Nomination and Election Procedures

2010 Call for Leadership Nominations –IMC Georgia Chapter Board Members and Officers for 2011 Fiscal Year

The nomination system for the IMC Georgia Chapter board members and officers consists of members submitting nominations via an online form.

Text below outlines election procedures:


September 15: / Call for Nominations for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary (collectively referred to as "Officers") and Board of Directors nominations. (Only members can nominate; self-nominations are welcome)
October 6:
(3 weeks
/ Closing date for Board of Directors Nominations
October 22:
(2.5 weeks) / Closing date for Board of Directors nominees’ acceptance via submission of candidate statement
October 23 – 31: / Board of Directors nominees’ endorsement period by current board members; no limit on number of nominees a board member can endorse. Nomination Committee sends THANK YOU notes to members who submitted nominations as a professional courtesy.
November 2 - 16 / Members cast vote via web survey. This will serve as proxy for the Annual Members Meeting in November
November 17 / Annual Members Meeting for election of new Directors (this is done in person or via proxy submitted during the electronic casted votes)
November 30: / Board of Directors electronically ratifies results of Officer elections
December 15:
/ Final results of new Board of Directors and Chapter Officers election announced during the December Members meeting and also via electronic communication to all members
January 12, 2011 / Board and Officer Training session 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
January 19 2011: / Official Installation of the new Chapter Board and Officers at the Event

IMC Members are encouraged to put forward nominees for Directors and the Officer positions, including:

  • President
  • President Elect
  • Vice President of Membership
  • Vice President of Marketing
  • Vice President of Programs
  • Vice President of Certification
  • Vice President of Strategic Alliances
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary.

Nominations and elections will follow the schedule detailed in the Timeline above.
All successful candidates will take office on January of the following year. Directors will serve three year terms and Officers will serveone year terms concurrently as Officers and Directors, followed by two additional one year terms as Directors.
In order to be eligible to be an Officer candidate, a person must be an IMC member in good standing, and must pledge to make every reasonable effort to attend teleconferences and Boardmeetings, as well as the face-to-face meetings and events of the IMC Georgia Chapter.
The online nomination form requires the name, affiliation, and e-mail address of the person being nominated, along with an assurance that the indicated person meets the qualifications and is willing to stand for election for the position in question. This form also requests a few sentences of justification that makes the strongest case possible for the nominee.


Each candidate for office will complete an online questionnaire requesting the following. Especially important is the last question in which the candidate states his/her goals and objectives if elected to be an office holder of IMC.

  • Name, Position Title, Address
  • E-mail Address, Telephone, Cell
  • Education: Institution and Degree[s]
  • Year(s), Field(s) of Professional Consulting Experience
  • CMC Certification Status
  • Honors, Awards, publications,other significant contributions to the Management Consulting Profession and to the community at large
  • Statement of Issues of Greatest Importance to IMC
  • Statement of Personal Objectives for IMC Georgia Chapter

From the collection of nominees, the Nomination Committee will evaluate the candidates and, from this evaluation, select a credentialed list for presentation to the Board of Directors for their review. The main criteria for this evaluation will be the following criteria:

  • Evidence of willingness to carry out the responsibilities of the office.
  • The quality of the statement regarding goals while in office will be heavily weighted in the decision. Diversificationof backgrounds to enhance the make-up of the Board. Achievements (relatively young consultants will have an equal chance with more seasoned ones).

Voting and announcement of results will take place following the schedule detailed in the Timeline above.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS – From the Bylaws



The affairs of the Chapter, including but not limited to its overall policy, general control of activities, funds, membership, property and programs, shall be vested in a Board of Directors of the Chapter, subject to the rules, regulations, policies, directions and oversight of the Board of Directors of the Institute.


The Board of Directors shall consist of such number of members as the Board may from time to time designate. The majority of the Board of Directors shall be Certified Management Consultants. The Immediate Past President shall be a member of the Board of Directors.


Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a vote of the membership in person or by proxy. One third (1/3) of the members shall be elected each year to serve for a term of three (3) years, or until their successors have been elected and have assumed office.


No member of the Board of Directors who has served two consecutive full three-year terms shall be eligible for reelection until at least two years have elapsed, provided, however, that a director who is also an elected officer shall be eligible for reelection for so long as such a director serves as an elected officer.



The elected officers of the Chapter shall be a President, President Elect, at least one Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers as the Board of Directors may from time to time establish. Officers shall be elected by the members at the Annual Meeting and serve until their successors have been duly elected and have assumed office. Officers shall assume office immediately upon election.


Officers shall serve until the next Annual Meeting, or until they are removed or resign. Officers may be reelected twice for successive one-year terms following their initial election. No person who has served for three years in one office may be elected to the same office until at least two years have elapsed. Appointed officers shall serve at the pleasure of the President. The Board of Directors may remove any appointed officer from office at any time.



The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. The President’s duties shall be such as such title by general usage would indicate, as may be specified by the Board of Directors or assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Chapter or of the Institute, and as may be required by the law or described in these Bylaws.


The President-elect shall have such other powers and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to the President-elect by the Board of Directors or by the President. In case of the absence or disability of the President, the duties of that office shall be performed by the President-elect.Automatically succeeds to President in the following term. Recruits Board members to lead the organization in the succeeding term.


A Vice President shall execute such duties and responsibilities as the President or Board of Directors may assign. All Vice Presidents form a committee of various members to help in the execution of their activities.

  • Vice President of Membership: The membership chair’s responsibility is to develop and execute strategies and activities that will attract new members and retain existing members to the organization. The VP works collaborative with the chapter’s Administrative Assistance for communication and other issues related to membership
  • Vice President of Marketing: Responsible for developing and direct general marketing campaigns to promote IMC's mission and purpose and ensure these are coordinated with recruitment and retention activity. Producesand edits newsletter, coordinate stories and production, recruit members to write articles. Finds new ways to utilize the web site for communication with members. Works collaborative with the chapter’s Administrative Assistant for events posting on web sites and other marketing support activities.
  • Vice President of Programs: Responsible for planning and directing the Georgia Chapter’s professional development and programming activities in ways that help meet the professional development and business-social needs of members. The VP works collaboratively with other board officers and committee members to fulfill the Programs and Professional Development Committee mission.
  • Vice President of Certification. Responsible for coordinating and facilitating the CMC certification process for IMC members. May serve in certification panels as needed.
  • Vice President of Strategic Alliances: To establish relationships that support the Chapter Vision and Mission that result in a variety of benefits to the chapter and its members: enhanced events, revenue, work for consultants, awareness in the community.


The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds kept by the Chapter, shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Chapter from all sources whatsoever, shall deposit all such moneys in the name of the Chapter in such banks, trust companies, or other institutions as shall be selected by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Directors of the Institute, and in general shall perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the President or by the Board of Directors of the Chapter or of the Institute.


The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors in one or more books provided for that purpose, shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law, shall be the custodian of the records of the Chapter, keep a register of post-office addresses of each member which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such member; and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the President or by the Board of Directors of the Chapter or of the Institute.


The newly elected Board Directors and Officers will have a training session on January 12, 2011 from 2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. This should help ease of transition into their new positions in the chapter’s leadership.

Proposal for Board and Officer Nomination 2010 from Manola Robison (8-27-2010)Page 1