August 12, 2009

The Board meeting was held by conference call onThursday, August 12, 2009. The meeting began at 12:05 pm Eastern time. Board members participating wereClancy Mullen, Doug Frost, Joe Colgan, Jerry Murphy and Lea Ann Thomas. Event planner Dan Gennari also participated in the meeting, as did Susan Boda, last year’s conference president. Bob Wallace joined the meeting at about 12:30 pm. Chris DePerro, impact fee coordinator for the City of Phoenix who will be assisting Doug Frost in hosting the conference, joined the meeting about 12:25.

MINUTES. The minutes for the Board meeting ofJuly 2,2009were approved withoutamendment.

CONFERENCE PRESIDENT. The Board appointed Doug Frost as Conference President, which creates a vacancy on the Board with a one-year term. Susan offered to assist in any way she can, although she has a conflict and will not be able to attend the conference. Doug noted that Chris DePerro would be assisting him, and said he will coordinate with Clancy about whose name/address/phone number should be put on the registration and sponsorship forms.

2009 ROUNDTABLE. Dan reviewed the list of tasks, and the proposed cost to have VenueQuest do each of them, that he had previously sent to the Board. Susan said she would take care of preparing and printing the programs, as she did last year, and mailing them to Phoenix. Tindale-Oliver will bill NIFR for the printing cost as they did last year. The Board seemed inclined to have VenueQuest prepare the BEOs (banquet event orders), audio/visual orders and be the on-site conference manager, but will wait to decide this at the next meeting in September. Doug and Chris said they thought they could handle the rest of the tasks (name badges, signs, goodie bags, sign-in sheets and evaluation forms).

Clancy and Lea Ann reaffirmed their pledges to bring projectors, and Lea Ann recalled that Tyson had also volunteered one. Bob said he would bring one also, so there will be a back-up.

Registration. Clancy said that he sent out a blast email that on-line registration was available on August 27. Dan said that Clancy is the only one to have registered on-line so far. Clancy reported that he had received an email from someone who had tried to register on-line, but had the system freeze-up. Dan said that the system apparently would log you out if you did not complete your order within about two minutes, and he will look into that and get it fixed. Dan thought maybe it was a browser problem specific to Internet Explorer, but Clancy said the person who had complained had tried several browsers. Dan said he will let Clancy know when it is fixed, so Clancy can send out a blast email to let people know the problem is fixed.

Dan reported that the hotel is sold out for Wednesday night, the day before the conference. The Board asked Dan to see if he could increase our Friday night room block from 10 to 25.

The Board decided to offer a discounted registration fee of $100 to college students who can provide a current, valid student ID. Since Dan said the online system cannot handle this, it will only be available for those who pay by check. Clancy will revise the registration form and web site accordingly.

Sponsors. Clancy said that there had been no change since the last meeting, with two paid platinum and one paid gold sponsorship, although Duncan Associates will definitely be another platinum sponsor. Bob said that he would get Tindale-Oliver’s sponsorship check sent soon. Clancy will send out a reminder to potential sponsors.

AICP Certification. The Board agreed to pay for APA’s review of this year’s sessions for AICP certification maintenance credit ($995).

NEXT MEETING. The next meeting will be held by teleconference onWednesday, September 9, at 12:00noon Eastern. The meeting was adjourned at about 1:10 pm Eastern.

Minutes prepared by Clancy Mullen, NIFRsecretary, onAugust 12, 2009.