Meeting Minutes for May 29, 2008 Meeting between

CM Johnson and Cm Jack Webb

Bill #2008-344

Topic: Criteria for JALA Bill

Location: Conference Room B – City Hall – St. James Building; 117, West Duval St, Suite 425, Jacksonville, FL

In Attendance: CM Jack Webb;CM Clay Yarborough;CM Denise Lee; CM Glorious Johnson, Excused Absence; Peggy Sidman, GCO; Michael Figgins, JALA; Wight Greger, Dir. Of Housing & Neighborhoods; Janice Billy, CAO; Paul McCormick & Kelly White, The McCormick Agency; & ECA’s Sandra Lane & Suzie Loving.

Meeting Convened: 4:20 p.m.

* CM Webb asked for introductions and welcomed all to the meeting. He explained that the Michael Figgins from JALA had reached out to CM Hyde and himself several months ago after listening to the Florida CFO Alex Sink discuss the looming foreclosure crisis. Mr. Figgins wanted to find the funding to educate and defend the public with these bad loans. He would like to open an office specifically to assist the public with this problem.

* Michael Figgins state that the funding would be used to provide legal assistance and defense against foreclosures. Educate citizens about foreclosure, loans sold, predatory lenders and evictions. The information his office has leads them to believe that there will be an epidemic of foreclosures in District 8.

* Paul McCormick read and email from CW Johnson dated 02/19/08. “Thanks to you and JALA for your tireless efforts in helping so many people in the Jacksonville community save their homes”.

* According to Peggy Sidman, 59,000is in a Special Contingency Fund for the program. While serving on the Ad Hoc Committee CM Webb was informed that there was $450,000 left from the IKON (Library) law suit settlement. This was not part of the Jacksonville Library’s 2% below the line. The Administration agreed to put aside $125,000 of this money to be allocated for JALA’s needs. The other $375,000 to remain in a Special Reserve Contingency Fund.

* CW Lee noted that the bill had been deferred because there was no criteria for the use of the money. She questioned what the money would be used for: Education was the answer and she replied that education in District 8 did not move her; the City has many needs for funding for constituents, i.e. the money could be reallocated to the BrewerCenter. It does not matter what district the education is needed. CW Lee noted that JALA should get a city-wide map and position the areas with the most foreclosures then decide the location of the office so it would serve Districts 7, 8, 9 and 10. CM Lee brought up questions about the types of advertising JALA would use; Mr. McCormick from The McCormick Agency mentioned the television stations doing public service announcements and that he had gotten an agreement from Marty Lanahan that each bank

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in Jacksonville would be contacted for donations to assist with the project. CW Lee added that comprehensive efforts should be made to advertise with PSA, AME, Baptist

Brotherhood, Television, Small Business Associations, DCF, JEA, the Welfare Office, Catholic Charities, HUD, etc.

* Michael Figgins proposed that the funding would be used to establish a community presence; hopefully finding an office rent free, hiring one attorney, salary $80,000 a year with benefits and a support staff person. The rest of the money would be used to support the efforts of Lynn Drysdale and April Charney, members of JALA’s Foreclosure Defense Team who are recognized as national experts in fighting foreclosures.The funding would allow each attorney to bill 15 hours a week at $65.00 per hour. (See JALA memo attached).

* Wight Greger, Director of Housing & Neighborhoods joined the meeting and explained that her department had received $350, 000 for foreclosure mitigation. The criteria for them for the funding was for assisting with counseling, payments and advertising. The money received could not be used for attorney fees. They had just received a $25,000 grant from Bank of America to be used for advertising. Paul McCormick asked if the agencies could be integrated, Ms. Greger explained that an RFP had been put out earlier

in the year and the bid was won by Family Foundation. It would serve the citizens well if all would work together to get the problems resolved. There public relations information was scheduled to be ready in the very near future.

* Michael Figgins agreed that he would do a proposal (criteria) similar to the housing proposal that Wight Greger’s office had had approved by City Council.

* Peggy Sidman gave an overview of what the bill should include; a special account to be determined for the funds; a contract to be attached as exhibit and attach a public relations program. to the bill. She suggested that CM Webb be available for the next Finance Meeting for questions and CM Hyde would be asked to answer questions at the next Public Health and Safety Meeting.

* CM Webb adjourned the meeting at 5:15 P.M.