Affirmative Action Annual Compliance Review Worksheet
Year ______
County ______
The purpose of this annual report is to give each county an opportunity to assess whether they are in compliance with the USDA Affirmative Action requirements, and to make corrections if needed. The sequence of this form follows that of the Affirmative Action Summary Checklist used by HR when they conduct their on-site Affirmative Action reviews (see the resources section on this Affirmative Action website). Please refer to this and other resources found on this website when addressing Affirmative Action compliance. These are the items that an official Affirmative Action Audit by USDA will be examining.
- Files: Office Affirmative Action file is complete and up to date.______
- Clientele Contacts/Parity: Parity is understood and achieved.______
- Advisory Committees: Representative of program; Expansion
And Review committee is active; AA discussions are included in
meeting minutes; minutes also reflect presence and absence of
minority members of the group.______
- Expansion and Review Committee: Must be representative;
include 1/3 4H Youth; function and report according to
- By-Laws/ Operational Guidelines: Must include non-discrimination
- Mailing Lists: Coded by race and gender; no separate lists by
minority groups or by gender.______
- Participant Lists: Collect and maintain lists of all participants
coded by race for each group teaching events.______
- Announcements of Program Offerings/ Public Notification Plan:
Include the non-discrimination statement in the body/narrative;
maintain what was sent to media and what was printed by them;
if available, include photos of minority participants.______
- Mass Media Outlets. Grass Roots Organizations: Maintain a list
of mass media used and note which are targeted toward minority groups;
maintain a list of grass roots organizations and use to send program
announcements; discuss ways to get information to minorities.______
- Complaint Poster and Procedures: Properly display posters;
Assure that all staff and faculty know who should be contacted and
how if there is a discrimination complaint.______
- Club Boundaries/ Maps: 4-H and FCE club boundaries are
appropriately indicated on a map.______
- All Reasonable Efforts: Must be implemented and documented
for all clubs and programs that are out of parity for the target
- 4-H Camp Attendance: Assured that documented attempts to
achieve appropriate race and gender of volunteers and participants.______
- Staff Conference Minutes: Notation of AA discussion has been
included in staff meeting minutes at least once/ year.______
- ES237: Total 4-H enrollment by race is maintained.______
Signature of County Extension DirectorDate
UF IFAS Extension AA Annual Compliance Review Worksheet Revised 11/30/13Page 1