Present: Councillor R Singleton-McGuire (Chairman)

Councillors M Ordway, G Bishop, M Clark, O Snell, J Harrison, F Hourihan (arrived at


Boston Borough Councillor D Richmond

Mrs K Partridge (Clerk)

7 members of the public

1 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Councillor Singleton-McGuire welcomed all to the meeting. A special thank you to staff, children and parents from Fishtoft Primary School for attending.

2 PRESENTATION BY FISHTOFT PRIMARY SCHOOL: In attendance – Jo Bland (Head Teacher), Nicole Vandenbosch (Assistant), 3 pupils.

The new Head Teacher from September will be Holly Barratt, Jo Bland will be on hand to offer assistance for the first year.

The children explained that during the last year lots of new equipment has been bought; new fences have been erected; ICT room had been improved; swimming lessons have again commenced. Outings have been enjoyed and there have regularly been 12 attending Saturday school.

A Nursery will be opening in September for morning only sessions to begin with; this has been put in place to try and secure the future of the school.

Overall the school has improved greatly and it is hoped this will continue.

There will be a leavers service at St Guthlacs Church on Tuesday 23 July at 10.30am, followed by a strawberry tea at school.

3 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor H Staples (holiday). Apologies also received from Councillor G Samra.


5 UPDATE REGARDING EMAIL ISSUES: The Clerks email address had been hacked whilst she

was on holiday; everyone in the contacts book had been sent a scam email. BT had been contacted regarding the issue and it was confirmed that a bogus email address had been attached to the Clerks email address. Several full scans of the computer had taken place and pass words changed a number of times. New email addresses had been set up for individual groups – ie: separate ones for Fishtoft Parish Council, Algarkirk Parish Council and the Clerks personal information. All contact should now be made via for this Parish Council. The Broadband facility had been upgraded to infinity.

The Police were aware of the email issues and it was reported that this particular scam had done the rounds earlier this year.

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The Clerk has not incurred any out of pocket expenses. The only information lost was all incoming emails in the inbox and the contact email addresses. At this point no Parish Council documents stored on the computer have been compromised; there was no personal information or scanned documents stored on the computer.

6 POLICE MATTERS: Apologies received from PCSO K Rayment

Recorded incidents from 18 June to date:-

7 x anti-social behaviour – 2 x Ward Crescent, 2 x Church Green Road, 1 each at Smalley Road, Gaysfield Road and White House Lane – incidents relating to Ward Crescent and Church Green Road are ongoing neighbour disputes that are hoping to be resolved.

1 x transport hazard at Fishtoft Road

3 x traffic offences – 1 x Church Green Road, 2 x Woodthorpe Avenue

2 x suspicious circumstances – Toot Lane

2 x thefts – Eastwood Road

For information – following a number of complaints regarding speeding vehicles on Church Green Road an Archer survey has been requested to evaluate the extent of the problem.

Councillor Ordway queried the area covered by the crime figures, there are no recorded incidents covering Hilldyke, Pilleys Lane, Horncastle Road, Willoughby Road areas; the Clerk will check with PCSO office.

7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10 JUNE 2013: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed. Proposed by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Ordway.


Litter Picking: The 5 volunteers were all on holiday and will be attending the meeting in August to discuss the way forward for this initiative.

It was reported they will be covered by Boston Borough Council insurance and will be provided with the necessary equipment and additional bins. There will be no cost to the Parish Council.

It was agreed to place an article in the Newsletter asking for further volunteers and also asking residents to inform the Parish Council of any particularly bad areas for adding to the schedule.

Final details of the initiative will be approved at the next meeting in August.

The areas already covered by Georgina Dransfield will not be changed, she will work on her own as previously.

Newsletter: Following discussion it was agreed to produce the next issue for September.

Councillor Ordway requested all properties in the Hilldyke Ward receive a copy and to promote the Parish Council wish to co-opt a Member from that area. The Clerk to check the number of properties in Hilldyke and obtain quotation from Chris Cook for additional copies.

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Mark Simmonds M.P.: Following Mark Simmonds’ visit to the Parish Council and the issues raised, replies have been received.

In relation to Anglian Water tankers and odour issues, contact has been made with Mr Betts, Operations Manager who has asked that any tankers operating outside of the embargo times should be reported to him via the Clerk, date, time and registration numbers should be noted. Ms Hickey, Site Manager would be willing to attend a Parish Council meeting if required.

Metsa Wood (formerly Finn Forest) had responded with regards to their lorries using the dock as access to the site. Unfortunately this is not an issue that will be able to be progressed owing to port security and health and safety issues. Councillor Harrison was concerned that there are now a good number of heavy goods vehicles on the Fishtoft Road site since the closure of the Tilbury Docks site.

In relation to anti social issues, it was agreed the response be forwarded to all Members.

9 CLERKS REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND COUNCILLORS ISSUES: General correspondence received included Clerks & Councils Direct: Triton Knoll OffshoreWind Farm Newsletter.

Code of Conduct: Boston Borough Council have agreed to introduce a new system of Registration of Local Choice Interests, this is in addition to the declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Updated documents had been received. It was agreed to discuss as an agenda item at the next meeting.

Proposed changes to library provision in Lincolnshire: Lincolnshire County Council had advised of proposed changes to library services, in particular the mobile library service which currently visits the parish. It is necessary to make savings of £125 million by 2015 and the savings from changing the provision of library services will contribute towards this. It was agreed to discuss this item again and the Clerk to contact LCC for clarification of parish provision.

Change of date for November Parish Council Meeting: The original date of 18 November clashes with Boston Borough Council Full Council meeting; it was resolved to change the Parish Council date to 25 November. Proposed by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Ordway and agreed.

Old Leake Medical Centre: Dr Bull had written to ask if the Parish Council would consider writing to Mark Simmonds M.P. in relation to new provision of a medical centre with improved facilities and care beds at Old Leake which has been vetoed by the Health Authority.

Following discussion it was agreed to write to Dr Bull and ask him to clarify how many patients from Fishtoft are on their books and for more information on the vetoed proposals before making any further comments.

Good Councillors Guide: A new updated edition of the Good Councillors Guide has been produced by NALC and is now available for purchase through LALC at £2.00 per copy plus post and packing. It was resolved to purchase 12 copies, proposed by Councillor Bishop, seconded by Councillor Clark.

Councillor Ordway queried the cutting of a hedge at Barr House, Hilldyke. The residents of Barr House have trimmed the hedge, however, it is believed to be Highways responsibility. This will be brought to the attention of Highways.

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Councillor Ordway had received concerned comments from residents at Hilldyke in relation to the recent resurfacing of the A16 from Hilldyke towards Sibsey. The new surface is dreadfully noisy and there are concerns if the same type of surface is used on that road from Hilldyke to Boston when it is resurfaced in the future. As assurances were given some years ago following the last resurfacing that a less noisy surface would be used in the future, contrary to the comments made by Mr Andy Wharf in January of this year that future surfaces would be noisier, it is imperative that the Parish Council bring this to the attention of Highways and ascertain when this road is due for resurfacing and what type of surface would be used.

Councillor Bishop thanked the Clerk for passing on details of items brought to the Councils attention at the last meeting. In relation to the sign on the double bends at Church Green Road this has not yet been rectified; the sign on Hobhole had not been replaced – both of these items were reported to the appropriate departments. He wished to praise the efforts of Anglian Water and Highways during the recent closure of Church Green Road when a sewer collapsed. The road was re-opened on time. Councillor Snell was concerned that not enough signs were in place at various junctions along Church Green Road informing motorists that the road was closed.

Councillor Hourihan arrived at 8.40pm

Councillor Snell will be attending the final meeting of LPFA on 22 July; further details of the new group will be available after this time.

Councillor Harrison was concerned at the lack of help at Rochford Tower Hall. At the present time there are only a maximum of 3 people available and willing to help run the hall and he is anxious for the future of the facility. It was agreed to place an item in the newsletter asking for more help otherwise the hall may have to close.

Councillor Singleton-McGuire wished to bring to Members’ attention information in relation to the Data Protection Act and the role of a Data Controller. It may be necessary for Parish Council Members and the Clerk to be registered with reference to personal information being stored and being inadvertently distributed. It was agreed the Clerk check with LALC and report back to the next meeting.


·  The 30mph interactive speed limit sign on Rochford Tower Lane is now in full working order.

·  A sewer collapse on Church Green Road, at the corner of Bladon Estate, meant the road had to be closed. This has disrupted the resurfacing of that part of Church Green Road and this will be completed at some point, although no definite date has been set.

·  Potholes at junction of Clifton Road and Church Green Road are still to be repaired

·  Clifton Road – surface has broken away from several of the drain covers

·  Junction of Fishtoft Road/Church Green Road has been resurfaced for approximately 25/30 yards. Other areas of Church Green Road have been surface dressed as and where deemed necessary through to just beyond Martins Haulage. Areas of Church Green Road where the surface dressing has been carried out are not satisfactory – a resident contacted Councillor Clark regarding this matter, dialogue with the Highways Officer, Chris Chandler, is awaited.

·  Potholes at junction of Levers Close/Priory Road have still not been repaired but are due for completion within the next few weeks; the road will then be closed for surface dressing.

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·  Corner of footpath outside 35 Bladon Estate has been badly scuffed, this has been reported.

·  Resurfacing work outside Johnsons Garden Centre, Wainfleet Road is not satisfactory due to the current hot weather and large volume of traffic which has not given the stone chippings time to settle. This has been reported.

The Clerk will write to Highways to ask why Wainfleet Road was surfaced dressed without potholes being repaired first.


a)  A budget update was presented and accepted

b)  To approve payment of accounts:

Mrs Barnden – litter clearance - £26.82

K Partridge – clerks salary - £310.16

K Partridge – clerks expenses - £53.33

Chris Cook – copier paper - £14.16 (£2.36 VAT)

Witham Fourth Internal Drainage Board – drainage rates - £190.40

It was resolved the accounts be paid, proposed by Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor Harrison.

12 PLANNING MATTERS: To discuss the following application:

B/13/0240 – erection of single storey rear extension at 211 Church Green Road – no objections.

13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Monday 19 August 2013 at Rochford Tower Hall and will commence at 7.00pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm.

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