September 28, 2014
10:00 AM ServiceRev. W. Oord
Pre-service Songs: (S) 66, (S) 90
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn: 389
Law of God
Hymn of Response: 74:1-3
Hymn: 210:1,2
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation: 406
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 40:1-8
New Testament Reading: Romans 15:1-7
Text: Romans 15:4; Lord’s Day 1
Theme: My Only Comfort
I. A Biblical Word
II. The Word Defended
III. The Things Necessary
Prayer of Application
*Hymn of Thanks: 459
Offering: Budget & Rehoboth Christian Ministries
*Doxology: 211:4, 23
*Benediction / 6:00 PM Service
Rev. W. Oord
Pre-service Songs: (S) 75, (S) 99
Call to Worship
Silent Prayer & singing of #489
*Votum and Salutation
*Opening Hymn: 192
Our Creed
Hymn: 257
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation: 381
Gospel Reading: Matthew 16:13-20
New Testament Reading: I John 4:11-15
Text: I John 4:14
Theme: The Saviour of the World
I. The Saviour
II. The World
III. The Confession
Prayer of application
*Hymn of Thanks: 373
Offering: Rehoboth Christian Ministries
*Doxology: 493
*Denotes invitation to stand
e welcome all visitors who are worshiping with us. We pray for a blessing as we receive the Word with open hearts that we may apply it to our lives. Please join us for refreshments after our A.M. service.
Pastors: Rev. Hank Van der Woerd: 403.524.2982; Bulletin: Brenda Vroom: 403.329.9025,
Rev. Wybren Oord: 403.320.1474; deadline: Thurs 8 PM
Rev. Jelle Tuininga, Minister Emeritus Church phone: 403.327.6434
Clerk email: Deacons:
Church Bookings: Alice Houweling; 403.320.2416
Elders: A. Barwegen, A. Brandsma, J. Bekkering, S. Bos, H. Doeve (Chairman), D. Greidanus, J. Halma,
H. Halma, M. Houweling, P. Houweling (Vice-Chair), P. Kamper, B. Konynenbelt (Clerk), D. Mazereeuw,
J. Nymeyer, G. Post, P. Schalk, G. Vanderwal, L. VE Petersman, M. Van Hill, D. Veldman, D. Visser, L. Ypma
Deacons: K. Barwegen (Clerk), D. Hiemstra, C. Poelman, B. Langendoen, R. VE Petersman (Chairman),
M. Vanderwal (Treasurer), R. Winkelaar
RENEWING YOUR MIND-WEEKEND EDITION!No longer available locally as CKVN is now off the air, taken over and changed to a non-Christian format (the Bridge).
FROM VOICE OF THE MARTYRS – India -Radical Hindus attacked a Christian family during a prayer meeting in their home. "Kollol" and his wife were beaten and then dragged to a Hindu temple where they were forced to undergo a ritual "cleansing.” The two daughters were then beaten as well. Community members later evicted the family from the village, threatening to kill them if they returned. Pray for the perpetrators of this attack as well as India's new government leaders thatthey may repent and come to accept Christ as their Saviour.
IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS - The Board is inviting Society members to an Alternate School Proposal Recap Information meeting this Monday September 29, 2014 beginning at 7:30 pm at the Elementary School. All previous information regarding the proposal will be reviewed. Subsequent voting meetings will occur as follows:
Thursday, October 2 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at ICES
Friday, October 3 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at ICES
Saturday, October 4 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at ICHS
TAKE A STAND FOR LIFE IN YOUR COMMUNITY by participating in this year'sLife Chainon Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014 from 2:00 -3:00 pm along Mayor Magrath Drive South, Lethbridge.Meet at the west parking lot in front of Japanese Gardens – Henderson Lake at 1:45 p.m. to pick up your sign and join us for brief opening remarks and prayer. Every day in Canada almost 300 children lose their life to abortion (and 300 women and families are deeply scarred in the process). In obedience to God's word in Proverbs 31:8, Christians are invited to be a voice for the voiceless through apeaceful, prayerful and positive witness to the truth about abortion. For more information, visit, or call 403.320.5433.
If you live in the Taber area, you can participate in the TABER LIFE CHAIN- 50th St at Taber Civic Center, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. also on Sunday, October 5; call Erna Moedt at 403-223-3103.
You are invited to the Annual Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Trinity Young People this Friday, October 3, 2014 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Come out for an evening of good food and great company. There will be games for the kids. A donation box will be at the door and the funds raised will be used towards future RYS Conventions and Gleaners. If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Post, Nellie Konynenbelt or Glenda Barwegen. Hope to see you there!TODAY - Rev. Oord is scheduled to preach at the Taber CanRC this afternoon.
KNIT forKIDS - Starting with a ball of yarn, bought or donated, handy hands turn this yarn into beautiful sweaters and warm toques. Willing people bring boxes full of sweaters down to Mexico to the "Mount of Olives, Children Village", where the Lord has opened up avenues for Mission teams to go out among the people living in poverty. Many of our youth and adults have been part of this Mission, bringing a smile, a cup of soup or a hot meal, reaching out to the people with God's Word and handing out the warm sweaters and toques for the children. What an awesome way to be involved in this small endeavor in God's Kingdom. Pray for the people that the work may be blessed.A big THANK YOU for the 40 sweaters and 37 toques, turned in this round. Also, thank you for the suitcases.Curious about this program? Give me a call at 403.329.6233 - Lenie van Eeden Petersman
RMS Trip Opportunities: October 1 is the deadline to be a part of the work in Mexico and El Salvador. Go to our website (, create an account, and then register for either one of these exciting trips. SAVE THE DATE! RMS has another trip to the Mount of Olives Children’s village scheduled for the week of January 17-24. Details will be on-line soon!
RMS-VBS Opportunity: Did your church host a VBS program this past summer? Would you consider donating the materials to RMS to be used on a future VBS trip? Or, better yet, would you consider taking that program you did to a church plant or smaller church nearby next summer? July 2014, Faith URC of Holland, MI took their program to Sioux Falls URC in Sioux Falls, SD to help them with a VBS event in their neighborhood. You could too! Contact Rob at for more details how you can help out!
DEACON REQUEST: "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
The deacons request the gifts of the congregation for a family of our church who are in need of assistance. We are requesting volunteers to prepare freezer meals, baking, house cleaning and childcare. For further information where your gifts can be used in service please contact Ryan Van Eeden Petersman at or 403-380-2364.
SOUTHERN ALBERTA ARPA AGM this Monday, Sept. 29: All are invited to come out to Southern Alberta's Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA) annual general meeting to be held in the gym of our church at 8:00 pm. We will recap the past year and look ahead to coming projects and concerns. We will also hold elections for the executive positions of chair, treasurer, vice president (new position) and director (new position). We are still accepting names for these positions (email ). We will have WeNeedALaw decals available for you to put on your vehicle back windows. If you are know someone interested in getting involved, please encourage them to come along. It is a great time to join.
September 28Organist: AM Elaine Van Hill
Organist: PM John Lobbezoo
Greeters: Tony & Aly Heins
Offerings: Budget & Rehoboth / October 5
Organist: AM Maria Barwegen
Organist: PM Sheila Ypma
Greeters: Barb & Gerry Vanderwal
Offerings: Budget & Lethbridge Pro-Life
AM Sleepers: Barbara Halma, Marlene Hoogerdijk, Arlene Feenstra, Kristin Houweling, Pamela Veldman;
AM Creepers Heidi Oldenburger, Linda Nymeyer, Katelynn Schalk, Faith Mazereeuw;
AM Leapers: Alyssa Ingold, Annet Beumer,
Devan Schalk, Russell Van Reeuwyk;
PM Sleepers: Nellie Konynenbelt, Annette Mercer, Laura Veldman, Eileen Ingold,
Kathryn Hanna;
PM Creepers: Marianne Hanna, Taryn Post,
Caitlyn Veldman, Rachel Ypma.
Library: Barb Vanderwal
Mother of the Month: Cheryl Winkelaar, Sept
Van Driver: Glenn Post (Sept)
After Church Coffee: Doug Greidanus, Sept.
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 10, John Bekkering / Nursery:
AM Sleepers: Yvonne Winkelaar, Sandy Van Reeuwyk, Julie Konynenbelt, Deb Oord,
Leah Ingold;
AM Creepers: Michelle Senneker, Taylor Brandsma, Mirthe Kleinjan, Mikaela Konynenbelt;
AM Leapers: Monica Van Dasselaar, Brenda Vroom, Eric Van Reeuwyk;
PM Sleepers: Sylvia Veldman, Justine Veldman, Michelle Van Reeuwyk, Kirsten Scholten, Jorike Bennen;
PM Creepers: Chantelle Konynenbelt, Karolyn Hanna, Kimberly Feenstra, Heidi VE Petersman.
Library: Heidi Veldman
Mother of the Month: Naomi Vanderwal, Oct.
Van Driver: Henry Prosper (Oct)
After Church Coffee: Andy Brandsma, Oct.
Singing at Legacy & G.A. (2:15 & 3:00):
Group 11, Young Peoples
OFFERING TODAY is for Rehoboth Christian Ministries - Rehoboth seeks to convey God's love to persons with disabilities and their families by "making room" for them through personal support, advocacy, public education, and by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and meaningful participation in society.
OFFERING NEXT WEEK is for Lethbridge Pro-Life, where they "courageously protect and preserve human life from conception to natural death by changing the attitude and mindset of the public about the inherent value of a human life, regardless of the function or ability of a particular human life, and to do so through education, advice support, example, and the offering of viable alternatives to actions that destroy life."
CROSSROADS COUNSELLING CENTRE invites you to celebrate “New Beginnings” with us! Our Annual Fundraising Dinner will be held on Friday, October 24, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in our fellowship hall. Tickets may be obtained or reserved by calling Crossroads at 327-7080; no charge.
Current Week – September 28 – October 4, 2014
Today: AM – Lesson 4 for After Church Sunday School Grades 7-10 Catechism Classes
PM – Young Peoples’ Board meets after the evening service
- Young Adults have apologetics lesson 1, hosted at church by Courtney/James Halma
- TIF Bible study kick off social at Brian and Alyssa Visscher’s
Monday: 7:00 p.m. – Monday Night Coffee Break
7:30 p.m. - Immanuel Chr. School Alternate School Proposal Recap Info meeting at ICES
7:30 p.m. – Lethbridge Christian Women’s Choir at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
8:00 p.m. - Southern Alberta ARPA AGM meeting at our church
Tuesday: 9:45 a.m. - Coffee Break and Story Hour
7:00 p.m. - Catechism-Grades 11 12
7:00 p.m. - Cadets
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. - Bridal Shower for Gabrielle Vasas in the fellowship hall; all ladies welcome!
7:30 p.m. - Lethbridge Christian Men’s Choir at Wilson Middle School
Friday: 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, hosted by Young Peoples
Oct. 5: Annual Life Chain on Mayor Magrath Drive South from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Oct. 6: Council Meeting
Oct. 9: CLAC’s National Convention Banquet in Edmonton; 5:30 PM, Shaw Convention Centre
Oct. 12: Communion
Oct. 13: Thanksgiving Day Service – 10:00 AM
Oct. 17: Creation Ministries Speaker
Oct. 24: Wedding Ceremony of Gabrielle Vasas & Joel Houweling at 1:00 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian
Oct. 24: Crossroads Awareness and Fundraising Dinner at 6:00 p.m. in our church
Oct. 31: Reformation evening - Guest speaker: Dr. Cornel Venema in our church; 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 31: Rev. Oord speaks in Calgary at Bethel URC's Reformation Day Service
Nov. 1: Breakfast meeting - Office Bearers’ Conference, beginning at 9:00 AM in our church
Nov. 1: Mid-America Reformed Seminary fundraising dinner (PM) in our church
Nov. 1: Rev. Oord leads a conference at Bethel URC on the authority and confidence of the Holy Scriptures
Nov. 2: Rev. Oord preaches at Bethel URC in Calgary in the AM
Nov. 6, 7: Classis meeting in Abbotsford; Rev. Van der Woerd and Matthew Houweling, delegates
Nov. 22: ICS Annual Fundraising Bazaar
Dec. 5, 6: Dr. Joel Beeke Conference at Parkland Reformed Church of Ponoka; covenant children/marriage
Dec. 19: Sunday School Christmas Program
OUR SUNDAY NIGHT TOGETHER IN FAITH (TIF) BIBLE STUDY will have a kick-off social to discuss material tonight at Brian and Alyssa Visscher's house. If you are unable to make it tonight but would still like to be part of our group, or if you need more information, please talk to Nadyne Alaric.
This morning we witness the Sacrament of Baptism as it is administered to Brylee Lynn, infant daughter of Sonny and Allison Wierenga. How pleasant it is to be reminded of God’s faithfulness to His promises throughout the generations.
After a brief time at home, William Doeve was readmitted to the hospital. We pray for his continued recovery.
J. C. Scheurkogel was admitted to the hospital after sustaining a broken shoulder in a fall. We pray that the Lord will keep him comfortable and that his body is able to heal.
We rejoice with Lawren & Gale Guldemond in the birth of a daughter, Evelyn Louise. Indeed, children are a blessing from the Lord! We anticipate witnessing the sacrament of baptism for Evelyn next Sunday morning.
Clazina Aarsen was admitted to the hospital on Thursday with an infection. We pray that she may receive the care and treatment needed that she may experience a complete recovery.
“Many of you have been asking why September has come and gone and Paisley hasn't had yet surgery. Doctors decided not to proceed with more nasal surgery at this point; thanks to the fantastic results that were achieved by using the appliance. O praise the Lord for He is good! The next major step to her reconstruction is a bone graft once all her baby teeth are in.” Eric & Michelle Senneker
“Dear Church Family,We thank you sincerely for all the help we received and all the concern shown to us during the past two months. We thank and praise God, who sent the right people at the right time; all our needs were wonderfully met. Recovery is still ongoing with physiotherapy and we are well on our way.” Thanks so much! Cor & Hennie Korver