Discovery Charter School

1100 Camino Biscay

Chula Vista, CA 91910

Board of Directors

Regular Meeting

Thursday, October 9, 2014 6:00p.m.

Discovery School Auditorium


I. Opening Procedures

  1. Called to Order at 6:05 p.m.
  1. Roll Call
  2. Members Present: Dr. Matthew Herbst, Paul Gilmartin, Rochelle Carroll, Terry McKearney, Pam Sanchez
  3. Members Absent: None
  4. Others Present: Dr. Patricia Maruca, Neil MacGaffey, Betsy Johnston, Cecilia Williamson
  1. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Discovery Student Council Officers Omar Gonzalez, Rachel DeJesus, Carlos Aldrete, Natalie Borum, and Malia Huiett

II. Approve Agenda (Action)

Consent Calendar Item VIII. B. pulled for discussion.

Motion: Herbst Second: Gilmartin Vote: MSCU

III. Approval of Board Minutes: June 18, 2014 (Action)

Motion: Sanchez Second: Herbst Vote: MSCU

IV. Approval of Board Minutes: September 3, 2014 and September 17, 2014

Motion: Gilmartin Second: Herbst Vote: MSCU

V. Student Recognition and Presentation: The Discovery Student Council presented a very informative PowerPoint presentation highlighting the recent changes to the campus including the Library renovation, security cameras, and the addition of two new classrooms for the 7th and 8th graders. The Student Council also shared an overview of the latest innovations in their classrooms and STEM lessons that all students K-8th engage in every day.

Mrs. Carroll, recognized the Student Council’s leadership and thanked them very much for contributing to the Board’s knowledge of Discovery Charter School with their presentation. She also thanked Mrs. Jaime Peterson for her work in sponsoring the Student Council, and to Mrs. Bree Watson for providing technical assistance for their PowerPoint presentation.

VI. Public Comment (Items on the Agenda)

Mrs. Arnold, Discovery 1st grade teacher and DCSTU Co-President, thanked the Board on behalf of teachers for their consideration this evening in making teacher compensation 1% above the District pay scale in recognition of the hard work teachers do here for our students.

Mrs. Garcia asked if the Friends of Discovery (FOD) monies are distributed evenly among the grade levels. Dr. Maruca answered that grades K-8th participate in two large fundraisers each school year with a portion of the proceeds distributed equitably throughout each grade level.

Mrs. Hueitt asked about the amount of time taught in each class. She expressed concern that she is having to reteach lessons to her children at home. Dr. Maruca offered to meet with Mrs. Huiett, and to also provide an analysis and comparison of minutes taught at Discovery and in comparison to other schools in the District, both Charter and non-Charter.

Dr. Maruca introduced 7th/8th grade math teacher Ms. Erin Parker to the Board and audience.

VII. Oral Communications (Items not on the Agenda)

Mr. Joshua Smith introduced himself as a huge fan of Charter schools. His two children are enrolled in a CVESD Charter school, his younger siblings attended Discovery Charter School, and his mother was on Discovery’s very first School Site Council. He stated that his family has a long history of involvement in Charter schools and appreciates the success it has helped him and his siblings achieve. He asked the audience to remember him should they see his name posted around town.

VIII.Approve Consent Calendar (Action)

A. Approve attendance for 1 administrator and 7 teachers to attend joint

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and California Science

Teachers Association (CSTA) Conference

Location: San Diego, CA

Date: December 4-6, 2014

Funding Source: STEM grant – not to exceed $2400.

Title II – not to exceed $1000.

C. Registration, training, and curriculum for implantation of MOUSE

Squad Technology Club

Motion: Herbst Second: Gilmartin Vote: MSCU

Consent Calendar Items Pulled for Discussion

B. Approve 7th and 8th grade student field trip to Mountain and Sea

Adventures / Camp Emerald Bay Marine Science Adventure

Location:Long Beach, CA and Catalina Island, CA

Date: November 3-7, 2014

Funding Source: Individual student accounts, student fundraising, and

Friends of Discovery

Discussion:Mrs. Sanchez asked if the Board was being asked to approve students going on the trip or approve paying for it.Dr. Maruca shared that technically the school is not paying for it, Friends of Discovery (FOD) is through the grade level field trip grants, and they have their own Board. She verified that FOD is contributing toward this field trip as they would equitably for the other grade levels. Dr. Maruca stated that this field trip is occurring during the school year and it is illegal to deprive a student of the opportunity to participate because they can’t afford it. Discovery will support students in going through providing fundraising opportunities, FOD field trip grants, and when necessary, through the General Fund.

Motion: Herbst Second: Gilmartin Vote: MSCU

IX. Fiscal / Budget Report – July to Oct. 2014

Mrs. Williamson gave reports for the Discovery Charter Preschool, Restricted Federal

and State Funds, and Unrestricted Funds. Also presented was an analysis prepared by

the District Charter Budget Accountant on how much an additional 1% in staff compensationwould cost the General Fund.

X. Approve MOU between Discovery Charter School (DCS) / Discovery Charter

School Teachers Union (DCSTU) for 1% salary compensation increase on schedule – retroactive to July 2014.

Motion: McKearney Second: Sanchez Vote: MSCU

XI. Approve 1% salary compensation increase on schedule for DCS administration and DCS classified employees – retroactive to July 2014.

Motion: Herbst Second: McKearney Vote: MSCU

XII. Approve Classified Management salary schedule for Business Manager/Technology Coordinator – retroactive to January 21, 2014.

Motion: Gilmartin Second: McKearney Vote: MSCU

XIII.Report on 2013-2014 student assessment data.

Dr. Maruca gave a PowerPoint presentation with handout information.

XIV.Report on student electives and teacher collaboration.

Mr. MacGaffey presented the teacher collaboration schedule that parallels the student

Fine Arts and STEM rotation. He provided a copy of the teacher collaboration schedule which also shows which staff members conduct the student rotation classes that occur at the same time, and who supervises these staff members. Additionally,

Mr. MacGaffey provided a copy of a description of each of the Fine Arts and STEM classes, along with the associated instructional standards.

XV.Executive Report

As part of instructional and achievement goal setting through our LCAP, all teachers will continue to receive professional development in Lesson Study. Vertical alignment meetings will continue on a regular basis, with every teacher having opportunities to observe each other’s instruction.

Discovery Teachers are participating in the year-long District wide training in Common Core Math instruction. Discovery is also sending teachers to a variety of additional math trainings and conferences. The San Diego County Office of Education will be providing an on-site math professional development Friday, October 10, 2014 at Discovery. Additionally, parent workshops are being planned to help parents understand Common Core math instruction and how to support their students with math at home.

Dr. Maruca reported further on the capacity of the new security camera system, placement of two staff members to provide student supervision both in the mornings and afternoons at the street crossings of Via Goya and Rancho del Rey Pkwy, and Camino Biscay and Rancho del Rey Pkwy.

Dr. Maruca shared that our music teacher Mrs. Francia wrote and was a awarded a grant for both transportation and tickets for our 1st and 3rd grade classes to attend the San Diego Youth Symphony productions of Peter and the Wolf (1st Grade) and Stories, Myths, and Legends (3rd Grade.)

XVI.Board Communications

Mr. McKearney reminded everyone in attendance that the Sweetwater Unified School

District Board elections are coming up the beginning of November. He encouraged everyone to become familiar with the issues and candidates, and to be sure to vote.

Mrs. Carroll reminded everyone in attendance that the Chula Vista School District

Board elections will be held soon as well, and gave the same encouragement to all to

learn about the issues and candidates.

Dr. Herbst thanked students and teachers for helping with the understanding of the

Fine Arts and STEM rotations. He also emphasized that it is not the Board of Directors’ job to arbitrate field trip monies between grade levels. The job of the

Board is to establish protocols and policy.

Future Agenda items the Board requested are:

1. Information on Friends of Discovery as an organization, with its procedures

and protocols for the collection and distribution of funds, including individual student accounts and field trips.

Future Agenda items, con’t

2. Comparison of instructional minutes at Discovery as compared to other

schools in the District, both Charter and non-Charter.

3. Clarification on Long-Term English Language Learners data.

4. Copy of current LCAP.

5. Information on the relationship between the Discovery Board of Directors, Friends of Discovery, and the PTC.

XVII. Adjournment at 8:02p.m.

Motion: Sanchez Second:McKearney Vote: MSCU

Next Regular Meeting of the Discovery Charter School Board of Directors:

Thursday,November 13th, 2014 at 6:00p.m. in the Discovery Auditorium


Rochelle Carroll, Board President