Office for Fellowships and Pre-Health Advising
N. Main 162 845-437-5263
The Committee on Fellowships has been charged to make decisions as to who will receive funding from Vassar Fellowships endowments as well as who will be nominated to apply for nationally competitive scholarships in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Foundations involved on behalf of Vassar College. I understand that decisions regarding Vassar fellowship awards and institutional nominations are final and non-negotiable.
If selected for nomination, I request that the Office for Fellowships at VassarCollege prepare and submit an evaluation/endorsement to be sent in support of my application for the scholarship program to which I am applying, in accordance with the requirements of the Foundation involved. In order to prepare this evaluation/endorsement, I understand that all parts of my application and transcript will be reviewed by Vassar faculty and staff designated to participate in the evaluation process. I hereby waive any and all rights I may have to view letters of endorsement/recommendation that are written for the purpose of an award competition.
I have also asked members of the faculty of VassarCollege and others to write letters of recommendation in connection with my applications for fellowships and/or scholarship competitions. I understand that Section 438(a) of the General Educations Provisions Act (Title IV of Pub. L. 93-380.513) gives me a right to inspect and review recommendations written about me which are maintained by Vassar College as a part of my “education record.” In order to encourage the authors of letters to write with candor, I have elected not to exercise my rights under the aforesaid statue and affirm I shall not do so in the future.
I understand that it is an honor and a privilege to be selected for a Vassar Fellowship and/or to be nominated by Vassar for a national scholarship competition. By my signature below, I acknowledge that both my personal reputation and the reputation of the College can be affected by the manner in which I represent myself and Vassar. I will do everything within my control to safeguard my good name and that of Vassar throughout this award competition. Bymy signature, I hereby certify that all of the information I include in my scholarship application, including listings of activities and awards, research undertaken or planned, and all statements and essays, are my own work and are accurate and honest to the best of my knowledge.
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An electronic signature is your handwritten signature that has been scanned into your computer. Typed forms will not be accepted. Hard copies will not be accepted.