201 Application Form

SECTION 1—General Information

Descriptive title of the project:
Period of implementation:
Contact person for the group:
Campus Address:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Business Telephone:
Fax Number:
Date of Application:

SECTION 1—Continued

Add the name, affiliation, and academic status of each member of your teaching group. Attach additional page(s) if required.

Name / Academic
Status / Unit/Department
Institution / Signature

SECTION 1—Continued

Insert a high resolution (300 dpi) colour picture of the collaborating team, with names of each of the members.

SECTION 2—Statement describing the precise nature and features of the collaboration among team members (maximum 300 words)

Section 3—Abstract of the Project Suitable for Publicity Purposes(maximum 500 words)

Section 4—Project Description

Please attach a description of the project of not more than 5,000 words (about 25 pages) including the bibliography. Your paper should be suitable for printing and distribution by STLHE. It should show clearly how you have met the criteria for the Award, with particular attention to the collaboration involved. Where possible and as appropriate, please organize your paper under the following headings:

  1. Institutional Context: the need for the project; theconstraints or particular advantagesof the context; uses of resources;funding; time involved.
  2. Goals of the Project: the intended learning outcomes; challenges met; obstacles overcome.
  3. Project Description: a clear description of what was done and what students were asked to do; the experiences of students; in the case of a course, the number, level and kind of students involved; if technology was used, an explanation of how technology supported student learning, how and over what period the project was assessed.
  4. Impact on StudentLearning: evidence that students learned what was intended; evidence of how collaboration contributed to student learning, evidence of lasting effects on students; evidence might include pre- and post-tests, students ratings, letters from colleagues and students.
  5. Future Developments: new directions; adoption by other groups; ways the innovation might be diffused to other programs and faculties.
  6. Bibliography: Since the award is designed to encourage the scholarship of teaching and learning, the paper should show how the project (design, implementation, practices, and assessment) was informed by the scholarship of others.

Section 5—Additional Documentation

Up to a maximum of ten (10) pages of supporting documentation may be included. Such documentation can take the form of letters from students and colleagues outside the collaborative teaching team assessing the importance and the effect of the project, documenting the collaboration, and commenting on the extent to which the project meets the published criteria. Please note that the Selection Committee finds tangible evidence that documents practices more helpful than general statements of opinion or praise without detailed specifics. Applicants are cautioned that the Selection Committee will not read any supporting documentation that exceeds the ten-page limit, or any materials photo-reduced to stay within the page limit.

Please summarize the attached documentation in the space below: