Project Proposal1
Fund Raising Project
Presented by
Date: 04-03-2015
TEL: + 94-714334138
Abstract...... 5
Executive Summary...... 5
Introduction...... 6
Project Overview……...... 6
Background Information...... 6
Mission...... 6
Problem Statement...... 6
Project Details and Scope
Health Program
Goals and Objectives
Stakeholders and Target Group...... 8
...... 9
Engagement of other relevant sectors……………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Support Methods...... 9
Available Resources...... 9
Needed Resources
Conclusion and Recommendation
This document contains the proposal for the reception of funds in order to introduce a project for the children of the local Sri Lankanchildren. The document explains all the major issues that are currently at large in the Sri Lankan community. The document gives the process and all the leads about the issues and it discusses the proposed solution to these problems as well. The Sri Lankancommunity especially the children are very troubled and they need to be guided in a positive direction so that they can also contribute towards the betterment of their own surroundings and the community. Therefore, the project proposed by us provides the solution to these issues.
Executive Summary
The objective of this document is to provide a proposal in order to raisefunds for the project‘’HOPE OF EDUCATION FOR 100 POOR CHILDREN IN THE CITY GAMPAHA WESTERN SRI LANKA.’’
As the children faces numerous health and educational issues, our project will focus on the children and will look to develop educational and technical skills in order to develop opportunities for them. This document provides a brief overview of the project we are planning and it provides a brief introduction about the mission and the purpose of the project.
The details will enhance the programs that are covered in this project and the issues that are covered by each of these programs. The goals and objectives will pinpoint the results that are intended for achievement through this project. The document also provides the details about the stakeholders or the target audience that are under-influence by this project. Plan activities elaborate how each of the steps istaken in order to achieve certain goal. Resources required and resources at disposal are mentioned in order to create a better picture for the budget that is essential for this project. In the end, conclusions and few recommendations are provided in order to amplify the issues that are currently prevailing in Sri Lanka.
Project Overview
The purpose of this program is to provide educational facility to the 100 ruralpoor children of GAMPAHA. Various issues are being faced by these children including the starvation, poverty and malnutrition. The health conditions along with the educational and social awareness is so down on the scale that it needs the attention of the developed communities of the world. Therefore, we are looking to create this program so that we can address these issues of poor children and their poverty with the help of this community service program.
These programs will not only look to focus on addressing the issues of education and poverty but will also emphasize on the developing the skills among the children of the community and this would allow them to not only get the educational training but it will also help them in developing the skills for earning a better livelihood in the future. This would also allow reducing the issue of poverty as the children would have the opportunity to exercise their skills in a better and more productive manner in future. The children that would develop the skills will first serve the community and therefore contribute towards the society in a further improved scenario.
Background Information
The mission of this project is to provide quality services to local children through improving the educationof poor children of GAMPAHA SRI LANKA.. The mission of Helping Children is to help poor and needy children in urban slums and rural areas become self-reliant and self-supporting adults through better education, enhance the skills of children through vocational training, and improve the condition of street children through rehabilitation programs.
Problem Statement
HELPING CHILDREN was established to provide services to the local population and improve the life of the children/youth. However, the lack of funding and local opportunities has created social problem. The childrendo not have adequate education and skills facilities.The main problem is the lack of education. Poverty in Sri Lankacontinues to be a large problem.Sri Lankabeing an exceptional country with itslife expectancy,literacy rateand othersocial indicatorsnearly on par with those ofdeveloped countries, and even topping the rankings for theSouth Asiaregion.While all these indicate that Sri Lanka should be experiencing a highstandard of living, until recently it has only ranked in the medium category of theHuman Development Index(HDI). This is despite the fact that Sri Lanka has been experiencing moderate growth in itsGDPaveraging 5.5% per annum between 2006 and 2009.One of the reasons is due to its relatively lowGDP per capita; currently ranked in the bottom one third of the world.This could be due to the issue ofpoverty, specifically,rural poverty. (Source Wikipedia)
The education sector includes the training programs of different skills enhancement in order to improve the life of the children. On the other hand, health programs include teaching children to avoid drugs. The consequences will describe to them to save them from this social evil. The drugs ruin the child and absorb their mental abilities and skills. Therefore, these types of programs are necessary for the community. The technical education is especially for those who were not take education due to drugs addiction. The treatment of those drug addicted children is also includes in the development programs.
Project Details and Scope
As far as the education of the these children is concerned, HELPING CHILDREN is planning to establish a program in order to provide these children their first educational facility by enrolling them in school in order to improve their living abilities along with provision of basic facilities like health and proper meal.. 100 poor children from the rural will get the opportunity of their first educational year. The program would involve enrollment of children in school and number of other basic health and other educational facilities. These programs would allow these children to develop their basic skills and the first step towards a proper education.Education is extremely influential in fostering positive changes to what is considered a lost society of children, family and communities. Special concerns for children that are poor and forced into child labor are the ones who suffer greatly by this. There are many initiatives that can be taken into consideration by the studies that have been conducted over the years however this too must be a collective effort. The work and focus on these specific issues and population of children will prove to be most beneficial as a result of the impact it will have on the growth of the people and nation both socially and economically.
Health Program
For the health program of these children, it would provide meals and meat the nutritional requirements. These programs would also allow them to improve the malnutrition issue that is currently a major problem. The issue of malnutrition is at large in these parts of the world and the this causes another problem of inappropriateconditions for healthy child development as mother are not healthy enough to give birth to healthy child. Another major concern is the drug abuse by the children as this prevents them to go to schools, they stop taking interest in their regular activities, and they indulge themselves in such activities. The program will allows such children to take part into the healthy and sports activity as well like the program looks to arrange football tournaments as well to keep the children interested in the activities, which are far more productive and positive for their health. Furthermore, the drug problems in the local communities are major source of concern in these children. The awareness program to address the problems associated with alcohol and drug does require in order eliminate the problem among local children.
Goals and Objectives
The goals of these programs include:
1. To provide school uniform,school kit,books and learning opportunities for these children of age 6 to 10 years.
2. To offer one time meal and other transportation facility to these children.
3. To address the issue related to food and drug related problems.
These goals drafted according to the situation and the condition of these children. Lack of finance is also a hurdle in the education of the children. The participation from the different communities of societies and committee is required to achieve the desired goals and results from these programs. In other words, these goals are made for rehabilitation of these children. Skill development is given for those children that support them to earn their livings.
StakeholdersandTarget Group
Remove Children from harsh work forces and give them a new life.According to The International Labor Organization (ILO) of the United Nations Child Labor is defined as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development”. Child labor destructively disturbs the progress of any nation. There is a necessity to eliminate child labor. The assurance of education is paramount in the shaping of a better future for the impoverished and suffering child laborers of Sri Lanka. Most of these children are victim of child labor in order to support their families. With the help this project, we will provide them proper education like other normal children.
Therefore, the funds will be used to arrange and manage different programs will help the children to attend school and provide support for skill development, certifications as well as control the drug abuse. The educational programs will be based on the entire year and this would allow these children to develop special set of skills in order to earn living through a better and respectable way. This would allow them to contribute towards the society in a productive manner as well. We are focusing on the children as this would take a long term effect on the local community because the children today who learn these skills would get old transferring these skills to their young ones and this would allow them to develop the community with a slow pace but with steady and consistent performance.
Key measures will be taken by HELPING CHILDREN to involve different sectors of society to get desired results.
• Awareness-raising campaigns and advocacy;
• Community mobilization;
• Communication for social change;
• Involvement of men and boys;
• Fostering networks and partnerships; and
• Working with individuals, families and young people.
Engagement of other relevant sectors
• Working with the media;
• Educational programs/curricula; and
• Transforming cultures and practices of key institutions and workplaces, in both private and public sectors.
Support Methods
Available Resources
The available resources for this programs are work force, trainers, road map, local relations, approval letters/No Objection Certificate from the officials, collaboration with the local doctors for the treatment of the drugs addicted. The professionals are also available to tech technical education. These resources are not sufficient to run this project. For the success of this project, more contribution is needed from others.
Needed Resources
The available resources are not adequate for the development or running of this project. These also include the transportation cost. The related printed material, tests and health related exercises programs in the local hospitals. At the initial stage, the collaboration of the parents is also required for the success of this project.
Table 1
DATE (when budget prepared) / 03/03/2015
Conclusion and Recommendation
With the help of above information and analysis, it can be safely concluded that the necessity of this Program is very essential in the rural area of Si Lanka. This program would not only help the these children, to develop certain skills to earn better living but it would also assist them to keep themselves away from the negative aspects such as drug abuse and similar sort of activities. Therefore, the need of this Program is very important for the better and safe future of these children.
It is recommended to provide training, education, learning opportunities for these children, other education opportunities to develop skill portfolio and to address the issue related to food, and drug related problems. These goals are addressed by this Program in a progressive manner as the programs under this project address the issues in a complete manner.