Version June 2, 2009.doc
Guideline: County Extension Faculty - 2009ROA and 2010POW
Pleaseutilize your most recent, PS & Promotion Packet or ROA written in PS&P format to begin this process or start with a new document (new faculty)
-All main text and text from previous year(s) must be in black (accumulation of this will help faculty to complete their next promotion packet easier).
- Do not change any numbering or format of tables as they match the current PS &P packet formats, these may change if the UF Board of Trustees approves a change.
-Do not transfer data in UNIFAS format
-Delete all instructions before submitting ROA/POW to your DED
-All information added/modified to your “current ROA” (for calendar year 2009) must be in blue
-If any new information is added/modified to your POW for 2010 it must be in red.
- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF JOB DUTIES - This should be a brief description of the assigned duties and responsibilities of the nominee (about 150 words).
This faculty is a Marion County Department head and is responsible for administration of the Extension Department and the Southeastern Livestock Pavilion. These responsibilities include development and administration of budgets for both entities, oversight of 23 faculty and staff, oversight of facilities at the 50 acre Agricultural Center and an additional 45 acre 4-H Farm along with maintenance of an active overall advisory committee. This faculty also performs horticultural education programs primarily for nurseries and landscapers while assisting in servicing the needs of portions of the Master Gardener program.
Specific duties by percentage (use same titles of Extension Program found in Section 23.)
- Office Administration65 %
- Commercial Horticulture20%
- Residential Horticulture10%
- 4-H and (if non-4-H faculty) Other Extension Activities 5%
- AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION - Self-explanatory2 or 3 bullets.
• Horticulture Education including diagnostics, cultural practices, pesticide applicator training, BMP certification
• Administration including budgeting, human resources, facility management, future vision, marketing
- ASSIGNED ACTIVITY SINCE LAST PROMOTION (NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS), OR SINCE UF EMPLOYMENT, whichever is more recent - Please list the assigned activity while employed at the University of Florida beginning with 2008 and working backwards. For purposes of tenure and promotion, an academic year is from August to August. Percent of effort should be listed in Teaching, Research, Service, and Extension and should be summarized by academic year as below. (replace the data in this table with your information if different and insert or delete columns if needed)
Activity / 2009-10 / 2008-09 / 2007-08 / 2006-07 / 2005-06 / 2004-05
Teaching / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Research / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Service / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0% / 0%
Extension / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
TOTAL / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
- EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND - List all degrees awarded, beginning with the highest degree. All entries must include the university/college attended, field of study, degree and date awarded. (replace the data in this table with your information)
Educational Background
University / Program Area / Degree / Year
Johns Hopkins University / Administrative Science / MS / 1985
Pennsylvania State University / Park Planning & Design / BS / 1981
- EMPLOYMENT (Employment should be listed in reverse chronological order with the University of Florida employment appearing first. Please show whether or not the position was permanent status or permanent status-accruing. (replace the data in this table with your information)
Employment Listing
University/ Organization / Title / PermanentStatus* / Year
County Extension / Extension Agent IV / Yes / 1996 – present
UF/IFAS/Dade County Extension / Extension Agent III / Yes / 07/1993–09/1996
UF/IFAS/Dade County Extension / Extension Agent III / accruing / 07/1988- 07/1993
University of Maryland / Extension Agent / accruing / 06/1981 – 07/1988
*Permanent status accruing or not
- UF TENURE, PERMANENT STATUS, AND PROMOTION CRITERIA– not needed in ROA but it is good to keep it here for packet
- CREATIVE WORKS OR ACTIVITIES (should be educational products listed in reversechronological order.Add current works in blue for ROA and addplanned works in red for POW when POW is required, and use the same logic for the rest of the document.
Exhibits and displays
(do not include Poster presentations at the professional meeting in this section, but do include them in Section 17)
Instructional Multi-Media Presentations
(This is the subheading to use for your PowerPoint slide shows. List individually for the 2009 ROA. For past years summarize for eachyear.)
2008 (Total 7) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as XXX, YYY and ZZZ, range of slides was 21 to 46.
2009 Instructional Media
Slide Set – Fruit Crops for Marion County (Revise), 42 slides
- Seminole Garden Project (Revise), 37 slides
- Hydroponic Greenhouse Production, 51 slides
- BMP Industry Overview, 21 slides
- Fall Vegetable Gardens for Central Florida, 35 slides
- Marion County Extension Service Business Plan, 43 slides
2008 (Total 6) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as Zero Base Budgeting, Tree Selections, Vegetable Gardening and Bioenergy, range of slides was 32 to 59.
Plays, Games
Radio and TV
2009 TV – WFTV, Channel 9, Orlando, July 22, News segment on feeding activity of Walnut caterpillar
Web based communication and teaching
- List URL
- do not include merely posting of documents to the web
- can include Articulate, YouTube file,podcast, or other web based teaching modules created
Masciarelli, N.M., Holmes, D.B., CD-ROM detailing historical information on 2 individuals inducted into the Marion County Agricultural Hall of Fame; 14 minutes.
Masciarelli, N.M., Holmes, D.B., CD-ROM detailing historical information on 3 individuals inducted into the Marion County Agricultural Hall of Fame; 19 minutes.
- PUBLICATIONS(should be listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent publication and going backwards. The format of the citation is the nominee’s choice, but should be consistent in the packet andcontain the information requested below. Please include the names of all authors. The name(s) of the senior/principal author(s) is/are to be underlined. Program Assistants, Volunteer, Interns, etc. listed as authors should be identified with an * and an accompanying footnote. Non-English titles should be immediately followed by the English translation in parentheses. Includeall category headings a through k. If you have no entries for the category, put “none” after each. Indicate Totals for each category.Indicate at the beginning of the section if the nominee published under a different name.Add current 2009publications in blue for ROA and addplanned 2010publications in red for POW)
a.Books, Sole Author (Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
b.Books, Co-authored (Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,
Inclusive Pages)
c.Books, Edited (Editor, Co-editor(s), Title, Publisher, Place of Publication, Date,
Inclusive Pages)
d.Books, Contributor of Chapter(s) (Author, Co-author(s), Title of Book and Chapter,
Publisher, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
e.Monographs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Series of Volume, is applicable, Publisher,
Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
f.Refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publication, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)
g.Non-refereed Publications (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Bulletin, Circular, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)
(Most Extension publications go here. You can create sub-categories such as)
- County Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: 10 Steps in Efficient Meetings; June, 2009, 2 pp
Fact Sheet: Hydroponic Greenhouse Production; March, 2009, 4 pp
Fact Sheet: Agriculture in Marion County (for Farm Bureau Legislative Tour); May, 2009, 2 pp
Fact Sheet: Marion County Budget Snapshot; June, 2009, 1 page
Fact Sheet: Pruning Trees and Shrubs; August, 2009, 2 pp
- Educational Brochure
2010 Extension Service Business Plan
Holmes, D.B., Crews, G., Masciarelli, N., McNeill, A., 2010 Extension Service Business Plan, November, 2009. 52 pages
Annual Report
Masciarelli, N.S, Holmes, D.B., Gal, N., Samuel, N., Wilson, N., Shuffitt, M., Brew, M.
“Enriching Lives”, 2007 Marion County Annual Report, February, 2008,18 pages
Annual Report
Masciarelli, N.S, Holmes, D.B., Gal, N., Spence, L., Samuel, N., Wilson, N., Shuffitt, M., Brew, M., Diax, X. “Enriching Lives”, 2008 Marion County Annual Report, February, 2009
- Electronic Database Information System (EDIS) (includeURL),
- Fact Sheets
- Newsletter Edited
- Newsletter Articles
- Newspaper Articles
Articles Cited
Ocala Star Banner, January 15, 2009, Article regarding cold weather
Ocala Star Banner, July 22, 2009, Article regarding walnut caterpillar
Newspaper Articles Prepared
Holmes, D.B. Prepared 13 articles for Extension column in “Ocala Star Banner” on topics including turf grass, landscape, pruning and weather.
Holmes, D.B.Prepare 13 newspaper columns in “Ocala Star Banner” on horticultural topics such as care of turf grass, tree selections, pruning and vegetable gardening.
- Trade Journal Articles
- Others
Holmes, D.B. (Total 12) Horticulture column in “In the Field Magazine”, Marion/Levy County Farm Bureau Monthly Newsletter. Column on topics such as beekeeping, fall armyworm, tree culture, and vegetable gardening.
Holmes, D.B. Monthly Horticulture column in “In the Field Magazine”, Marion/Levy County Farm Bureau Monthly Newsletter. Column on horticultural topics.
Holmes, D.B. (Total 4) Horticulture column in “North Florida Farm Credit Leader” magazine. Column on topics such as grapes, soil science and termites.
Holmes, D.B. (Total 4) Horticulture column in “North Florida Farm Credit Leader” magazine. Column on horticultural topics for rural acreage.
h.Bibliographies/Catalogs (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, if applicable, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
i.Abstracts (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publications, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages)
j.Reviews (Author, Co-author(s), Title and Author of Work Reviewed, Where Review was Published, Date, Inclusive Pages)
k.Miscellaneous (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Source of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages)
(This is the appropriate category for published educational news releases, and fliers, do not include calendar items, agendas and program announcement)
Press Releases Prepared
Holmes, David B., Extension Service Adds Farm Outreach Coordinator; Prepared for Marion County Media Services and released to 190 contacts; November 18, 2009, 1 page.
- LECTURES, SPEECHES OR POSTERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES/MEETINGS since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment , whichever is more recent
This listing is to be in reverse chronological order. The entries must also tell if the contribution was a lecture or poster and if the lecture or speech was invited, selected, or contributed. Each entry should indicateparticipation as a presenter, co-presenter, panelist, organizer, president or moderator in parentheses after your name. Professional meetings with mixed audiences (i.e., peers and clients) could be listed here.
- Invited
- Selected
- Contributed
- Invited
- Selected
- Contributed
Regional(i.e., Southeastern US)
- Invited
- Selected
- Contributed
State (EPAF presentations are selected, not invited)
- Invited
-Dodd Mosquito Short Course, Ocala, FL, January, 2009; lecture on Personal Protective Equipment and Transportation and Storage of Pesticides
-Biofuels Trip to Brazil, Gainesville, FL, May, 2009; lecture on impacts of 2008 trip to
Brazil and potential for use by Florida producers
-New Faculty Orientation, Gainesville, FL, October, 2009; spoke as member of a panel on strategies for program evaluation
- Selected
- Contributed
- Invited
-Marion County Human Resources Training, Ocala, FL, May, 2009; Conducting Efficient Meetings
-Florida Pest Management Association, Region II Meeting, Ocala, FL, July, 2009; New Requirements for complying with Best Management Practices for the Green Industry
-Marion County Master Gardener Fall Vegetable Garden Expo, Ocala, FL, September, 2009; General Guidelines for Producing Fall Vegetables
-Marion County Board of County Commissioners Board Workshop; Ocala, FL, November, 2009; Marion County Extension Service 2010 Business Plan
- Selected
- Contributed
- CONTRACTS AND GRANTS - since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment, whichever is more recent(Entries should be made in reversechronological order. (enter appropriate information in table). The nominee should indicate, wherever applicable, his or her specific share (%) of the total grant funding.
- Funded Externally(do not list donations and monetary contributions here, only external grants and contracts)
(e.g, 2007-2009) / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / Grant Amount / PI, Co-PI or Investigator / If Co-PI, Specify %
2009 / Southeast Pest Management Conference / Southeast Pest Management Conference / $3,000 / Co-PI / 33%
2010 / Southeast Pest Management Conference / Southeast Pest Management Conference / $ 3,000 / C0-PI / 33%
2009 / Southwest Florida Water Management District / Florida Friendly Landscapes Education Grant / $20,000 / Investigator / 5%
2010 / Southwest Florida Water Management District / Florida Friendly Landscapes Education Grant / $ 20,000 / Investigator / 5%
2010 / USDA / Family Nutrition Program / $ 10,000 / Investigator / 5%
Total / $23,000
Summary of External Grant Funding Received (current)
Summary of External Grant Funding
Principal Investigator / $ xx / $ xxx / $ xxx
Co-Principal Investigator / $8,900 / $ xxx / $ xx
Investigator / $20,000 / $ xxx / $ xx
Sponsor of Junior Faculty / $ xxx / $ xx / $ -
TOTALS / $ 28,900 / $ xxxx / $ xxxx
- Funded Internally.
Years / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / Grant Amount / PI, Co-PI or Investigator / If Co-PI, Specify %
2009 / Marion County Board of County Commissioners / Extension Service Budget / $1,024,367 / PI / 100%
2010 / Marion County Board of County Commissioners / Extension Service Budget / $ 1,100,213 / PI / 100%
2009 / Marion County Board of County Commissioners / Southeastern Livestock Pavilion Budget / $411,548 / Co-PI / 50%
2010 / Marion County Board of County Commissioners / Southeastern Livestock Pavilion Budget / $ 405,186 / Co-PI / 50%
2009 / Marion County Board of County Commissioners / Capital Budget / $3,689,932 / Co-PI / 90%
Total / $5,125,847
Summary of Internal Grant Funding (Current)
Role / TotalPrincipal Investigator / $1,024,637
Co-Principal Investigator / $4,101,480
Investigator / $ xxx
Sponsor of Junior Faculty / $xxx
TOTALS / $ 5,125,847
- Submitted, Pending Decision.
Years of Contract or Grant / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / PI, Co-PI, or Investigator / If Co-PI
Specific Responsibilities
2010 / Florida Department of Agriculture / North Central Florida Agriculture & Civic Center / PI
2010 / Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council / North Central Florida Agriculture & Civic Center / PI
- Submitted But Not Funded. Indicate resubmissions if any.
Years of Contract or Grant / Contractor or Grantor / Project Title / PI, Co-PI, or Investigator / If Co-PI
Specific Responsibilities
- In-kind Contributions
Year / Type / Donor / Amount
Use this statement for volunteer hours:
“Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2007 Florida data from the Independent Sector ( the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $17.78 (this includes estimated fringe benefits, update this value yearly and the values used for each year should be reported individually). In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension programs by dedicating their time, skills, talent, and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty.”
- Monetary Contributions(donations, gift, sponsorship etc.)
Year / Donor / Amount
2009 / Farm Bureau et al / $5,900
Total / $5,900
(Additional subheadings, such as g. etc. can be added if needed to report other categories)
- UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE - list in reverse chronological order.
Years (e.g., 2009) / Name of Activity,
Committee, etc. / Your Role,
e.g., member, chair, etc.
2009 / University of Florida Faculty Senate / Member
2010 / University of Florida Faculty Senate / Member
2009 / IFAS VP Search Committee / Member
2010 / IFAS VP Search Committee / Member
2009 / Pest Management University / Member
2010 / Pest Management University / Member
2009 / Goal Team IV – BMP Training / Member
2010 / Goal Team IV – BMP Training / Member
2009 / Marion County State Lobbyist Selection Committee / Member
2009 / Served as Mentor for new Hernando County CED / Mentor
2010 / Serve as Mentor for new Hernando County CED / Mentor
Go beyond your own programs to the greater benefit of the whole, such as Faculty Assembly, Goal/Focus Teams, task force assignments, Search & Screening committees, serving on Annual Award Selection Teams, etc.
In this section, also include participation in county government committees as governance and service tothe University of Florida
- CONSULTATIONS OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY – Use this section only for consultations for which you were paid other than your Extension salary. None
- EDITOR OF A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL, SERVICE ON AN EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD OR REVIEWER FOR A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL –Pleaselist whether the nominee was an editor, served on an editorial advisory board, or was a reviewer, the name of the journal or publication, the date(s) of service and number of manuscripts reviewed etc. (EDIS reviews go under section 19)None
- INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES – In a short paragraph, please describe teaching, research, and extensionactivities and their significance.
At the request of Dr. Won Suk Lee, UF Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department, hosted a group of 9 Extension workers from Korea regarding agricultural safety programs conducted at Marion County Extension. Arranged a tour of a local nursery for further information on this topic.
- EXTENSION PROGRAM - Delineate the major extension programs carried out
(see for suggestions how to complete this section.)
Role and Activities of Your Advisory Committee:
Explain how your advisory committee helps in the identification of your educational programs and how you have addressed clientele or societal needs, problems, concerns or issues (i.e., needs assessment) and that you have complied with IFAS guidelines on advisory committees. Include the dates (at least two per year) of advisory committee meeting, and geographic, socioeconomic and racial representation of members.
Maintained Overall Extension Advisory Committee comprised of 19 members (9 Female, 1 Black, 1 Hispanic) from each of Extension’s program areas and from various parts of Marion County. Added one appointment of “Emeritus” with approval of Overall Committee. Committee met 3 times in 2009 – March 19, June25 and September 16. Subcommittees consisted of Audit, which met January 23 and prepared a letter with findings as well as the EAC Volunteer Recognition subcommittee which met February 11, March 3, April 2 and April 22. The reporting faculty held an orientation session for new EAC members on March 19. He also held meetings with Administrative advisory group for new auditorium/landscape July 28, August 26 and September 9.
Titlesof Programs (same as Section 2)
Program titleI. / Office Administration
II. / Commercial Horticulture
III. / Urban Horticulture
IV. / 4-H and Other Extension Activities
Program title
I. / Office Administration
II. / Horticulture Education
III. / Urban Horticulture
IV. / 4-H and Other Extension Activities
- Title for Program I: Office Administration, Program # 1404
- Situation
Identify issues and explain the need and importance for your program, including what you propose to do to address these issues with your program.This provides justification for your program (1/2 page length or less).