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Section 14-6.02. Use if a district biologist has determined that the project is occurring in or adjacent to regulated species habitat.

Use this SSP to narrow or clarify PLAC conditions or to provide additional specific requirements from the Department.

Use this SSP for birds and other species. Use SSP 14-6.03 for only migratory birds.

Replace section 14-6.02 with:


14-6.02A General


Section 14-6.02 includes specifications for protecting regulated species or their habitat.

2. Insert names of regulated species with habitat in or near the project site. Add or delete table cells as needed.

This project is within or near habitat for regulated species shown in the following table:

Species Name

3. Use if nesting period differs from section 14-6.03. Insert nesting period; consult with the district biologist.

The Department anticipates nesting or attempted nesting by migratory and nongame birds from _____ to _____.


14-6.02B Material

Not Used


14-6.02C Construction

14-6.02C(1) General

Not Used

6. Insert a project-wide protective radius in the par. below. Use 100-foot or as required by PLAC terms or as determined by the project biologist. If directed by the project biologist, insert names of regulated species in or near the project site if alternate protective radii may be allowed. Insert distance with units for protective radius. Add or delete rows or the table as needed. Delete, "or as defined in the table below" if the table is deleted.

14-6.02C(2) Protective Radius

Upon discovery of a regulated species, stop construction activities within a ___ radius of the discovery or as defined in the table below. Immediately notify the Engineer. Do not resume activities until receiving notification from the Engineer.

Regulated species name / Protective radius

7. Use if requiring specific protocols. Delete if protocols are listed in PLACs or if no protocol surveys are required and add "Not Used" under the section heading.

14-6.02C(3) Protocols

Use protocols required by PLACs or, if not specified, use as shown in the following table:

Regulated species name / Protocol

8. Use SSP 14-6.08 "Biological Resource Information Program" if a detailed program is required. Delete par. if using SSP 14-6.08 "Biological Resource Information Program" or if requirements in PLACs are clear and complete. Add or delete rows as needed. Delete par. if not needed and add "Not Used" under the heading.

14-6.02C(4) Biological Resource Information

Implement the following biological resource information requirements.




Pars. 9–10. Add "Not Used" under the section heading if both pars. are deleted.

14-6.02C(5) Protection Measures

9. If the entire project limits are designated as a species protection area, name that area "SPA 1" or use a descriptive name. Insert monitoring requirements and restrictions. Insert any handling or relocation requirements as needed. Provide a "Monitoring Type" name for any monitoring requirements. Add or delete rows as needed. Delete par. if not needed.

Within species protection area 1, implement the following protection measures:




10. Use if species protection areas are designated. Insert number or descriptive name for the species protection areas as named in 14-6.06 "Species Protection Area." Insert monitoring requirements and restrictions for the species protection area. Add or delete rows as needed. Provide a "Monitoring Type" name for any monitoring requirements. Add pars. for additional Species Protection Areas as needed. Delete par. if not needed.

Within species protection area ___, implement the following protection measures:




11. Delete if using SSP 14-6.07 "Natural Resources Protection Plan." "Monitoring Type" name must be listed in PLACs or in protection measures listed above.

Add "Not Used" under the section heading if par. is deleted.

14-6.02C(6) Monitoring Schedule

Monitor according to the following schedule:

Monitoring type / Schedule


14-6.02D Payment

Not Used