Leon Anderson
Dept. of Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology
0730 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322
Tel: (435)-797-9296
Ph. D., 1987, University of Texas at Austin
M.A., 1985, University of Texas at Austin
B.A., 1980, Portland State University
Professor, Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology, Utah State
University, July 2016 - Present
Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology, Utah State
University, 2011- 2016
Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Ohio University, 2000-2011
Chair, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Ohio University, 2000-2005, 2010-2011
Interim Chair, Department of Social Work, Ohio University, 2010-2011
Faculty Associate, Center for Law, Justice, and Culture, Ohio University, 2010-2011
Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Ohio University, 1993-2000
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Ohio University, 1988-1993
Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1987-1988
Sociology of Deviance Social Inequality
Qualitative Research Methods Homelessness
Sociology of Leisure Sociology of Mental Illness
Sociology of Deviance Social Problems
Qualitative Research Methods Sociological Theory
Social Psychology Juvenile Delinquency
Sociology of Mental Illness Collective Behavior
Graduate Seminars
Qualitative Research Methods Sociology of Deviance
Sociology of Mental Illness Social Psychology
Sociological Theory
Ursula Castellano and Leon Anderson. 2013. “Mental Health Courts in America: Promise and Challenges.” American Behavioral Scientist 57: 163-173.
Leon Anderson and Mathew Austin. 2011. “Autoethnography in Leisure Studies.” Leisure Studies 30: 402-418.
Leon Anderson. 2011. “Time is of the Essence: An Analytic Autoethnography of Family, Work, and Serious Leisure.” Symbolic Interaction 34: 133-157.
Leon Anderson and Michelle Brown. 2010. “Expanding Horizons of Risk in Criminology.” Sociology Compass 4: 544-554.
Leon Anderson and Jimmy D. Taylor. 2010. “Standing Out While Fitting In: Serious Leisure Identities and Aligning Actions among Skydivers and Gun Collectors.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 39: 34-59.
Leon Anderson. 2006. “Analytic Autoethnography.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35: 373-395. Reprinted in Ethnographic Discourse, Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont (ed.s), London: Sage Publications (2008); in Life Story Research, Barbara Harrison (ed.), London: Sage Publications (2009); and in Autoethnography, Pat Sikes (ed.), London: Sage Publications (2013). Polish translation, “Autoetnografia analityczna”(2014) in Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 10: 144-167.
Leon Anderson. 2006. “On Apples, Oranges, and Autopsies: A Response to Commentators.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 35: 450-465.
Deborah Thorne and Leon Anderson. 2006. “Managing the Stigma of Personal Bankruptcy.” Sociological Focus 39: 77-98. Reprinted in Constructions of Deviance (6th ed.), Patricia Adler and Peter Adler (eds.), Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth (2009) and in Readings in Deviant Behavior (5th and 6th ed.), Alex Thio and Thomas Calhoun (eds.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon (2008, 2010).
David Snow, Calvin Morrill, and Leon Anderson. 2003. “Elaborating Analytic Ethnography: Linking Fieldwork and Theory.” Ethnography 2: 181-200.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 2003. “Street People.” Context 2: 12-17. Reprinted in The Contexts Reader, Jeff Goodwin and James M. Jasper (eds.), Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association (2008).
Leon Anderson and David Snow. 2002. “L'exclusion sociale et le soi. Une perspective d'interactionnisme symbolique.” Sociologie et sociétés, 33: 13-27.
Leon Anderson and David A. Snow. 2001. “Inequality and the Self: Exploring Connections from an Interactionist Perspective.” Symbolic Interaction, 24: 395-406.
Leon Anderson. 2000. “Critique of Concordance in the Commercial Blood Industry.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction 23: 165-192.
Leon Anderson. 1999. “The Open Road to Ethnography’s Future.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 28: 451-459.
Leon Anderson. 1999. “Witcraft in a State Employment Agency: Rhetorical Strategies for Controlling Clients.” Perspectives on Social Problems 11: 219-238.
Leon Anderson, Christopher Newell and Joseph Kilcoyne. 1999. “Selling Blood: Characteristics and Motivations of Student Plasma Donors.” Sociological Spectrum 19: 1-26.
Mara Holt and Leon Anderson. 1998. “The Way We Work Now.” Profession 1998: 131-141. Reprinted in 35-year retrospective issue of notable articles, Profession 2012: forthcoming.
Jennifer Huff and Leon Anderson. 1997. “Gender and Peer Support among Members of a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center.” New Research in Mental Health 12: 270-275.
Leon Anderson and David Snow. 1995. “The Tainted Relationship: The Commercial Blood Plasma Industry and the Homeless.” Perspectives on Social Problems 7: 181-202.
Leon Anderson and David Snow (Trans. by Jean Guiloineau). 1994. “L’Industrie du plasma.” Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 104: 25-33.
David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Paul Koegel. 1994. “Distorting Tendencies in Research on the Homeless.” American Behavioral Scientist 37: 461-475.
Leon Anderson and Thomas C. Calhoun. 1992. "Facilitative Aspects of Field Research with Deviant Street Populations." Sociological Inquiry 62: 490-498. Reprinted as “Strategies for Researching Street Deviance,” in Readings in Deviant Behavior (2nd - 5th editions), Alex Thio and Thomas Calhoun (eds.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon (2001, 2004, 2006, 2008).
Robert Shelly, Leon Anderson, and Christine Mattley. 1992. "Assembling Processes in a Recurring Crowd: Halloween in Athens, Ohio." Sociological Focus 25: 139-149.
Leon Anderson and Mara Holt. 1990. "Teaching Sociological Writing: A Social Constructionist Approach." Teaching Sociology, 18: 179-184. Reprinted in Writing in the Undergraduate Sociology Curriculum: A Guide for Teachers, Marjory Kinney and Keith A. Roberts (eds.), Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association (1993), pp. 57-66.
David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Susan Gonzalez-Baker. 1989. "Criminality and Homeless Men: An Empirical Assessment." Social Problems 36: 532-549.
David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Susan Gonzalez-Baker. 1988. "On the Precariousness of Measuring Insanity in Insane Contexts." Social Problems 35: 192-196.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1987. "Identity Work among the Homeless: The Verbal Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities." American Journal of Sociology 92: 1336-1371. Reprinted in Symbolic Interaction: An Introduction to Social Psychology, N. Herman and L. Reynolds (eds.), Dix Hills, NJ: General Hall (1993), pp. 239-58; in Inside Social Life, 1st-4th editions, Spencer Cahill (ed.), Los Angeles: Roxbury Press (1994-2004); in The Production of Reality, 1st-4th editions, Jodi O’Brien and Peter Kollock (eds.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press (1997-2003); in The Self and Society Reader, Ann Branaman (ed.), Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers (2000), pp. 218-241; in Inner Lives and Social Worlds: Readings in Social Psychology, James Holstein and Jaber Gubrium (eds.), NY: Oxford U. Press (2003), pp. 139-160; in Race, Gender, and Social Class: Dimensions of Inequality, Susan J. Ferguson (ed.), Sage Publications 2013, Chapter 18; in Reading Social Research: Studies in Inequalities and Deviance, Jeffrey Dixon and Royce Singleton (eds.), Sage Publications 2013, pp. 235-250.
David Snow, Leon Anderson, Susan Gonzalez-Baker, and Michael Martin. 1986. "The Myth of Pervasive Mental Illness among the Homeless." Social Problems 33: 407-423. Reprinted in Sociology: Windows on Society, John W. Heeren and Marylee Mason (eds.), Los Angeles: Roxbury Press (1990).
David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Robert D. Benford. 1986. "Fieldwork Roles and Informational Yield: A Comparison of Alternative Settings and Roles." Urban Life 14: 377-408.
Leon Anderson. Forthcoming: 2017. Deviance: Social Constructions and Blurred Boundaries. Berkeley: University of California Press.
John Lofland, David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Lyn Lofland. 2009. Analiza układów społecznych. Przewodnik metodologiczny po badaniach jakościowych. (Polish translation of Analyzing Social Settings, 4th ed.) Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
John Lofland, David Snow, Leon Anderson, and Lyn Lofland. 2005. Analyzing Social Settings (4th edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1998. Desafortunados: Um Estudo Sobre o Povo da Rua. (Portuguese translation of Down on Their Luck). Petropolis, Brasil: Editora Vozes.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1993. Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Leon Anderson. 2016. “Autoethnography.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. George Ritzer (ed.). Oxford, UK. DOI: 10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0642.
Leon Anderson and Bonnie Glass-Coffin. 2013. “‘I Learn by Going’: Autoethnographic Modes of Inquiry.” Handbook of Autoethnography. Stacy Holman Jones, Tony E. Adams, and Carolyn Ellis (eds.), Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 57-83.
Leon Anderson and Steven Rubenstein. 2005. “Field Studies,” in The Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Vol. II, pp. 31-37.
Mara Holt, Leon Anderson, and Albert Rouzie. 2003. “Making Emotion Work Visible in Writing Program Administration.” Pp. 147-160 in A Way to Move: Rhetorics of Emotion and Composition Studies, Laura Micchiche and Dale Jacobs (eds.), Westport, CT: Boynton/Cook.
David Snow, Leon Anderson, Theron Quist, and Daniel Cress. 1996. “The Homeless as Bricoleurs: Material Survival Strategies on the Streets.” Pp. 68-96 in Homelessness in America: A Reference Book, Jim Baumohl and Kim Hopper (eds.), Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1996. “Homelessness is Sometimes a Legitimate Choice.” Pp. 105-110 in The Homeless: Opposing Viewpoints, Tamara Roleff (ed.), San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. (Rpt. from Down on Their Luck).
David A. Snow and Leon Anderson. 1995. “Shadow Work.” Pp. 435-455 in Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology, Susan J. Ferguson (ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing. (Rpt. from Down on Their Luck).
David A. Snow and Leon Anderson. 1995/1997. “The Subculture of Street Life,” in Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, 1st and 2nd editions, David M. Newman (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Leon Anderson, David Snow, and Daniel Cress. 1994. “Negotiating the Public Realm: Stigma Management and Collective Action among the Homeless.” Pp. 121-143 in The Community of the Streets, Lyn Lofland and Spencer E. Cahill (eds.), Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Reprinted in Constructions of Deviance (2nd edition), Peter Adler and Patricia Adler (eds.), Mountain View, CA: Mayfield (2003), pp. 286-304.
David Snow and Leon Anderson. 1991. "Researching the Homeless: The Characteristic Features of the Case Study." Pp. 148-173 in A Case for the Case Study, Joe Feagin, Anthony Orum, and Gideon Sjoberg (eds.), Charlotte, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Leon Anderson. 2010. Review of Autoethnography as Method by Heewon Chang. Qualitative Research 10: 493-494.
Leon Anderson. 2006. “Researching Risk: A Review Essay.” (Review of Edgework: The Sociology of Risk Taking by Stephen Lyng (ed.), Risk and Everyday Life, by John Tulloch and Deborah Lupton; Heroic Efforts: The Emotional Culture of Search and Rescue Volunteers, by Jennifer Lois; and Embracing Risk: The Changing Culture of Insurance and Responsibility, by Tom Baker and Jonathan Simon (eds.). Symbolic Interaction 29: 577-584.
Daniel Cefai and Leon Anderson. 2003. Review of La tradition sociologique de Chicago 1892-1961.
by Jean-Michel Chapoulie. Symbolic Interaction 26: 347-350.
Leon Anderson. 2001. Review of Nowhere to Grow: Homeless and Runaway Adolescents and Their Families, by Les B. Whitbeck, and Dan R. Hoyt. Contemporary Sociology 30: 348-350.
Leon Anderson. 2000. Film Review of Taylor's Campaign, by Richard Cohen. Teaching Sociology 28: 96-97.
Leon Anderson. 1999. Review of The Public Realm: Exploring the City’s Quintessential Social Territory by Lyn Lofland, Symbolic Interaction 22: 285-287.
Leon Anderson. 1998. Review of Something Left to Lose: Personal Relations and Survival among New York’s Homeless by Gwendolyn Dordick. Social Forces 76: 1156-1158.
Leon Anderson. 1996. Review of Teen Mothers: Citizens or Dependents by Ruth Horowitz, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 25: 406-409.
Leon Anderson. 1996. Review of Paths to Homelessness by Doug Timmer, Stanley Eitzen and Kathryn Talley. The Annals 546: 171-178.
Jun Ayukawa and Leon Anderson. 1996. Review of Native and Newcomer: Making and Remaking a Japanese City by Jennifer Robertson. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 24: 485-487.
Leon Anderson. 1994. Review of Over the Edge: The Growth of Homelessness in the 1980s by Martha R. Burt. Contemporary Sociology 23: 46.
Leon Anderson and David Terry. 1992. Review of Streetwise by Elijah Anderson. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 21: 258-260.
Leon Anderson. 1991. Review of Selecting Ethnographic Informants by Jefferey C. Johnson and Experiencing Fieldwork by William B. Shaffir and Robert A. Stebbins (eds.). Contemporary Sociology 20: 459-60.
Leon Anderson. 1990. Review of Dilemmas of the American Self by John P. Hewitt. American Journal of Sociology 96: 497-499.
Leon Anderson and David Snow. 1990. Review of Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness. by Peter Rossi. Science 247: 1485-1486.
Leon Anderson. 1990. Review of The Discovery of Society, 4th ed., by Randall Collins and Michael Makowsky. Teaching Sociology 18: 241-243.
Leon Anderson. 1989. Review of Old Men of the Bowery by Carl I. Cohen and Jay Sokolovsky. American Journal of Sociology 95: 788-790.
Leon Anderson. 1989. Film Review of At Close Range. Teaching Sociology 17: 530-531.
Leon Anderson. 1989. Film Review of AIDS: Everything You and Your Family Need to Know. Teaching Sociology 17: 519-520.
Leon Anderson. 1989. Review of Identity and Community on the Alaskan Frontier by Lee J. Cuba. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 17: 491-95.
Curtis Smith and Leon Anderson. 2016. “Ideal Clients: Perceptions of Social Service Workers Who Work with the Homeless.” Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology. Denver, CO: October 2016.
Curtis Smith and Leon Anderson. “Targeting the Prime Downtrodden: Outreach Workers’ Strategies for Housing the Homeless.” American Sociological Association Meetings. Seattle, WA: August 2016.
Curtis Smith and Leon Anderson. “The Worst off, But Still Ready: Housing the Homeless.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Meetings. Seattle, WA: August 2016.
Leon Anderson, “Analytic Autoethnography,” Seminar Presentation, Fielding University, Sept. 2013.
Leon Anderson. “Deviance All the Way Down: The Deviance Process in Crime and Delinquency.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Meetings, New York, NY. August 2013.
Leon Anderson. “Flying the Friendly Skies: Technology, Commercialization, and Socialization in the Growth of Skydiving.” Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Meetings, New York, NY. August 2013.
Leon Anderson, “Getting and Keeping an Academic Job “Mentoring Session Panel Member, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Meetings, New York, NY. August 2013.
Leon Anderson and Ursula Castellano. “Researching Mental Health Courts.” Second Intermountain Mental Health Courts Conference. Logan, UT, July 1012.
Leon Anderson, “Criminalization of Mental Illness and the Promise of Mental Health Courts.” Utah State University, Kiger Hour Presentation, March 2012.
Leon Anderson and Mathew Austin. “Autoethnography in Sport and Leisure.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Meetings, Las Vegas, NV. August 2011.
Leon Anderson. “Three Pillars of the Sociological Promise.” Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society Lecture, University of Akron, Dept. of Sociology. April 2011.
Leon Anderson. Workshop Facilitator, CCAS Seminar for Department Chairs. Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences. Charlotte, NC. February 24-26, 2011.
Leon Anderson. Workshop Facilitator, CCAS Seminar for Department Chairs. Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences. San Diego, CA. October 7-10, 2010.