8th Grade General Science Syllabus
Mrs. Shull
Room 206
546-3127 ext3230
Course Description: 8th grade general science is a multidisciplinary course designed to build on the introductory principles in physical, biological, and earth sciences presented through 7th grade. This course will serve to acquaint the students with principles of each of the core sciences to prepare them for further work in chemistry, biology, physics, environmental science and applied science. The course will use environmental studies as its unifying theme. The integrated point of view will include work on attaining mastery of the Pennsylvania 8th grade Science & Technology and Environment & Ecology Standards.
Texts:Environment and Ecology for Pennsylvania: Meeting the Standards, 2003, Globe (Pearson)
Chemical Building Blocks, 2002, Prentice-Hall Science Explorer Series
Chemistry, 2002.Glencoe Science, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Stuff: The Elements Files, 1999. Discovery Channel School Science Collections. Sustaining Penn’s Woods, A Sound Use of the Land. PA Dept of Education and Dept of Environmental Protection.
Additional Classroom Resources (to be used in class or students will be provided handouts): text
*other web-resources will be used throughout the year and links will be provided on my website.
One 3-inch 3-ring binder for American Cultures, English, and Science
One set of multi-color highlighters (one yellow, one green, one pink, etc.)
Loose-leaf paper or spiral subject binders
Flash-drive (highly recommended - can be found for $2 at BigLots)
Notecards (optional)
Colored Pencils (optional)
Gluestick (optional)
ClassroomRules, Responsibilities & Expectations:
- Be prepared!!! Bring all necessary materials to class.
- Be POLITE and RESPECTFUL of others and their property.
- NO FOOD or DRINK (including gum) of any kind may be consumed or possessed in the science classroom. One exception – students may have water bottles at their assigned seat, but not at the lab tables.
- Students must attempt all in class activities and discussions.
- All safety guidelines pertaining to the science classroom WILL be followed by all students and will be strictly enforced.
ClassroomProcedures and Policies:
*Any talking during tests and quizzes will result in a zero—NOQUESTIONS ASKED! This includes the timeperiod when you are taking the test and the time until you are told ALL testsare in.
*Do NOT sit or place backpacks on thedesks.
*Sitin your assigned seat immediately upon entering class – this meanspencils should be sharpened and paper should be obtained before the bell. Whenthe bell rings you should be ready to work.
*Dismissal will be at my prompt, notwhen the bell rings. We will not leaveuntil we have closed the lesson. Bepatient, and don’t pack up early!
* Stay in your seat. Absolutely NO sitting on desk tops!! Don’t line up at door; don’t stand at the end of the period.
* Your pathfinder is required as a hall pass, and you must record date and time out on sign-out sheet by door. Please try to use time between classes for this purpose.
* Absent students are responsible for checking the assignment board. Any handouts or returns will be posted there. See my website for assignments while you are out.
Assignments& Grading:
MAKEUP WORK MUST BE TURNED IN ACCORDING TO PATHFINDER RULES. You have as many days to make up assignmentsas you were absent. If you do not makeup the missed assignments, it will result in a zero.
Absentstudents are responsible for checking the assignment bin. Any handouts or returns will be placed there. See my website for assignments while you are out.
If an exam is missed, generally it will be made up the next class day. If not, it is the student’s responsibility toschedule a time to make up the exam within one week of the test day.
***IMPORTANT***One period absences do not count as allday absences; if you are in thebuilding on the day your work is due--it's due! If you cannot makeit to class, find a way to turn in your assignment, otherwise it will beconsidered late and may result in a zero.
Homeworkis assigned at least three times per week; usuallyit is a review of the day’s lesson or to complete unfinished assignments. Iprovide ample time in class to complete homework and therefore I will not acceptlate homework assignments. If you areabsent, you have the same number of days to give me the homework.
Projects will have10 points deducted for each day they are late – no exceptions! Due dates for projects are given well inadvance, so I expect you to get me your projects on the day they are due.
Your grade will be based on tests, quizzes, projects, homework,and various in-class assignments.
My school website (found on the MuncyJr/SrHighTeacher page) maintains the daily agenda and assignments and resources needed for class.
Each quarter you start out with45 points. It is like a perfect test grade!
Being tardy to class will result inthe loss of points off the responsibility grade. After three tardies a one hour detention willbe assigned.
Forgettingmaterials (pencil, book, notebook, etc.) will also result in the loss of responsibility points.
Disregarding classroom rules and procedures will also result in the loss of responsibility points.
Wewill take notes daily using your notebook. A minimum of date,objective, and bellringer must be recorded. Unannounced (pop) quizzes will be given toassure that you are taking notes. Whenyou are absent, you have one day to get caught up on notes. Be precise with this, you never know when aquiz is coming!
Youmust purchase a notebook and have it with you every day! A three-ring binder will work best. If you can’t get a binder, please see me and I will try to help.
I amavailable after school on most days from 2:30 until2:45 (and until 3:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays) if you need additional help or tomake-up work. I can also be reached through email at .
Please read, sign, and return by Wednesday, August28th - (one (1) bonus point will be given to anyone returning it byFriday, August 23rd).
Ihave completely read the syllabus for 8th Grade General Science and understand the rules and expectations set forth for thisclass. I understand that Mrs. Shull promises to teach me to the best of her ability and I promise to work to thebest of mine.
Email(s)where parent/guardian can bereached:______
Phonenumber for parent/guardian:Day:______Evening:______
Ifthere is any pertinent information you feel I should know about your child,please indicate it below, call, or send me an email.