Role:Health, Safety& Environmental Advisor

Responsible To:Health, Safety and Environmental Manager

Responsible For:N/A


Purpose of the Role

The Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Advisor is responsible for providing general and specialist health, safety and environmental advice, support and information to stakeholders across the Group structure. The post reports to the Health, Safety and Environmental Manager and supports the development, implementation and continual review of a quality HSE management system in line with legislation, best practice and audit and assessment requirements. They will lead by example and serve as a role model for HSE across the organisation through the active promotion of policies, procedures; imparting knowledge, information, advice and training in support of a positive and proactive safety culture.

The HSE advisor will ensure that the Group structure is legally compliant with relevant statutory health, safety and environmental provision and where deficiencies are identified, will bring them to the attention of the responsible persons for action.

This role is key to supporting the development, implementation and continual monitoring of the Health, Safety and Environmental management systems.

Specific Responsibilities & Accountabilities

  1. To assist the Group Health, Safety and Environmental Manager in all aspects of health, safety and environmental requirements across the Group structure
  1. Provide support, advice, information, instruction and training to ensure stakeholders understand legal requirements and Group complies and meets allobligations under all relevant Health, Safety and Environmental legislation and best practice
  1. Remain up to date with current legislation and changes to Group policy and procedures and provide clear communications to ensure responsible people are made aware and understand the changes and potential impacts.
  1. Carry out scheduled and unscheduled inspections, audits and assessments across all Group locations, work streams and work activitiesto assess and test compliance with regulatory and organisational requirements (including contractor controls, environmental and waste management).
  1. Assist in maintaining, developing and implementing the health, safety and environmental management system;
  1. Review and test emergency plans to ensure suitability, competencies and adequate controls to include fire safety, first aid, environmental emergencies, asbestos management and report breaches and/or areas for improvement to responsible persons
  1. Produce written reports highlighting strengths and weaknesses identified within HSE management systems and bring to the attention of relevant persons to ensure clear understanding of failings, risks and recommended control measures. Provide further information and guidance as required in support of identified risk controls
  1. Support managers when producing and reviewing risk assessments and method statements, to ensure hazard identification and risk control are suitable and sufficient based on legal requirements, best practice and professional health and safety knowledge.
  1. Assist in selection, assessment and safe use of works equipment, substances and materials
  1. Assist responsible managers in the implementation of safe systems of work based on risk assessment and organisational policy
  1. Support managers in conducting health, safety and environmental accident/ incident investigations and production of subsequent documentation (witness statements, areas sketches, photographs, reports etc). Provide recommendations to help prevent recurrence
  1. Ensure that any RIDDOR 1995 reportable accident/ incident and/or Environmental incidents are reported to the correct authority within required timeframe and that all documentation is recorded and retained centrally.
  1. Monitor accident/ incident trends and produce reports and statistical data for relevant persons, meetings and groups to help shape HSE action plans and strategies for risk reduction
  1. Develop, produce and/or issue relevant HSE communications, including toolbox talks, Environmental/ safety alerts, best practice guidance and e-Bulletins to relevant people
  1. Develop and deliver tailored HSE related training, presentations and tool box talks within area of competence and assist with Training Needs Analysis
  1. Assist with procurement process for assessing contractors in relation to health, safety and environmental controls and management as part of tendering process; and construction phase plan reviews. Seek further information/ clarification as required to ensure suitability and compliance
  1. Assist responsible managers with advice, guidance and support to ensure suitablehealth, safety and environmental documentation is included inproduction of Construction Phase Plans
  1. Actively participate in health, safety and environmental meetings by producing reports and required information, imparting professional knowledge and guidance and assisting in developing suitable agenda items
  1. Be aware of ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS18001 requirements and support the organisational objectives attached to the continual assessments, audits and accreditations.

Corporate Responsibilities

  1. Have knowledge of LMH’s vision and promote the values of the organisation at all times.
  1. To maintain a comprehensive knowledge of LMH departments, services, policies and procedures in relation to the role & to be responsible for maintaining effective working relationships with internal services, external agencies and organisations.
  1. Comply at all times with all LMH policies and relevant legislation including Data Protection, Equality & Diversity, Health & Safety and financial regulations
  1. To understandthe key business priorities and performance indicators throughout LMH.
  1. To have an understanding of equality and diversity, to enable the promotion of positive practices in all LMH activities.
  1. Risk management is every member of staff’s responsibility and everyone has a role in carrying out appropriate Risk Management by adhering to the LMH Risk Framework and contributing to risk identification, assessment and control exercises
  1. Support the delivery of value for money services, providing cost-effective, efficient, quality services to meet existing and potential customers’ needs.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Contribute to the development of the Service business planning process to ensure the vision and outcomes of LMH are delivered effectively.

Signature of post holder:Date:

Signature of manager:Date:

Role:Health, Safety and Environmental Advisor

Responsible To:Health, Safety and Environmental Manager

Responsible For:N/A


Essential / Desirable / Method of Assessment
(see list below)
Education and Qualifications
Professional Health and Safety Qualifications inclusive of NEBOSH General Certificate, NEBOSH in Construction, NEBOSH Environmental Certificate, or equivalent /  / AF/ CQ
Evidence of continuing professional development in line with IOSH/ professional organisational structure. /  / AF/ CQ
Good standard of education to GCSE level /  / AF/ CQ
Experience, Skills & Knowledge
An in depth understanding of the main Health, Safety and environmental Regulations /  / AF/I
Experience and understanding of hazards, risks and controls relating to construction and housing, with broad HSEexperience and competencies achieved across various industries. /  / AF/ I
Evidence of providing and implementing excellent customer service (internal and external) /  / AF/ I
Strong evidence of working with CDM and associated construction regulations and industry ACOP’s. /  / AF/ I
Experience of developing and managing emergency plans and procedures including fire safety, asbestos management, lone working and environmental controls /  / I
Evidence of identifying, developing and delivering training and information across an organisation /  / AF/ I
Experienced in rectifying problems and offering innovative solutions /  / AF/ I
Able to set up monitoring and control systems and procedures as required /  / AF/I
Proven written and verbal communication skills /  / AF/I
Ability to influence change at all levels of an organisation and change approach to target audience /  / AF/I
Proven time management and organisationskills /  / AF/I
Ability to assess HSE data and produce statistical information to track progress and identify trends /  / AF/ I
Report and letter writing, to include use of standard Microsoft Office software /  / AF/ I
Able to anticipate and respond to changing customer needs through consultation and by acquiring feedback /  / I
Able to adapt communication style to suit audience in order to clearly and persuasively communicate /  / I
Has ability to apply knowledge to practical decision making within own area of work in order to contribute to cost efficiencies business needs /  / A/I
Able to consult with colleagues, encourage team co-operation and make positive contributions to team activities /  / A/I
Able to contribute to developing new concepts and approaches within own service area /  / I


AF – Application Form

I – Interview (may include presentation or occupational test where appropriate)

CQ – Certificate of Qualification

R – References
