)
Cultural events in the countryside are not so frequent like in large towns.
Cultural events: feltivals, concerts, discos, balls, book sales ... are held in... (...sa konajú v ...)
The Academy Award – an annual cinema award in many categories given since 1927 by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The award is the cinema´s most prestigious symbol taking the form of agold plated statuette, nicknamed Oscar since 1931.
You have just been to the worst concert of your life. Write an e-mail (160-220 words) to an American friend who asked your opinion because the tour is going to his/her city next month and he/she would like to go.Talk about the band (performers and instruments), lighting, the music and special effects.
A: You and afriend love playing your guitars together and have done so since you were little. Now, your friend wants to start aband and play publicly, maybe even for money. You´re not very happy about this idea. Try to talk your friend out of his idea. Give at least 2 reasons to persuade him to leave things as they are.
B: You and afriend love playing your guitars together and have done so since you were little. You´ve decided that that you’re both good enough to start your own band. Convince your friend to join you. Give at least 2 reasons why you think it’s agreat idea.
Desccribe the pictures. Which of them would you like to hang on the wall in your room. Why? Why not?
1 / Valéria Pastíriková, SOŠ Polygrafická, Bratislava