Wenonah High School Grand Alumni Association
Post Office Box 28373
Birmingham, Alabama 35228
April 3, 2011
Dear Class President/Leader:
The Wenonah High School Grand Alumni Association began approximately three (3) years ago. Wenonah High School was built on a solid foundation, not only the physical structure of the building, but the rich heritage of people who made up the faculty, parents and students. Our instructors instilled moral values in us. They presented a challenge of academic excellence to each student who was willing to accept it, for this we are eternally grateful.
It is with this spirit of humility that we present the intent of this letter. We are calling upon all class presidents/leaders to come together so that we can work together with one goal in mind. That goal is to build bridges so that we can help to educate our children at Wenonah High School and prepare these students for the future.
Each class president or a designated representative is invited to attend a business meeting on May 9, 2011 at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held at the East Campus of Lawson State Community College, A G Gaston Bldg, room 212, to begin the process of working together. The Grand Alumni would like to present to you our plans and goals so that we can work together. Please let us know if you will be able to attend.
Our children need the help of all classes so that we can make a difference at Wenonah High. You are invited so that we can begin the process of contacting all past students of Wenonah. Please be present with the list of all your classmates so that we can begin contacting them so that we can truly be a GRAND ALUMNI association.
If you need further information please contact, Rosalind Rudolph-Young at (205) 925-6565; Frank Reeves (205) 923-1045 or James Carden (205) 424-0956.
Thanks for your support,
Rosalind Rudolph-Young
President, Wenonah High School Grand Alumni Association
“Our Bright Star on the Hill”
A 501 © (3) Non-profit Organization