of the

Spinnaker Toastmasters Club No 7868

To be held at St Andrews Parish Centre

Tuesday 15 May 2012

at 8.45 pm


Fiona Cashmore, Anna Davies, Peter Drew, Sue Finlay, Dale Hartle, Stacey Rickard, Maisie Tremain, Rob Waanders, Jill West, Natalie Sherwin, Nicole Sampson


Kath Cherrie, Pasanka Wickremasinghe, Rachel Millns, John Butt

Minutes of the last Meetings

The minutes of the following meetings were taken as read.

AGM – 11 May 2011

SGM – 13 September 2011

SGM – 27 September 2011

MOVED: Peter, Seconded: Dale, CARRIED

Matters arising from Minutes

There were no matters arising.


There was one item of correspondence presented to the Treasurer but not presented to the meeting at the time, and that was the donation of $100 from the Capital Chatterers Club towards Spinnaker’s Speechcraft Course. The Treasurer will bank the cheque and write a letter of thanks to Capital Chatterers.

President’s Report

President Fiona Cashmore read out her President’s Report, which is included at the end of these minutes.

MOVED that the Presidents Report be accepted: Fiona, Seconded Sue.

Sue thanked Fiona for her dedication and passion to the club during the past year, and thanked Dale for her assistance. CARRIED

Treasurer’s Report to 30 April 2012

Dale presented the Treasurer’s Report and explained the main points relating to income and expenditure. The club should end the year with sufficient funds to operate.

MOVED that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted: Fiona, Seconded Sue.

Sue extended a vote of thanks to Dale for stepping into the role when Shona Smith left the club for overseas in February. CARRIED

Election of Office Bearers

The following club positions were filled:

1.President: Peter Drew

2.Vice President Education: Kath Cherrie

3.Vice President Membership: Stacey Rickard

4.Vice President Public Relations: Vacant

5.Secretary: Dale Hartle

6.Treasurer: Dale Hartle

7.Sergeant At Arms: Vacant

MOVED: Fiona, Seconded Peter. CARRIED

President Fiona acknowledged the new Committee and wished them all success when they take over on 1 July.

General Business

There was no general business.

Meeting closed at 9 pm.


Presidents Report

Treasurer’s Report

Club Roster

President’s report 2012

Spinnaker Toastmasters

It has been a truly fantastic year for Spinnaker Toastmasters. We have had an extraordinarily busy year with the club having to adjust to an environment full of change. The first major development was the need to find a new location due to the council needing full access to the Bradey Room. After 21 years in the Bradey Room, the committee set about finding a new location and I think we could all agree that our new venue has definitely proven itself.

The club also needed to adapt to a new financial environment. With significant increases in the Toastmasters International fees and a doubling of the venue costs, we reluctantly had to increase our membership fees. However, by working hard to increase the funds raised by the club through donations and scholarships we have been able to keep membership fee increases to a minimum.

The next major development was the need to rebuild our advertising networks and to promote our new location. This has also proven itself successful as we are in the middle of our largest Speechcraft in years.

The next six months for Spinnaker are about consolidation. Consolidation of all of the hard work the committee and club members have put in over the last year to making the club strong again. Everyone worked hard together and contributed to help the club through this period of change. Thank you everyone for all of your efforts, for bringing the club together and helping get us to where we are today.

Fiona Cashmore

Club President 2011 – 2012

Spinnaker Toastmasters

INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 1 July 2011- 30 April 2012
As at 30 April 2012
2011- 2012 / ACTUAL
Subscriptions / 1,800.00 / 2,700.00
Speechcraft / 1,040.00 / 245.00
Sale of Asset - OHP / 20.00
Grant PCC / 50.00 / 300.00
TOTAL INCOME / 2,890.00 / 3,265.00
Rent Bradey Room/St Andrews / 1,380.00 / 718.00
Tea/Coffee supplies / 50.00 / -
Dues Toastmasters International - Subs/New Members / 1,000.00 / 890.44
Publicity & Promotion / 200.00 / -
Engraving and certificates - end year / 90.00 / -
Xmas function / 100.00 / -
Manuals/Certificates/Stationery / 300.00 / -
Member support / - / 105.00
Donation - Division E / 155.00 / 95.00
Website Hosting and Domain Name Fees / 170.00 / 172.44
Speechcraft expenses / 150.00 / 265.40
Convention Support (Division/District) / 100.00 / -
Auditor & Speaker Fees / 32.00 / -
Other - bank chequebook / 2.50
TOTAL EXPENSES / 3,727.00 / 2,248.78
Income less Expenditure / ($837.00) / $1,016.22

Bank Reconciliation

Opening bank balance 1/7/2011 as per bank statement / $ 2,128.14
Plus Income / $ 3,265.00
Less Expenses / $ 2,248.78
Closing balance as per bank statement 30/4/12 / $ 3,144.36
Customer Id / Name / Addr L1 / Membership Period / Member Since / Status(*)
854714 / John Butt, CC / 98B Mana Esplanade / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 11/01/2005 / Active
1375605 / Fiona S. Cashmore, CC, ALB / 29 Mana View Rd / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 8/01/2009 / Active
919975 / Kathryn Leigh Cherrie, ACS, ALB / 59 Arawhata Street, Ranui Heights / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 6/01/2006 / Active
2443354 / Anna C Davies / 16 Tongariro Drive / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2012 / Active
555913 / Peter Drew, ACG / 10 Trispen Place / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2003 / Active
385455 / Susan Finlay, ACG, CL / 48 Samwell Drive / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 2/01/2001 / Active
336405 / Dale A. Hartle, DTM / 39 Postgate Drive / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/1998 / Active
2443335 / Rachel M Millns / 199 State Highway One / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2012 / Active
2014826 / Stacey Rickard / 10 Eclipse Lane / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 10/01/2011 / Active
2443348 / Maisie I Tremain / 26 Roys Road / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2012 / Active
2014821 / Robert Waanders / 41 Sea Vista Drive / 4/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 10/01/2011 / Active
2443343 / Jill M West / 95F Muri Road / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2012 / Active
2443339 / Pasanka M Wickremasinghe / 3 Semaphore Lane / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/01/2012 / Active
2458520 / Natalie Sherwin / 400B Paremata Road / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/10/2012 / Active
2458534 / Nicole Sampson / 30 Samwell Drive / 5/1/2012 - 9/30/2012 / 5/10/2012 / Active
919974 / Bill Moller / 14 Bowline Place, Whitby / 10/1/2011 - 3/31/2012 / 6/01/2006 / Grace
340043 / Malcolm L. North, ACB / 11/23 Tennyson Street / 10/1/2011 - 3/31/2012 / 7/01/1998 / Grace
1066049 / Shona Marie Smith, ACB / 29 Guadeloupe Crescent / 10/1/2011 - 3/31/2012 / 7/01/2007 / Grace
1964226 / Catherine D. Wilson, CC / P O Box 58 030 / 10/1/2011 - 3/31/2012 / 6/01/2011 / Grace